Zeitschrift für Präventivmedizin
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Action physiologique de l'acroléine chez la souris
Zeitschrift für Präventivmedizin - Tập 14 - Trang 317-318 - 1969
Orale Immunisierung mit abgetöteten Bakterien
Zeitschrift für Präventivmedizin - Tập 17 - Trang 73-79 - 1972
Das Problem der präventiven Maßnahmen gegen Enterointektionen ist nach wie vor aktuell und von Zeit zu Zeit sogar akut. Es wird über veränderte epidemiologische Faktoren in der Welt gesprochen, die als Folge der Massenbewegungen im allgemeinen und des auf alle Kontinente ausgedehnten Massentourismus im besonderen zu betrachten sind. Die orale Immunisierung bietet eine Möglichkeit, sich vor Enteroinfektionen zu schützen. Es werden die orale Immunisierung gegen Typhus und Paratyphus, die schon eine gewisse Tradition haben, und ein neuer Vorschlag der oralen Immunisierung gegen Cholera besprochen.
Comments regarding “On prognosis” by William Farr (1838), with reconstruction of his longitudinal analysis of smallpox recovery and death rates
Zeitschrift für Präventivmedizin - Tập 48 - Trang 285-289 - 2003
Appropriateness of methadone maintenance treatment for opiate addiction: evaluation by an expert panel
Zeitschrift für Präventivmedizin - Tập 48 - Trang S1-S14 - 2003
With some 30 000 dependent persons, opiate addiction constitutes
a major public health problem in Switzerland. The Swiss
Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) has long played a leading
role in the prevention and treatment of opiate addiction
and in research on effective means of containing the epidemic
of opiate addiction and its consequences. Major milestones on
that path have been the successive “Methadone reports” published
by that Office and providing guidance on the care of opiate
addiction with substitution treatment. In view of updating
the recommendations for the appropriateness of substitution
treatment for opiate addiction, in particular for the prescription
of methadone, the FOPH commissioned a multi-component
project involving the following elements.
The present report documents the process and summarises the
results of the latter element above.
The RAND appropriateness method (RAM) was used to distil
from literature-based evidence and systematically formulated
expert opinion, areas where consensus exist on the appropriateness
(or inappropriateness) of methadone maintenance
treatment (MMT) and areas where disagreement or uncertainty
persist and which should be further pursued. The major areas which were addressed by this report are
Summary statements for each of the above categories are derived
from the panel meeting and presented in the report.
In the “first round”, agreement was observed for 31% of the
553 theoretical scenarios evaluated. The “second round” rating,
following discussion of divergent ratings, resulted in a much
higher agreement among panellists, reaching 53% of the 537
scenarios. Frank disagreement was encountered for 7% of all
scenarios. Overall 49% of the clinical situations (scenarios) presented
were considered appropriate. The areas where at least
50% of the situations were considered appropriate were “initial
assessment of candidates for MMT”, the “appropriate settings
for initiation of MMT”, the “appropriate settings for
methadone supportive treatment” and “Appropriateness of
other (non-methadone) substitution treatment”. The area
where there was the least consensus on appropriateness concerned
”appropriateness of withdrawal from MMT” (6%). The report discusses the implications and limitations of the
panel results and provides recommendations for the dissemination,
application, and future use of the criteria for the appropriateness
of MMT. The RAND Appropriateness Method proved to be an accepted
and appreciated method to assess the appropriateness of methadone maintenance treatment for opiate addicts. In the
next step, the results of the expert panel process must now be
combined with those of the Swiss and international literature reviews
and the survey of current attitudes and practices in Switzerland,
to be synthesized into formal practice guidelines. Such
guidelines should be disseminated to all concerned, promoted,
used and rigorously evaluated for compliance and outcome.
Leisure time physical activity in scotland: Trends 1987–1991 and the effect of question wording
Zeitschrift für Präventivmedizin - - 1992
Patientenhilfe und Gesundheitsvorsorge im Schatten des öffentlichen Gesundheitswesens
Zeitschrift für Präventivmedizin - Tập 29 - Trang 111-114 - 1984
Die schweizerischen Gesundheitsligen lassen sich nur schwer gemeinsam charakterisieren. Sie unterscheiden sich in bezug auf ihr Arbeitsfeld, ihre Dienstleistungen, die Zahl und Art ihrer Mitglieder, ihre Führungsstruktur ohne Stellung im öffentlichen Gesundheitswesen und ihre Finanzierung sehr stark. Mit Hilfe von privaten Spenden, Mitteln der öffentlichen Hand und starkem ehrenamtlichem Einsatz von Fachleuten und Laien bieten sie ein vielfältiges, speziellen Bedürfnissen angepasstes Angebot von Dienstleistungen, das eine wertvolle, in der Diskussion um Kosten und Struktur oft vergessene Ergänzung zu unserem öffentlichen Gesundheitswesen darstellt.
Situation internationale de la vaccination contre l'hépatite B en 1998
Zeitschrift für Präventivmedizin - Tập 43 - Trang S118-S120 - 1998
Building capacity for risk factor surveillance in developing countries: a new approach
Zeitschrift für Präventivmedizin - Tập 50 - Trang S33-S37 - 2005
The need to create surveillance systems that go beyond data release and generate useful, relevant and accessible information has been widely recognized. To reach this goal the design and implementation of surveillance systems should consider not only technical issues but aspects that guarantee their sustainability and utility and more important, the utilization of surveillance data for resource allocation and planning of health programs and interventions. Until now key issues have been neglected, such as political will, community involvement, decision-making processes and accountability in surveillance outcomes. For many years we have faced the same problems, all within an epidemiological mosaic where infectious and communicable diseases coexist, with limited capacity to conduct surveillance, low priority given by decision-makers, lack of resources, scarce utilization of information, competing priority between chronic, infectious diseases and risk factors surveillance. Technical, management and political approaches involving new partnerships, new ways to involve different stakeholders in the process, new methods and tools, ways to overcome resource restrictions and improve surveillance effectiveness, have to be achieved. An alternative approach has been suggested to meet the above problems and to make surveillance socially responsible; relevant and effective, not only for reporting, but for its contribution to produce the needed health changes and sustain these outcomes. The vision, strategies, methods, tools and results of a community-based surveillance system are presented. Three aspects are addressed, the context in which the surveillance is applied; the theory supporting behavioural risk factor surveillance; the perspectives, goals, solutions and lessons learned from previous experience.
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