Vox Sanguinis

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Sắp xếp:  
Detection of Australia Antigen by Means of Immune Adherence Haemagglutination Test
Vox Sanguinis - Tập 20 Số 2 - Trang 178-181 - 1971
M Mayumi, K. Okochi, K Nishioka
Studies on the removal of a bovine spongiform encephalopathy‐derived agent by processes used in the manufacture of human immunoglobulin
Vox Sanguinis - Tập 83 Số 2 - Trang 137-145 - 2002
H. Reichl, Peter R. Foster, Anne G. Welch, Q. Li, Ian MacGregor, R. A. Somerville, K. Fernie, Philip Steele, D. M. Taylor

Background and Objectives There is still uncertainty over how the agent of variant Creutzfeld‐Jakob disease (vCJD) would partition during the manufacture of plasma derivatives. In this study, a BSE‐derived agent was used as a vCJD model to determine the extent to which infectivity could be removed by selected steps used in the manufacture of intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG).

Materials and Methods Murine‐passaged BSE (strain 301V), in the form of a microsomal fraction prepared from infected brain, was used to ‘spike’ the starting material in three experiments. The partitioning of BSE infectivity was measured over Fraction I+III precipitation, borosilicate microfibre depth filtration and Seitz depth filtration, with these steps being examined individually and in series.

Results Most 301V infectivity partitioned into Fraction I+III (log reduction 2·1). Infectivity remaining in Supernatant I+III was reduced by AP20 glass‐fibre depth filtration (log reduction 0·6) and subsequently removed to below the limit of detection by Seitz KS80 depth filtration, giving an overall log reduction of ≥ 2·9 for the three steps in series. By contrast, glass‐fibre depth filtration gave a log reduction of 2·4 when challenged directly with ‘spiked’ feedstock. Seitz KS80 depth filtration gave a log reduction of ≥ 3·1 when challenged directly with ‘spiked’ feedstock and also removed residual infectivity to below the limit of detection when applied as the final step in series.

Conclusions Results using a BSE‐derived agent suggest that vCJD infectivity should be substantially removed from immunoglobulin G (IgG) solutions by Fraction I+III precipitation and Seitz KS80 depth filtration. The three different process steps examined acted in a complementary manner to one another when operated in series. However, the data demonstrated that it would be inappropriate to add together the reduction factors that had been derived for each step in isolation.

Novel Diagnostic and Therapeutic Strategies with Genetically Engineered Human Antibodies
Vox Sanguinis - Tập 74 Số S2 - Trang 223-232 - 1998
Willem H. Ouwehand, Nicholas A. Watkins

Human antibodies can be generated by recombinant technology. The human immunoglobulin repertoire can be tapped in an effective manner by the so called V gene phage display technology. Using this technique the genes encoding the variable domains of an antibody of interest can be captured from the B cell repertoire. With these V genes tailor‐made immune recognition molecules can be obtained by a ‘design and build’ strategy. These novel developments will lead to the introduction of a manifold of antibody based therapies into the clinic in coming decades. Recombinant antibody technology also provides unique opportunities to study the molecular structure of antibody variable domains against blood cell antigens. Such studies might possibly lead to the development of new therapies for antibody mediated blood cell destruction.

Precipitin Reactions Between Extracts of Seeds of Canavalia ensiformis (Jack Bean) and Normal and Pathological Serum Proteins
Vox Sanguinis - Tập 8 Số 3 - Trang 348-355 - 1963
H. Harris, E. B. Robson

Extracts of the seeds of the Jack Bean (Canavalin ensiformis) and several other plant species have been shown to have the property of precipitating serum proteins. Several normal serum proteins give precipitin lines when tested against extracts of the Jack Rean, but α2‐macroglobulim is by far the most reactive. Massive reactions were given by the pathological serum proteins in all fifteen cases of macroglobulinaemia tested. In only ten out of thirty cases of multiple myelomatosis was a precipitin reaction observed, and then only weakly. Reactions were given principally by those pathological proteins with a β‐like rather than a γ‐like mobility.


Des extraits de semences de Canavalia erisiformis et de plusieurs autres espèces de plantes sont apparus avoir la propriété de précipiter les protéines sériques. Plusieurs protéines normales donnent des lignes de précipitations avec des extraits de Canavalia cnsiformis, mais les plus fortes réactions ont lieu avce les Alpha2‐macroglobulines. On a obtenu drs réactinm ***très fortes avec les protéines pathologiques provenant de quinze cas de macroglobulinémie. Dans dix cas de myélomes multiples sur trente, on a observé une faible réaction de précipitation. Ces réactions étaient plus fortes avec des protéines pathologiques présentant une migration du type β‐globuline qu'avec des protéines pathologiques présentant une migration du type γ‐globulines.


Extrakte von Samen der Jack Bohne (Canavalia cnsiformis) sowie anderer Pflanzenarten vermögen Serumproteine zu präzipitieren. Die Präzipitatiori betrifft mehrere Serumproteine; α2‐Makroglobuline reagieren allerdings weitaus am stärksten.

Paraproteine von 15 Makroglobulinämien zeigten ausnahmslos starke Reaktionen. Unter 30 Myelomseren wurde unr bei 10 eine schwache Präzipitation beobachtet. Die pathologischen Proteine mit der elektrophoretischen Wanderungs‐geschwindigkeit von β‐Globulinen reagierten im allgrmeinen stärker als diejenigen mit γ‐Beweglichkeit.

Lymphocyte Proliferation in AIDS‐Related Complex/Walter‐Reed 5 Patients: Response to Herpes Simplex Virus and Tuberculin Antigen and Mitogen during Intravenous Immunoglobulin Treatment
Vox Sanguinis - Tập 59 Số s1 - Trang 38-43 - 1990
H. Krickeberg, G. Mauff, Th. Mertens, Georg Plum, K. Heitmann

Abstract. In a randomized, controlled double‐blind study, 15 patients with AIDS‐related complex/Walter‐Reed 5 (ARC/WR5) were compared during 6 months intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) treatment (0.4 g/kg body weight every 2 weeks) with 15 placebo‐treated patients. This study was aimed at the lymphocyte response to T and B cell mitogens and antigens. 3H‐thymidine uptake was determined after stimulation with the unspecific mitogens phytohemagglutinin (PHA), pokeweed mitogen (PWM), formalinized Staphylococcus aureus‐Cowan I (SAC), and with the antigens tuberculin and herpes simplex virus (HSV) at the onset, on days 85, 183, 267 and 351; IgG and IgM antibodies against HSV were measured by ELISA. In addition, 30 untreated HIV‐negative controls were tested. For the T cell mitogen PHA, T‐cell‐dependent B cell mitogen PWM and B cell mitogen SAC, no differences between the two patient groups were observed before therapy nor in the course of therapy or the 6‐month observation period thereafter. The entire patient group showed significantly impaired mitogenic response on day 1 as compared to the controls. There was no significant difference in response to tuberculin between the patients and HIV‐negative controls, nor for both patients groups before and in the course of treatment. All patients had IgG antibodies against HSV. Three of them showed blastogenic lymphocyte response to HSV on day 1. Among 19 seropositive controls, 7 individuals showed positive HSV lymphocyte response; but for both patient groups, there was no significant difference before and in the course of the treatment and observation period. We concluded that, in spite of some clinical improvement regarding fever and fatigue during IVIG treatment of ARC/WR5 patients, there is no influence on lymphocyte function, as measured by response to mitogens and antigens.

Health economics of Patient Blood Management: a cost‐benefit analysis based on a meta‐analysis
Vox Sanguinis - Tập 115 Số 2 - Trang 182-188 - 2020
Patrick Meybohm, Niels Straub, Christoph Füllenbach, Leonie Judd, Adina Kleinerüschkamp, Isabel Taeuber, Kai Zacharowski, Suma Choorapoikayil
Background and Objectives

Patient Blood Management (PBM) is the timely application of evidence‐based medical and surgical concepts designed to improve haemoglobin concentration, optimize haemostasis and minimize blood loss in an effort to improve patient outcomes. The focus of this cost‐benefit analysis is to analyse the economic benefit of widespread implementation of a multimodal PBM programme.

Materials and Methods

Based on a recent meta‐analysis including 17 studies (>235 000 patients) comparing PBM with control care and data from the University Hospital Frankfurt, a cost‐benefit analysis was performed. Outcome data were red blood cell (RBC) transfusion rate, number of transfused RBC units, and length of hospital stay (LOS). Costs were considered for the following three PBM interventions as examples: anaemia management including therapy of iron deficiency, use of cell salvage and tranexamic acid. For sensitivity analysis, a Monte Carlo simulation was performed.


Iron supplementation was applied in 3·1%, cell salvage in 65% and tranexamic acid in 89% of the PBM patients. In total, applying these three PBM interventions costs €129·04 per patient. However, PBM was associated with a reduction in transfusion rate, transfused RBC units per patient, and LOS which yielded to mean savings of €150·64 per patient. Thus, the overall benefit of PBM implementation was €21·60 per patient. In the Monte Carlo simulation, the cost savings on the outcome side exceeded the PBM costs in approximately 2/3 of all repetitions and the total benefit was €1 878 000 in 100·000 simulated patients.


Resources to implement a multimodal PBM concept optimizing patient care and safety can be cost‐effectively.

Anti‐Sp1: The Recognition of a New Cold Auto‐Antibody
Vox Sanguinis - Tập 15 Số 3 - Trang 177-186 - 1968
W. L. Marsh, W. J. Jenkins

Summary. Cold auto‐antibodies reacting with an antigen that appears to be independent of the Ii system are described. No human blood sample lacking the reacting antigen (designated Sp1) could be found but the common serological behaviour suggests that the antisera form a homogeneous group. The evidence suggests that these antibodies may be directed against a basic species antigen common to all human cells.

Anti‐HTLV III ELISA and Western Blot Testing in a Blood Donor Population: Implications for Donor Notification
Vox Sanguinis - Tập 51 Số 2 - Trang 143-147 - 1986
Steven Kleinman, Hoda Anton‐Guirgis, B. Dwight Culver, Thomas H. Taylor, Harry E. Prince, Harold S. Kaplan

Abstract. We have evaluated the western blot (WB) test for distinguishing anti‐HTLV III ELISA‐positive donors who have likely been exposed to HTLV III from those that are false positives. Of 1,955 donors, 26 were positive for anti‐HTLV III by ELISA testing. Only 6 (23%) were positive by WB: 5 of these 6 were male homosexuals with multiple partners and 5 of 6 had low Th/Ts ratios. The WB‐positive donors gave the highest absorbance values in the anti‐HTLV III ELISA assay. The immunologic abnormalities in the WB‐positive donors suggest that they should be notified of their test results. We conclude that basing a donor notification policy on WB results is the optimum public health strategy for blood banks at the present time.

Genetics of ABO, H, Lewis, X and Related Antigens
Vox Sanguinis - Tập 51 Số 3 - Trang 161-171 - 1986
Rafaël Oriol, Jacques Le Pendu, Rosella Mollicone

Abstract. The present knowledge on chemical, enzymatic, serologic and genetic aspects of ABH antigens is reviewed in an effort to produce a simple and coherent genetic model for the biosynthesis of these antigens and chemically related structures. The genetic control of type 1 (Lea, Leb, Lec and Led), type 2 (X, Y, I, and H), type 3 and type 4 ABH and related antigens in different animal and human tissues is analyzed, taking into account the properties of the glycosyltransferases which are involved in their synthesis and considering possible competition for common acceptor and donor substrates. The phylogeny of ABH determinants shows that they appeared as tissular antigens much earlier than as red cell antigens. The ontogeny of ABH antigens suggests that they behave as differentiation antigens, and an effort is made to correlate their tissular distribution in the adult with the embryological origin of each tissue.

Mortality outcomes in patients transfused with fresher versus older red blood cells: a meta‐analysis
Vox Sanguinis - Tập 112 Số 3 - Trang 268-278 - 2017
Chatree Chai‐Adisaksopha, Paul Alexander, Gordon Guyatt, Mark Crowther, Nancy M. Heddle, P.J. Devereaux, Martin Ellis, David Roxby, Daniel I. Sessler, John W. Eikelboom

Among transfused patients, the effect of the duration of red blood cell storage on mortality remains unclear. This study aims to compare the mortality of patients who were transfused with fresher versus older red blood cells.


We performed an updated systematic search in the CENTRAL, MEDLINE, EMBASE and CINAHL databases, from January 2015 to October 2016. RCTs of hospitalized patients of any age comparing transfusion of fresher versus older red blood cells were eligible. We used a random‐effects model to calculate pooled risk ratios (RRs) with corresponding 95% confidence interval (CI).


We identified 14 randomized trials that enrolled 26 374 participants. All‐cause mortality occurred in 1219 of 9531 (12·8%) patients who received a transfusion of fresher red blood cells and 1810 of 16 843 (10·7%) in those who received older red blood cells (RR: 1·04, 95% CI: 0·98–1·12, P = 0·90, I2 = 0%, high certainty for ruling out benefit of fresh blood, moderate certainty for ruling out harm of fresh blood). In six studies, in‐hospital death occurred in 691 of 7479 (9·2%) patients receiving fresher red cells and 1291 of 14 757 (8·8%) receiving older red cells (RR: 1·06, 95% CI: 0·97–1·15, P = 0·81, I2 = 0%, high certainty for ruling out benefit of fresh blood, moderate certainty for ruling out harm of fresh blood).


Transfusion of fresher red blood cells does not reduce overall or in‐hospital mortality when compared with older red blood cells. Our results support the practice of transfusing patients with the oldest red blood cells available in the blood bank.

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