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  Việt Nam

Cơ quản chủ quản:  Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội

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A Proposal of Information Literacy Concept in Accordance with the Context of Higher Education in Vietnam
Tập 38 Số 2 - 2022
Bui Thi Thanh Huyen, Nghiem Xuan Huy
Information literacy is a type of personal capacity, which demonstrates an individual’s ability to master the information world, exploit and use information effectively to deal with his/her living, studying and working needs. Information literacy is associated with the development of lifelong learning capacity and social inclusion for individuals. Therefore, information literacy has become increasingly important, becoming a popular topic in education research, especially in the current context of the 4th Industrial Revolution. Since the 70s of the 20th century, information literacy has been widely discussed and developed by educational institutions, especially higher education ones, in Western countries. Concepts, theoretical frameworks and practices for developing information literacy for learners have been established and mostly applied in Western countries. However, with a different educational context, such as the one in Vietnam, how should information literacy for university students be conceptualized and developed? This paper firstly presents an overview of how the concept of information literacy has been changed globally and those aspects that impact the way information literacy has been conceptualized and developed. Key points discussed are educational context, academic culture, teaching and learning practices. From that analysis, the paper proposes a concept of information literacy for students, which is in accordance with the academic culture of Vietnamese higher education.
Entrepreneurship of the Vietnamese Bourgeoisie in the Early 20th Century: The Case of Bach Thai Buoi (1874-1932)
Tập 38 Số 1 - 2022
Ngo Nguyen Phuong Ha, Pham Van Thuy
The Vietnamese bourgeoisie was born in conjunction with the intrusion and establishment of French colonialism in Vietnam. The introduction of the new mode of production, i.e. capitalism helped a number of Vietnamese, who had a relatively large accumulated capital, transform and extend their businesses or invest in the new ventures. Others w ere self-made businessmen, who rose up by their entrepreneurship and their desire to enrich themselves as well as to transform the society. Bach Thai Buoi was a typical figure among the most prominent self-made bourgeoisies in Vietnam in the early twentieth century. By analyzing the business development and activities of Bach Thai Buoi, this article aims to highlight the entrepreneurship of the Vietnamese bourgeoisie in the early twentieth century. Attention is given to the historical context and business environment of Vietnam in the late colonial era. The birth and business activities of the bourgeoisie, particularly those with strong entrepreneurship and self-made spirit will be discussed in detail. Despite their strong economic power in comparison with other indigenous groups, the Vietnamese bourgeoisie was significantly subordinate to foreign capital, particularly the French and the Chinese. Fierce competition from foreign capital while lacking political and administrative supports and a leading ideological basis were the main reasons for the weakness of the Vietnamese bourgeoisie in the colonial era.
The Relationship of Workplace Turnover of Officers with Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction at the Hanoi City Public Administration Centre
Tập 38 Số 4 - 2022
Uong Thi Ngoc Lan, Nguyen Danh Nam
The purpose of the study is to examine the relationship of workplace turnover of officers  with organizational commitment and job satisfaction at the Hanoi City Public Administration Centre. The structural equation model (SEM) was used to analyze the data provided by 246 officers working at the Hanoi City Public Administration Centre in order to assess the influence of organizational commitment and job satisfaction on workplace turnover. The results show a favorable correlation between organizational commitment and work satisfaction. In addition, job satisfaction and organizational commitment are negatively correlated with the workplace turnover of officers. The result of the study suggested several important implications for the Hanoi City Public Administration Centre on how to increase organisational commitment, job satisfaction in order to reduce workplace turnover of officers.      
Capital Contribution in Industrial Property Rights to Invention Created in Startups in Vietnam
Tập 34 Số 1 - 2018
Tran Cao Thanh
Abstract: Capital contribution in industrial property rights to inventions created in innovative startups in Vietnam is a controversial issue. The Vietnamese laws do not have specific regulations on this issue, which is a huge barrier in seeking a common voice between the investor and the patent owner. Therefore, a specific legal corridor is required in order to promote the development of the entrepreneurial ecosystem and to help ensure the legitimate rights and interests of the stakeholders contributing to startups. This paper focuses on analyzing and clarifying the bottlenecks on capital contribution in startups, and then, recommends a number of solutions to mitigate risks for stakeholders to contribute to the  developing of the Vietnamese economy. Keywords: Capital contribution, invention, innovative startups 
Forest and Forestry Ecocultural System in Central Highlands, Vietnam
Tập 35 Số 2 - 2019
Ho Thanh Tam, Nguyen Van Kim
In the mindset of ethnic minority communities, Northeastern & Northwestern Truong Son, Central Highlands, Vietnam refers to a forest-related & cultural ecosystem. Living and social space of the ethnic minorities in Truong Son - Central Highlands are deeply forest-related. Researchers often call it "mountainous culture", "highland culture" or "upland culture". Similar to many other ethnic minority groups in the Northeast and North West, Truong Son, ethnic minority groups in Center Highland “have eaten” the forest, have their livelihood based on forest, and create the rich forest-related cultural tradition. However, wars, reclamation and economic development policies, consequences of migration, and others drivers together have damaged significantly the forest-related & cultural ecosystem in Central Highlands, Vietnam. Ecological environment has been ruined rapidly while cultural spaces have been also been seriously damaged. This article aims to examine roles of forests in the preservation of traditional cultural values ​​of the Central Highlands, and to provide recommendations to ensure green and sustainable  development for local communities in Central Highlands and Vietnam.
Transformation of Mekong Delta Economic Growth Model Adaptation to Climate Change: The Situation and Solutions
Tập 35 Số 2 - 2019
Nguyen Hong Gam
Abstract: The Mekong Delta is defined as the key agricultural economic development area of the whole country with a contribution to about 55% rice and seafood production and participates in exporting 90% rice and 60% seafood annually. However, the Mekong Delta’s agricultural economy is very vulnerable due to a high reliance on traditional production and natural resources. In fact, the transformation of the economic growth model in Mekong Delta has been faced to profound changes in the natural and social ecosystems structure. The particular concerned issue is the climate change which takes place more and more seriously affecting deeply to the daily life and producing of people in the region. By the methods of document analysis, surveys and group discussion, this article analyzes the situation of transforming the economic growth model of Mekong Delta in the past, which has been affected by climate changes as well as how climate change has affected production outcomes, social life and environmental ecology. Based on that, the author proposes suitable and feasible solutions to promote the transformation of economic growth model sustainably through developing three pillars: highly economic efficiency and the stable growth rate; the political stability and increasing social welfare; environmental safety and ecological balance. Keywords: Economic transformation, growth model, sustainable development. References[1] Nguyễn Lê Duy, Năng suất yếu tố tổng hợp (TFP), Viện năng suất Việt Nam – VNPI, 2017. http://vnpi.vn/nang-suat-yeu-to-tong-hop-tfp.htm (Truy cập nhật 03/10/2018).[2] Chu Văn Cấp, Đổi mới MHTTKT Việt Nam theo tinh thần Đại hội XI của Đảng, Báo điện tử Đảng CSVN, 2016.[3] Tổng cục Thống kê, Diện tích, dân số và mật độ dân số phân theo địa phương https://www.gso.gov.vn/default.aspx?tabid=714, 2018. (Truy cập ngày 15/10/2018).[4] Tổng cục Thống kê. Diện tích và sản lượng lúa và thủy sản nuôi trồng phân theo địa phương. https://www.gso.gov.vn/Default.aspx?tabid=217, 2018 (Truy cập ngày 15/10/2018).[5] Bộ TN&MT, Báo cáo tóm tắt Kịch bản biến đổi khí hậu và nước biển dâng cho Việt Nam, Hà Nội, 2016.http://www.imh.ac.vn/files/doc/KichbanBDKH/TTkichban_2016.pdf (Truy cập ngày 15/10/2018)[6] Việt Hùng, GS.TS. Trần Thục: Đồng bằng sông Cửu Long đang đối mặt với những thách thức lớn, Tài nguyên và Môi trường, 2017. http://vnmonre.vn/gsts-tran-thuc-dong-bang-song-cuu-long-dang-doi-mat-voi-nhung-thach-thuc-lon (Truy cập ngày 04/10/2018)[7] Nguyễn Thị Minh Châu, Đổi mới mô hình tăng trưởng kinh tế tại Việt Nam giai đoạn 2014–2020, Viện Nghiên cứu Kinh tế phát triển, 2018. https://gec.edu.vn/tong-hop/doi-moi-mo-hinh-tang-truong-kinh-te-tai-viet-nam-2014-2020.html (Truy cập ngày 15/9/2018).[8] Tổng cục Thống kê, Báo cáo “Năng suất lao động của Việt Nam: Thực trạng và giải pháp” (Báo cáo bổ sung và cập nhật số liệu tháng 3/2016), 2016. https://www.gso.gov.vn/Modules/Doc_Download.aspx?DocID=19551 (Truy cập ngày 20/10/2018).[9] Tổng cục Thống kê, Vốn đầu tư phát triển toàn xã hội thực hiện so với tổng sản phẩm trong nước và Hệ số ICOR https://www.gso.gov.vn/default.aspx?tabid=716, 2018 (Truy cập ngày 20/10/2018).[10] VCCI-USAID-PCI, Chỉ số năng lực cạnh tranh cấp tỉnh của Việt Nam năm 2017, 2017. http://pcivietnam.org/an-pham/bao-cao-pci-2017/ (Truy cập ngày 21/9/2018).[11] Phạm Mỹ Duyên, Giảm nghèo bền vững vùng đồng bằng sông Cửu Long trong quá trình công nghiệp hóa, hiện đại hóa, Tạp chí Cộng sản, 2014. http://www.tapchicongsan.org.vn/Home/PrintStory.aspx?distribution=29259&print=true (Truy cập ngày 19/9/2018).
The Concentration and Competition of Vietnam Mobile Telecommunications Market Through HHI and Elasticity of Demand 2
Tập 33 Số 2 - 2017
Duc Dang, Duc Dang Thi Viet
The article uses the Hirschman-Herfindahl Index (HHI) and the Elasticity of Demand to evaluate the degree of concentration and competition of Vietnam's mobile telecommunications market. For the HHI calculation, the article uses revenue market share data. For estimation of price elasticity of demand, the article uses a regression model with aggregate data of the whole market. The estimation results show high HHI, suggesting high concentration of the Vietnam mobile market which can harm the competition in the market. The high estimated price elasticity of demand indicates that price is actually powerful tool of competition in Vietnam. This gives implications for regulatory bodies for regulation options applied in the market. Key words: Market concentration, Price elasticity of demand, Competition, Mobile telecommunications market.
Designing Criteria for the Evaluation Research Findings in the Field of Social Science and Humanity: some Theoretical Issues
Tập 39 Số 1 - 2023
Nguyen Thi Quynh Anh, Tran Tien Anh, Nguyen Thu Trang, Nguyen Thi Ngoc Anh
As society evolves, so do people's needs for increasing awareness and knowledge. This is the driving force behind scientific advancement, including social sciences and humanities. The findings of humanities and social science research have made significant contributions to the ideological and scientific foundations of policymaking and development programs. Due to the distinctiveness of originality and creativity with varied values from scientific values, social practical values, informational values, etc., scientific and technical activities need to be identified, managed, and evaluated in accordance with the proper concepts, criteria, and standards. In a scientific research institution, evaluating scientific research outcomes is a critical task. One of the most crucial roles of evaluation is to comprehend the true scientific value of research findings. This article's objective is to provide a theoretical foundation for ongoing efforts to develop a comprehensive framework for evaluating research outputs in the humanities and social sciences. Keywords: Evaluation; scientific research findings; evaluation criteria; social science and humanities research; criteria; scientific research outputs.    
Policies to Promote Angel Investment in Startups in Some Countries in Southeast Asia
Tập 37 Số 1 - 2021
Dang Thanh Dat, Nguyen Thi Kim Anh
 Angel investor plays an important role in the startup ecosystem, and is a factor that fills the capital gap for startups and also brings many benefits to startups when they can accompany and support expertise, management and consulting for startups. In the early stage of establishment and development of the startup ecosystem, the role of governments was important in issuing policies and providing solutions to promote angel investment. For Vietnam, encouraging angel investors to invest in startups is an important policy in developing the startup ecosystem. With research on policies to promote angel investment in startups in some countries in Southeast Asia including: Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia, the article summarizes some experiences to promote angel investment in startups in Vietnam. Keyword: Angel investor, startup. References [1] Investopedia, Angel Investor, https://investopedia.com/terms/a/angelinvestor.as, 2020 (accessed on 03/9/2020).[2] Startup SG, Overview Singapore’s Startup Ecosystem, https://www.startupsg.gov.sg/, 2020 (accessed on 03/9/2020).[3] WTO and International Trade Center - VCCI, research report: Mechanism to support Innovative Startups: International Experience – Proposed solutions for Vietnam, https://wtocenter.vn/an-pham/13265-study-mechanism-to-support-innovative-startups-international-experience---proposed-solutions-for-vietnam, 2017 (accessed on 03/9/2020).[4] Kam, W.P. Overview of angel investing in Singapore, Tech in Asia, https://www.techinasia.com/overview-of-angel-investing-in-singapore/, 2011 (accessed on 03/9/2020).[5] Enterprise Singapore, SEEDS Capital - Enterprise Singapore, https://www.enterprisesg.gov.sg/financial-assistance/investments/investments/seeds-capital/overview, 2020 (accessed on 03/9/2020).[6] Guide Me Singapore, Singapore Tax Deduction Scheme for Angel Investors, https://www.guidemesingapore.com/business-guides/taxation-and-accounting/personal-tax/tax-deduction-scheme-for-angel-investors, 2020 (accessed on 03/9/2020).[7] Startup Angels, Bangkok Startup Angels, https://startupangels.com/market/bangkok/, 2017 (accessed on 03/9/2020).[8] Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Bangkok, Startup Ecosystem Thailand, www.nederlandenu.nl›startup-thailand-factsheet, 2019 (accessed on 03/9/2020).[9] DFDL, Thailand Tax Update: New Tax Incentives for Angel Investors, Jonathan Blaine, https://www.dfdl.com/resources/legal-and-tax-updates/thailand-tax-update-tax-incentive-for-angel-investor/, 2018 (accessed on 03/9/2020).[10] Ajagbe Akintunde Musibau, Ismail Kamariah, The Financing of Early Staged Technology Based Firms in Malaysia, Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research (2013) 18 (5): 697-707, DOI: 10.5829/idosi.mejsr.2013.18.5.11747[11] Malaysian Business Angels Network, 2018 Annual Report, https://mban.com.my/wp-content/uploads/ 2019/05/Annual-Report.pdf, 2019 (accessed on 03/9/2020).[12] Malaysian Business Angels Network, Angel Tax Incentive, https://mban.com.my/angel-tax-incentive/, 2020 (accessed on 03/9/2020).[13] Malaysia Business Angel Network, Angel Investor Application Explanatory Notes and Guidance Note, https://mban.com.my/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Angel-Application_ Explanatory-Notes.pdf, 2017 (accessed on 03/9/2020).    
A Review of the Options to Restructure the System of Vietnam's Research and Development Organizations under the Impact of Policies
Tập 37 Số 2 - 2021
Khuat Thi Hong Duong
The network of R&D organizations is a system and always a component of Vietnam national S&T policy. According to the system pinciples, under the impact of the policy, this system has undergone numerous structure reforms to survive, develop and respond to the society’s requirements. This article analyzes a number of variants that have been implemented by the state in the restructuring of the system of R&D organizations in Vietnam.