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Assuming that numerical scores are available for the performance of each of n persons on each of n jobs, the “assignment problem” is the quest for an assignment of persons to jobs so that the sum of the n scores so obtained is as large as possible. It is shown that ideas latent in the work of two Hungarian mathematicians may be exploited to yield a new method of solving this problem.
Each of a collection of items are to be produced on two machines (or stages). Each machine can handle only one item at a time and each item must be processed through machine one and then through machine two. The setup time plus work time for each item for each machine is known. A simple decision rule is obtained in this paper for the optimal scheduling of the production so that the total elapsed time is a minimum. A three‐machine problem is also discussed and solved for a restricted case.
In recent papers by Kirkpatrick et al., an analogy between the statistical mechanics of large multivariate physical systems and combinatorial optimization has been presented and used to develop a general strategy for solving discrete optimization problems. The method relies on probabilistically accepting intermediate increases in the objective function through a set of user‐controlled parameters. It is argued that by taking such controlled uphill steps, from time to time, a high quality solution can eventually be found in a moderate amount of computer time. In this paper, we implement this idea, apply it to the traveling salesman problem and the
Many optimization problems occur in both theory and practice when one has to optimize an objective function while an infinite number of constraints must be satisfied. The aim of this paper in to describe methods of handling such problems numerically in an effective manner. We also indicate a number of applications.
A single machine is available to process a collection of stochastic jobs. There may be technological constraints on the job set. The machine sometimes breaks down. Costs are incurred and rewards are earned during processing. We seek strategies for processing the jobs which maximize the total expected reward earned.
Consider an experiment in which only record‐breaking values (e.g., values smaller than all previous ones) are observed. The data available may be represented as
A job shop must fulfill an order for
Processes with “constant marginal production efficiency” are investigated. The revealed structure allows efficient exact computation of optimal policy. The resulting minimal cost exhibits a consistent (but not universal) pattern whereby higher quality of production is advantageous even at proportionately higher marginal cost.