Child and parental acceptance of preformed metal crowns

Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 11 - Trang 218-224 - 2012
S. J. Bell1, A. G. Morgan1, Z. Marshman1, H. D. Rodd1
1Department of Oral Health and Development, School of Dentistry, Claremont Crescent, Sheffield, UK

Tóm tắt

AIM: To assess child and parent acceptance of preformed metal crowns (PMCs). STUDY DESIGN: This was a service evaluation using a child- and parent-centred self-report questionnaire in a convenience sample of hospital patients. METHODS: Questionnaires were developed with serviceusers and issued to 98 children who had received a PMC on a primary molar within the paediatric dentistry clinic, Sheffield Dental Hospital, UK. Children used a pictorial Likert scale to rate their treatment experience and views on PMCs. Parents were also asked to complete a 5-item questionnaire, to explore their attitudes towards the PMC and how they felt their child had coped with treatment. Both children and parents were invited to comment in a free-text box on any other issues relating to PMCs. Clinical data were extrapolated from the child’s dental records as follows: child’s age and gender; status of clinician who had placed the PMC (staff or student), and technique for PMC placement (Hall technique or conventional). RESULTS: 62 questionnaires were completed (63% response rate). The mean age of the child participants was 6.6 years (SD±1.51; range=3.8–10.3), and 65% (n=40) were male. Most children found the clinical procedure acceptable with 54.8% (n=34) reporting it was ‘really easy’, with no significant differences according to placement technique, or the experience level of the operator (P<0.05, chi-squared test). Only 4.8% (n=3) of parents expressed strong objections to the appearance. Both children and parents felt the clinical rationale had been fully explained to them (88.7%, n=55 and 100%, n=62 respectively). Themes commonly identified from the children’s accounts related to specialness, function and recollections of the treatment, with the perception that PMCs were valued for being different. CONCLUSIONS: This study revealed that PMCs were mainly viewed favourably by children and their parents. Clinicians who have been reluctant to use this restorative approach may be encouraged by these findings. However, communication and clinical expertise are paramount in ensuring children and parents have positive treatment experiences and attitudes towards PMCs.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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