Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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Ueber Fibrome des Halses mit Beziehungen zum Rückenmark
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 67 - Trang 309-320 - 1902
E. Boerner
Chirurgische Aspekte des regulativen Hyperparathyreoidismus infolge Niereninsuffizienz
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 343 Số 1 - Trang 23-33 - 1976
H. D. Röher, R. A. Wahl
Über veränderungen im hüftgelenk bei blutern.
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 228 - Trang 234-248 - 1930
Minimalinvasive therapie der cholezystolithiasis
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - - 1991
M. Trede
Reoperation for post-hepatectomy hemorrhage: increased risk of mortality
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 399 - Trang 735-740 - 2014
Chetana Lim, Safi Dokmak, Olivier Farges, Béatrice Aussilhou, Alain Sauvanet, Jacques Belghiti
Reoperation for post-hepatectomy hemorrhage (PHH) represents an important complication in patients undergoing liver resection. Yet, few studies have reported its presentation and patient outcomes of this event. Among the 2,086 patients who underwent elective hepatectomy from 2000 to 2009 in our HPB unit, the perioperative data of 12 (0.6 %) patients who underwent re-laparotomy for PHH were retrospectively analyzed. The diagnosis of PHH was established in all cases by the presence of blood in the drain. The mean interval time between the end of liver resection and the diagnosis of bleeding and reoperation were 17 h (1–43) and 38 h (1–93), respectively. The causes of bleeding were the hepatic vein branch (n = 4), liver cut surface (n = 3), and a hepatic artery branch (n = 2). In three cases, no bleeding spot was identified. Postoperative death occurred in 3 patients (25 %) between 15 and 18 days after re-laparotomy. These 3 patients were all cirrhotic; 2 underwent early re-laparotomy (≤6 h) and 1 underwent re-laparotomy 24 h after the first recognition of active bleeding. Reoperation for PHH remains an important morbid event after liver resection. Death in patients with this complication is considerably high. It is diagnosed mainly on the aspect of the abdominal drain, justifying its use in risky patients.
Über die Notwendigkeit der Biometrie und der Dokumentation in der Chirurgie
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 282 - Trang 681-685 - 1955
P. Seulberger
No relevant difference in quality of life and functional outcome at 12 months’ follow-up—a randomised controlled trial comparing robot-assisted versus conventional laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 394 - Trang 441-446 - 2009
B. P. Müller-Stich, M. A. Reiter, A. Mehrabi, M. N. Wente, L. Fischer, J. Köninger, C. N. Gutt
The present randomised pilot trial was designed to compare robot-assisted (RALF) and conventional laparoscopic fundoplication (CLF) focussing on post-operative quality of life (QOL) and functional outcome. Any long-lasting advantages for patients in this regard could be a justification for the use of RALF for the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Forty patients with GERD were randomised to either RALF or to CLF. During a follow-up period of 12 months, patients’ QOL and functional outcome were investigated using disease-specific questionnaires. There were no significant differences in the mean QOL (1.3 versus 1.1; P = 0.374) and functional outcome (1.27 versus 1.3; P = 0.913) between both groups. Minor side effects such as bloating and persistent diarrhoea were present in four patients of each group. The present study did not show any benefit for RALF over CLF regarding QOL and functional outcome at 12 months’ follow-up.
Über die Erfahrungen mit der Elektrokoagulation bei der Trigeminusneuralgie an der Heidelberger Chirurgischen Universitätsklinik
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 294 - Trang 713-723 - 1960
E. Klar
Versuche über Cocainisirung des Rückenmarkes
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 51 - Trang 361-369 - 1899
August Bier
Versorgung pathologischer Femurfrakturen bei malignen Knochentumoren und Skeletmetastasen
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 374 - Trang 291-298 - 1989
W. Kurock, Th. Sennerich, W. -D. von Issendorff
Im Erwachsenenalter ereignen sich pathologische Femurfrakturen in erster Linie auf dem Boden von Skeletmetastasen. Im eigenen Krankengut der Jahre 1978 bis 1988 wurden 58 Femurfrakturen bei Skeletmetastasen und fünf bei multifocalem Plasmocytombefall versorgt. Das Durchschnittsalter der Patienten betrug 59,8 Jahre, wobei überwiegend das weibliche Geschlecht betroffen war. Unter den Metastasenfrakturen stellte das Mammacarcinom mit 22 Füllen den häufigsten Primärtumor dar. Bei allen Frakturen kam lediglich eine Versorgung unter palliativen Gesichtspunkten in Frage. Bei Schenkelhalsfrakturen wurde als Operationsverfahren ausschließlich die Resektion mit endoprothetischem Ersatz durchgeführt. Im per- und subtrochanteren Bereich erfolgte überwiegend eine Verbundosteosynthese mit der Kondylenplatte. Auch bei den Schaftfrakturen wurde meist eine Stabilisierung durch Verbundosteosynthesen vorgenommen. In Einzelfüllen kamen intramedullüre Krafttrüger zur Anwendung. In allen Füllen konnte Bewegungsstabilitüt, meist sogar Belastungsstabilitüt erreicht werden. Bei den 43 Patienten, deren Krankheitsverlauf von der Operation bis zum Tod genau rekonstruiert werden konnte, betrug die durchschnittliche Überlebenszeit 7,2 Monate. Sechs Patienten stehen noch im ambulanter Überwachung; die operative Versorgung lag am 31. 12. 1988 durchschnittlich 16 Monate zurück.
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