Wiener klinische Wochenschrift

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Das kleinzellige Bronchialkarzinom
Wiener klinische Wochenschrift - Tập 119 - Trang 697-710 - 2007
Stefan Hoschek, Ursula Hoschek-Risslegger, Michael Fiegl, August Zabernigg, Georg Pall, Thomas Auberger, Eberhard Gunsilius, Thomas Schmid, Herbert Jamnig, Wolfgang Hilbe
Das kleinzellige Bronchialkarzinom (Small Cell Lung Cancer, SCLC) stellt mit ungefähr 20% einen wesentlichen Teil der Bronchialkarzinome dar. Beim SCLC konnten in den letzten zwanzig Jahren viele klinisch relevante Verbesserungen erzielt werden. Im Vergleich zum nichtkleinzelligen Bronchialkarzinom (Non Small Cell Lung Cancer, NSCLC) gelingt der Fortschritt hier jedoch nur in kleinen Schritten. Die Grundlage einer optimalen Behandlung beinhaltet heute eine interdisziplinäre Therapieplanung. Im lokalisierten Stadium stellt die Radiochemotherapie die Standardbehandlung dar. Dabei gilt eine platinhältige Kombinationstherapie nach wie vor als Goldstandard. Eine moderne dreidimensional geplante Strahlentherapie sollte so früh wie möglich konkordant zur Chemotherapie und im Einzelfall sogar hyperfraktioniert erfolgen. Im Frühstadium ist im Einzelfall auch eine operative Sanierung zu erwägen. Im fortgeschrittenen Stadium zeigt eine platinhältige Kombinationschemotherapie die besten Resultate. Bei Tumorremission ist sowohl im Frühstadium als auch im fortgeschrittenen Stadium eine prophylaktische Schädelbestrahlung indiziert. In der Zweitliniensituation und bei reduziertem Allgemeinzustand wird der Einsatz von Topotecan empfohlen. Pemetrexed könnte sich ähnlich wie beim NSCLC ebenfalls in der Zweitlinientherapieals Alternative etablieren. Bei den gezielten Tumortherapien sind die Daten zu Bevacizumab erfolgversprechend. In dieser Übersichtsarbeit werden die historischen Meilensteine und die aktuellen Trends der Chemotherapie, Strahlentherapie und Chirurgie beleuchtet. Weiters wird die Bedeutung experimenteller Therapieansätze und das Management spezieller klinischer Situationen diskutiert.
The role of the Director Zmago Slokan in the development of Maribor General Hospital in the first period after the Second World War (1953–1970)
Wiener klinische Wochenschrift - Tập 127 - Trang 163-168 - 2015
Gregor Pivec
The author explores and explains the role of the director of Maribor General Hospital in the first period after Second World War. The period was problematic on account of the difficult economic situation and changes in the political system. On one hand the hospital suffered relatively large damage due to bombing attacks during the war and on the other it had to face numerous staffing problems, especially with a lack of physicians and trained nursing staff (from 1948 an executive order entered into force forbidding the nursing nuns from performing nursing care in hospitals). The change in the political system required the management of the hospital to be taken over by an individual who enjoyed the political, professional and economic trust of the then authorities. Based on his engagement during the Second World War, the director, Zmago Slokan, represented a form of guarantee for the political system of that time, which nevertheless wanted the quality-based, professional and economic progress of the hospital. Using his personal characteristics, professional medical and economic knowledge as well as political experience, he was able to manage different tendencies to continue the quality-based progress of the institution. Thus, he set a proper foundation for its development in the periods that followed, in the Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia as well as in the independent Republic of Slovenia (after 1991). The author discusses the role of the director in the hospital’s progress chronologically.
The role of school medicine in the early detection and management of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis
Wiener klinische Wochenschrift - Tập 135 - Trang 273-281 - 2022
Josipa Glavaš, Mirjana Rumboldt, Željka Karin, Roberta Matković, Sandro Kresina, Nataša Dragaš-Zubalj, Jure Aljinović
To analyze the trends in scoliosis screenings over 10 years (2010 vs. 2020). To assess the management of schoolchildren with a preliminary diagnosis of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis by school medicine specialists. Historical data were used for the year 2009/2010, and a cross-sectional study was conducted during the school year 2019/2020 on 18,216 pupils of 5th, 6th, and 8th elementary school grades. A forward bend test was used to detect clinical features of scoliosis and some positive findings were referred to orthopedists or physiatrists for further evaluation. In the analyzed 10-year period abnormal forward bend test findings increased from 4.9 to 5.8% (by 18.4%; P < 0.001). While its prevalence escalated markedly in girls (from 5.8 to 8.3%; P < 0.001), a modest but significant decrease, from 3.8 to 3.2% (P = 0.018), was noted in boys. Most pupils had low to moderate curves, and its prevalence was some 6.5 times higher in girls (P < 0.001). The forward bend test positive predictive value was 84.7%. Discrete forward bend test aberrations were managed by school medicine specialists only. While actively promoting scoliosis screening in children, we have shown that forward bend test is an acceptable tool for early adolescent idiopathic scoliosis detection in school medicine. In collaboration with other specialists and using additional diagnostic methods, school medicine specialists can ensure early detection and appropriate interventions, avoiding the potential harms of radiation exposure.
Evaluation of major trauma in elderly patients – a single trauma center analysis
Wiener klinische Wochenschrift - - 2016
Samo Kocuvan, Drago Brilej, Domen Stropnik, Rolf Lefering, Radko Komadina
Atypical "mid-ventricular" Tako-tsubo cardiomyopathy in a patient suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder: A case report
Wiener klinische Wochenschrift - Tập 123 - Trang 562-565 - 2011
Carina Primus, Johann Auer
The syndrome of "left ventricular ballooning" summarizes an acute onset of transient extensive akinesia of several segments (apical, mid-ventricular) of the left ventricle, without significant lesions on the coronary angiogram, accompanied by chest symptoms, electrocardiographic changes, and limited release of cardiac markers disproportionate to the extent of akinesia. Initially, the vast majority of cases has been reported among Japanese population. Emotional or physical stress or other preceding triggering factors might play a key role in this reversible form of cardiomyopathy, but the precise etiology remains unknown. We describe a case of a 52-year-old woman with posttraumatic stress disorder after cerebral bleeding presenting with an atypical form of left ventricular ballooning ("midventricular ballooning") syndrome.
Pneumopericardium as complication of endotracheal intubation
Wiener klinische Wochenschrift - - 2007
Daniela Mandelburger, Peter Hübsch, Bernadetta Moser, Georg Röggla
Positionspapier der ÖDG: Therapie der Hyperglykämie bei erwachsenen, kritisch kranken PatientInnen
Wiener klinische Wochenschrift - Tập 124 - Trang 104-106 - 2012
Martin Clodi, Michael Resl, Heidemarie Abrahamian, Bernhard Föger, Raimund Weitgasser
Die Hyperglykämie ist ein häufiges Phänomen bei kritisch kranken Patienten, welches zu Komplikationen wie einer erhöhten kardiovaskulären Ereignisrate bzw. einem gesteigerten Infektrisiko führt. Basierend auf der aktuell verfügbaren Datenlage sollte eine blutzuckersenkende Therapie mittels intravenösem Insulin ab einem Blutzuckerwert von 180 mg/dl eingeleitet werden. Der Blutzuckerspiegel sollte zwischen 140 und 180 mg/dl gehalten werden. Bei chirurgischen Patienten sind niedrigere BZ-Werte zwischen 110 und 140 mg/dl anzustreben. Nach der Transferierung auf eine „Normal-Station“ sollte eine formelle Glukosediagnostik betrieben werden.
Prognostic role of pretreatment platelet/lymphocyte ratio in patients with non-small cell lung cancer
Wiener klinische Wochenschrift - Tập 128 Số 17-18 - Trang 635-640 - 2016
Mehmet Köş, Cemil Hocazade, Fahriye Tuğba Köş, Doğan Uncu, Esra Karakaş, Mutlu Doğan, Hasan Uncu, Nuriye Yıldırım, Nurullah Zengi̇n
Quality of diabetes care in Austrian diabetic patients willing to participate in a DMP – at baseline
Wiener klinische Wochenschrift - Tập 123 Số 13-14 - Trang 436-443 - 2011
Maria Flamm, Henrike Winkler, Sigrid Panisch, Peter Kowatsch, G Klima, Bernhard Fürthauer, Raimund Weitgasser, Andreas Sönnichsen
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