Restoration of Primary Teeth with crowns: a systematic review of the literature
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Aim: To review the literature concerning the restoration of primary teeth with pre-formed crowns (PMC). Methods: A search of the dental literature was made electronically using the key words: stainless steel crowns primary molars, nick-el-ion crowns primary molars, nickel chrome crowns primary molars, preformed crowns primary molars, esthetic crowns primary molars, aesthetic crowns primary molars, and metal crowns primary molars. All papers were read and assessed for their relevance to paediatric dentistry and then graded according to a predetermined set of criteria. The relevant papers that met nearly 100% of the criteria were graded A; 75% grade B1; more than 50% graded B2 and all others were graded C. Results: Using all the search key words, 112 papers were found, and fourteen were acceptable. Of these none were rated grade A or B1, seven B2 and seven C. Failure rates of PMC varied between 1.9 and 30.3%. In all studies the failure rate of PMC was lower than other comparable restorations and in some studies this was statistically significant. The review indicated there is some evidence as to the efficacy and value of using pre-formed metal crowns for primary molars. Conclusion: Preformed metal crowns were indicated for the restoration of badly broken down primary molars and their success rate was superior to all other restorative materials. However, there was an obvious lack of prospective well-controlled studies and more research is needed
Tài liệu tham khảo
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