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Impacts of Digital Transformation on Manufacture in Vietnam
Nguyen Minh Trang
Digital Transformation is becoming a common term in all economic and social sector, which is often understood as the process of changing from a traditional business model to a digital one by applying new technology such as Big Data, Internet of Things (IoT), Cloud computing (Cloud),... aiming to change the operating method, leadership, working process and company culture. Besides, market trends and consumer behavior are changing rapidly, all industrial sectors have to face enormous challenges and fierce competition, in which the manufacturing sector is not an exception. In the complicated context of the COVID-19 epidemic, the role of digital technology in production and business activities, become more significant than ever before due to limitation in transportation and logistics. In the brutal context of the epidemic, digital transformation is regarded as a "vaccine" for the economy. It is necessary to have a deep understand about the impacts of digital transformation on manufacture to suggest some solutions to promote socio-economic development, contributing to the fight against the epidemic and economic recovery.  
Chương trình Dinh điền của chính quyền Việt Nam Cộng hòa tại Tây Nguyên (1957-1961)
Hồ Thành Tâm
Xuất phát từ những toan tính muốn duy trì sự thống trị, khôi phục nền kinh tế ở miền Nam Việt Nam sau những năm tháng chiến tranh tàn khốc, Chương trình Dinh điền của chính quyền Việt Nam Cộng hòa (1957-1961) đã đưa gần bảy vạn người từ các nơi lên Tây Nguyên định cư. Chương trình đó đã có nhiều tác động, để lại hậu quả nhiều mặt về kinh tế-xã hội, đặc biệt là trong mối quan hệ giữa các tộc người tại chỗ với người dân di cư, đồng thời gây ra nhiều xáo trộn, mâu thuẫn trong lòng xã hội Tây Nguyên.
How Do the Individual-level Factors Impact Labour Migration: A Case of Vietnam’s Migration
Huynh Hien Hai
This paper focuses on the effects of individual-level factors on labour migration in Viet Nam. In this study, the author use the descriptive statistics and quantitative methods using the Vietnam Household Living Standards Survey 2018 data. The research illustrates that the migratory probability of female is lower than male; the higher levels of education lead to increase the migratory probability of people; the married group seem to decrease in migration, while the migration of divorced group grew. Furthermore, the housing area increases higher lead to decrease in migration. 
Inclusive Learning Environment for Students with Disabilities in Vietnam’s Higher Education: An Analysis of the Existing Policies and Legal Framework
Nguyen Thuy Anh
Abstract: Vietnam is one of the countries that have the highest number of persons with disabilities (PWDs). According to the 2009 Census, there were approximately 6.1 million PWDs, accounting for 7.8% of the Vietnamese population. Research has shown that the number of PWDs who attend higher education in Vietnam is extremely low and only 0.1% of PWDs have completed a bachelor program. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the status of PWDs in Vietnam as well as to analyze the country’s legal framework and policies governing PWDs. To this end, the paper firstly presents facts and figures regarding PWDs in Vietnam. Secondly, the paper reviews Vietnam’s commitments to international policies and standards, and the legal framework and policies on PWDs in general and students with disabilities (SWDs) in particular at the national level. Finally, the study points out some issues and challenges for Vietnam in creating a more inclusive learning environment for PWDs and SWDs at higher education. Keywords: People with disabilities, students with disabilities, higher education in Vietnam, inclusive learning environment. References[1] World Health Organization [and] The World Bank. (2011). World report on disability. Geneva, Switzerland :World Health Organization.[2] United Nations. (1989). Convention on the Rights of the Child. Treaty Series, 1577, 3.[3] Oliver, M. (1990). The Politics of Disablement. London: Macmillan. [4] United Nations. (2011). Disability and the Millennium Development Goals: A Review of the MDG Process and Strategies for Inclusion of Disability Issues in Millennium Development Goal Efforts. New York: The United Nations.[5] Mont, D. and Nguyen, V.C. (2011). Disability and Poverty in Vietnam, The World Bank Economic Review, Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 323–359.[6] United Nations. (2010). The Millennium Development Goals Report 2010. New York: The United Nations.[7] UNICEF. (2015). Readiness for education of Children with Disabilities in eight provinces of Vietnam. Hanoi: UNICEF Vietnam.[8] National Assembly. (2010). The National Law on Persons with Disabilities. Hanoi: National Assembly.[9] Le Bach Duong, Khuat Thu Hong, Nguyen Duc Vinh. (2006). People with Disabilities in Vietnam: Findings from a social survey at Dong Nai, Quang Nam, Da Nang, and Thai Binh. Hanoi: Institute for Social Development Studies. [10] UNESCAP. (2015). Disability at a Glance 2015: Strengthening Employment Prospects for Persons with Disabilities in Asia and the Pacific. Bangkok: United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific.[11] UNFPA. (2011). People with Disabilities in Viet Nam, Key Findings from the 2009 Viet Nam Population and Housing Census. Ha Noi, http://vietnam.unfpa.org/ webdav/site/vietnam/shared/Disability_ENG.pdf (accessed on 25 May 2018).[12] Tran Van Kham. (2014). Social construction of Disability and Its potential impacts on welfares Practice in Vietnamese contexts. SpringerPlus. 3: 325.[13] Prime Minister. (2016). Decision No. 1100/QĐ-TTg Ratifying the plan for implementing the CRPD. Hanoi: Government of Vietnam. [14] MOET. (2014). Vietnam National Education for All 2015 Review. Hanoi: Ministry of Education and Training. [15] National Assembly. (2013). National Constitution of Socialist Republic of Vietnam (Amended). Hanoi: National Assembly.[16] Ministry of Construction. (2014). National Technical Regulation on Construction for Disabled Access to Buildings and Facilities. Hanoi: Ministry of Construction.[17] Prime Minister. (2012). National Action Plan to Support People with Disabilities for 2012-2020. Hanoi: Government of Vietnam.[18] Rosenthal, E. (2009). The Rights of Children with Disabilities in Vietnam: Bringing Vietnam’s Laws into compliance with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Hanoi: UNICEF Vietnam.[19] MOET. (2018a). Circular No.03/2018/TT-BGDĐT on Inclusive Education for Persons with Disabilities. Hanoi: Ministry of Education and Training. [20] Shirogane, K. (2016). The Socialization of Education Policy in Vietnam: Pursuing Quality Education for Children with Special Educational Needs. 18th UNESOC UNESCO-APEID International Conference, October, Bangkok, Thailand. http://www.unescobkk.org/fileadmin/user_upload/apeid/Conference/18th_Conf2016/Papers/1.D.1-Paper-KengoShirogane.pdf retrieved on September 3, 2018.[21] MOET. (2018b). Education and Training Statistical Year Book Academic Year 2016-2017. Hanoi: Vietnam Education Publishing House.[22] Dinh Thi Nga. (2017). Government investment on Education and Training: Current Status and Suggestions. Journal of Finance. http://tapchitaichinh.vn/nghien-cuu-trao-doi/dau-tu-cua-nha-nuoc-cho-giao-duc-dao-tao-thuc-trang-va-mot-so-de-xuat-125673.html retrieved on September 3, 2018. [23] MOET. (2017). Circular No. 05/2017/TT-BGDĐT: Regulation on Full-time University Admission; Full-time College Admission in Teacher Training Fields. Hanoi: Ministry of Education and Training.[24] MOET, MOLISA and MOF (2013). Joint circular No. 42/2013/TTLT-BGDĐT-BLĐTBXH-BTC: Regulation on education policy for people with disabilities. Hanoi: Ministry of Education and Training, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Labour, Invalid and Society. [25] Le Minh Hang. (2013). Opening the Gates for Children with Disabilities: An Introduction to Inclusive Education in Vietnam. https://assets.aspeninstitute.org/content/uploads/files/content/docs/agent-orange/2013-10-20_Le_Minh_Hang-Inclusive_Education_for_CWD_in_Vietnam-EN.pdf retrieved on September 3rd, 2018. [26] Nguyen, T.B. (2013). Barriers of Learning Quality of Disabled Children in Vietnam. Journal of Social Science, VNUH No. 2, pp. 64-71.
Controlling Power Abuse in Public Policy Cycle
Do Phu Hai
Abstract: Studying the control of power abuse in the public policy cycle is a new appropriate approach used in the policy science. It is a dynamic examination of the control of political power abuse, which helps reveal the role of the socio-political actors in the control of power abuse. First, the article analyses the political actors’ role to the public policy cycle. Then, it clarifies the mechanism for controlling power abuse by the core actors in the public policy cycle, namely controlling the power of the Communist Party of Vietnam with the participation of the Fatherland Front and its member organizations in public policy planning, public policy evaluating as well as controlling the State power with its key role in formulating and implementing public policies in Vietnam. Keywords: Power, control of power abuse, public policy cycle.
Trends in Population Aging and Social Policy for Elderly People in Vietnam
Dang Thi Anh Tuyet, Nguyen Trung Hieu
Population aging is one of the central issues of many countries in the world, including Vietnam. Life quality improvement and increase in life expectancy are indicators of development achievements. However, increase in life expectancy and sub-replacement fertility will inevitably lead to the aging of the population and the aging population will surely increase socio-economic burden. Therefore, without timely policy adaptation solutions, Vietnam will face crises in a number of social areas, such as labor market, social protection for the elderly as well as providing basic social services in the context of an aging population.
Establishment of a Technology Exchange Operated under Enterprise Model
Luu Hoang Long
Technology Exchange (TEx) is an operating model to commercialize research results; support and advise science and technology (S&T) organizations and businesses in technology exchange and transfer, and act as a bridge between the research and development (R&D) activities and production/business sector. There have been many studies on the operating model of the Technology Exchange, the commercialization of research results and the policies for technology market development in Viet Nam. However, these studies have not yet shown any specific and feasible operating model for the operation of the Technology Exchange. This paper analyzes the theoretical and practical basis to propose the establishment of a business-driven Technology Exchange model to develop the technology market in Vietnam.
Building Green Hospital Model in Implementing Sustainable Development Goals in Vietnam
Pham Thi Thu Hien
Sustainable development is not only a national goal but also a global concern as climate change and the impacts of environmental pollution are changing the quality of life and threatening human existence. Sustainable development goals are covered in all aspects of life, including medical activities and community health care. As a component of the health system, hospitals not only perform medical examination and treatment as well as research on treatment methods but also ensure the conditions for achieving sustainable development goals and other non-medical targets of the health sector. The paper focuses on analyzing the Green hospital model and the need to build this model in the implementation of the sustainable development goals. Keywords Sustainable Development, Health, Green Hospital, Policy, Green health ecosystem. References [1] Yusef Shaabani, Ali Vafaiee Najar, Mohammad Naser Shafiee, Marziyeh Meraji, Elaheh Hooshmand, Designing a green hospital model: Iranian hospital, International Journal of Healthcare Management, Taylor and Francis Online, https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/20479700.2019.1572265, 23/9/2019[2] H. Anh, The criteria to build a green hospital in the US (in Vietnamese), Health Environment Management Department, https://vihema.gov.vn/tieu-chi-xay-dung-benh-vien-xanh-tai-my.html, 2018 (accessed on 10 December 2020).[3] Healthcare Administration Degree Programs, 30 most environmentally friendly hospitals in the world. https://www.healthcare-administration-degree.net/30-most-environmentally-friendly-hospitals-in-the-world/, 2014 (accessed on 10 December 2020).[4] Sustainable Development Goals (Website UN), The Sustainable Development Agenda. https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/development-agenda/, 2020 (accessed on 10 December 2020).[5] World Health Organisation, Sustainable Development Goals. Knowledge Platform. https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/index.php?page=view&type=30022&nr=192&menu=3170, 2020. (accessed on 10 December 2020).[6] Cambridge University Press, Sustainable Development Report 2020, 2020, pp. 480-481. [7] N.V. Thanh, D.T. Truong, Philip Degenhardt (Editors), Prospects for Social, Ecological and Economic in Vietnam, The Gioi Publisher, 2020. [8] Ministry of Health, Procedures of State management in the field of health (in Vietnamese), Information on law education on health, No. 3 September 2014, https://moh.gov.vn/che-do-chinh-sach-linh-vuc-y-te/-/asset_publisher/5uVUQOCXQDjt/content/phuong-thuc-quan-ly-nha-nuoc-trong-linh-vuc-y-te, 2014 (accessed on 10 December 2020).[9] VnExpress Electronic Newspaper, Medical waste "destroys" the environment (in Vietnamese), vnexpress.net/rac-thai-y-te-buc-tu-moi-truong-2394511.html, 2012 (accessed on 09 December 2020).  
Digital Economy Model in Vietnam
Dang Thi Viet Duc
Although there is a strong consensus on the need to digitize the economy, countries face challenges of allocating limited resources. Therefore, each country needs to identify a focus area for the development of the digital economy and align its limited resources strategically on building related infrastructure and capacity. The objective of the article is to identify the focus of digital economy development for Vietnam. The article bases on the digital economy development framework proposed by Huawei and Arthur D Little to analyze the situation of Vietnam, determining the current digital economy archetype and the target archetype in the future for the country. The article also proposes overall policy-oriented solutions for Vietnam to continue to efficiently exploit the current digital economy archetype and gradually shift to an alternative archetype in the future.
Policy Analysis Approaches in Implementing the Ecological Engineering in Vietnam: Experiences from LEGATO – An Interdisciplinary Project
Settele Josef, Nguyễn Thị Quỳnh Anh, Đào Thanh Trường, Đặng Kim Khánh Ly, Spangenberg H. Joachim, Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Anh, Rodríguez-Labajos Beatriz, Tekken Vera
Abstract: The paper examines the potential participations of stakeholder groups for applying the ecological engineering from policy approach. The focus here is on analyzing the demand of strenghthening sustainable linkages among the policy target group – policy implementing group – policy innovation group is most suitable solution to construct the ecological engineering application in rice cultivation in Vietnam. Unlike other projects, the diversity outputs and outcomes of LEGATO can provide  a huge neccessary sources from intersdisciplinary studies about the conditions for ecological engineering application in practice. Through policy analysis approach, authors identify the roadmap for policy preparing process of ecological engineering application within LEGATO for Kim Thanh district, Hai Duong province, Vietnam.There are four sections in this paper: (1) Policy paradigm and social construction (2) Policy approach and stakeholder involvement within LEGATO – an interdisciplinary  project (3) Policy analysis approaches in implementing LEGATO project (3) The role of key internal stakeholder groups in implementing the policy of ecological engineering application (4) Raising the participants of key internal stakeholder groups in implementing ecological engineering in Vietnam (case study in Kim Thanh district, Hai Duong province) and further steps in policy making process.Key words: interdisciplinary research, stakeholders, policy analysis approach, paradigm, policy making process
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