Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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Use of an expert panel to identify domains and indicators of delirium severity
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 28 - Trang 2565-2578 - 2019
Dena Schulman-Green, Eva M. Schmitt, Tamara G. Fong, Sarinnapha M. Vasunilashorn, Jacqueline Gallagher, Edward R. Marcantonio, Charles H. Brown, Diane Clark, Joseph H. Flaherty, Anne Gleason, Sharon Gordon, Ann M. Kolanowski, Karin J. Neufeld, Margaret O’Connor, Margaret A. Pisani, Thomas N. Robinson, Joe Verghese, Heidi L. Wald, Richard N. Jones, Sharon K. Inouye
Our purpose was to create a content domain framework for delirium severity to inform item development for a new instrument to measure delirium severity. We used an established, multi-stage instrument development process during which expert panelists discussed best approaches to measure delirium severity and identified related content domains. We conducted this work as part of the Better ASsessment of ILlness (BASIL) study, a prospective, observational study aimed at developing and testing measures of delirium severity. Our interdisciplinary expert panel consisted of twelve national delirium experts and four expert members of the core research group. Over a one-month period, experts participated in two rounds of review. Experts recommended that the construct of delirium severity should reflect both the phenomena and the impact of delirium to create an accurate, patient-centered instrument useful to interdisciplinary clinicians and family caregivers. Final content domains were Cognitive, Level of consciousness, Inattention, Psychiatric-Behavioral, Emotional dysregulation, Psychomotor features, and Functional. Themes debated by experts included reconciling clinical geriatrics and psychiatric content, mapping symptoms to one specific domain, and accurate capture of unclear clinical presentations. We believe this work represents the first application of instrument development science to delirium. The identified content domains are inclusive of various, wide-ranging domains of delirium severity and are reflective of a consistent framework that relates delirium severity to potential clinical outcomes. Our content domain framework provides a foundation for development of delirium severity instruments that can help improve care and quality of life for patients with delirium.
Differences in quality-of-life scores across injury categories by mental health status among injured U.S. military service members and veterans
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 32 - Trang 461-472 - 2022
Judith Harbertson, Andrew J. MacGregor, Cameron T. McCabe, Susan L. Eskridge, Sarah M. Jurick, Jessica R. Watrous, Michael R. Galarneau
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression are strong predictors of poor health-related quality of life (HRQOL) among injured U.S. military service members (SMs). Patterns of HRQOL between injury categories and injury categories stratified by mental health (MH) symptoms have not been examined. Among deployment-injured SMs and veterans (n = 4353), we examined HRQOL and screening data for PTSD and/or depression within specific injury categories. Participants included those enrolled in the Wounded Warrior Recovery Project with complete data for HRQOL (SF-36) from June 2017 to May 2020. Injuries were categorized using the Barell Injury Diagnosis Matrix (Barell Matrix). Mean physical component summary (PCS) and mental component summary (MCS) scores were calculated for each injury category and stratified by the presence or absence of probable PTSD and/or depression. The average follow-up time that participants were surveyed after injury was 10.7 years. Most participants were male, non-Hispanic White, served in the Army, and enlisted rank. Mechanism of injury for 77% was blast-related. Mean PCS and MCS scores across the entire sample were 43.6 (SD = 10.3) and 39.5 (SD = 13.3), respectively; 50% screened positive for depression and/or PTSD. PCS and MCS scores were significantly lower within each injury category among individuals with probable PTSD and/or depression than those without. Among deployment-injured SMs, those with probable PTSD and/or depression reported significantly lower HRQOL within injury categories and HRQOL component (i.e., physical or mental) than those without. Findings are consistent with prior reports showing mental health symptoms to be strongly associated with lower HRQOL and suggest integration of mental health treatment into standard care practices to improve long-term HRQOL.
Summary and recommendations for future research
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 6 - Trang 601-605 - 1997
R. A. Berzon, A. P. Leplège, K. N. Lohr, W. R. Lenderking, A. W. Wu
The development of a new computer adaptive test to evaluate chorea in Huntington disease: HDQLIFE Chorea
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 25 - Trang 2429-2439 - 2016
N. E. Carlozzi, N. R. Downing, S. G. Schilling, J.-S. Lai, S. M. Goodnight, J. A. Miner, S. A. Frank
Huntington’s disease (HD) is an autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disease associated with motor, behavioral, and cognitive deficits. The hallmark symptom of HD, chorea, is often the focus of HD clinical trials. Unfortunately, there are no self-reported measures of chorea. To address this shortcoming, we developed a new measure of chorea for use in HD, HDQLIFE Chorea. Qualitative data and literature reviews were conducted to develop an initial item pool of 141 chorea items. An iterative process, including cognitive interviews, expert review, translatability review, and literacy review, was used to refine this item pool to 64 items. These 64 items were field tested in 507 individuals with prodromal and/or manifest HD. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses (EFA and CFA, respectively) were conducted to identify a unidimensional set of items. Then, an item response theory graded response model (GRM) and differential item functioning analyses were conducted to select the final items for inclusion in this measure. EFA and CFA supported the retention of 34 chorea items. GRM and DIF supported the retention of all of these items in the final measure. GRM calibration data were used to inform the selection of a 6-item, static short form and to program the HDQLIFE Chorea computer adaptive test (CAT). CAT simulation analyses indicated a 0.99 correlation between the CAT scores and the full item bank. The new HDQLIFE Chorea CAT and corresponding 6-item short form were developed using established rigorous measurement development standards; this is the first self-reported measure developed to evaluate the impact of chorea on HRQOL in HD. This development work indicates that these measures have strong psychometric properties; future work is needed to establish test–retest reliability and responsiveness to change.
The impact of HIV status, HIV disease progression, and post-traumatic stress symptoms on the health-related quality of life of Rwandan women genocide survivors
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 22 - Trang 2073-2084 - 2012
Tracy L. Gard, Donald R. Hoover, Qiuhu Shi, Mardge H. Cohen, Eugene Mutimura, Adebola A. Adedimeji, Kathryn Anastos
We examined whether established associations between HIV disease and HIV disease progression on worse health-related quality of life (HQOL) were applicable to women with severe trauma histories, in this case Rwandan women genocide survivors, the majority of whom were HIV-infected. Additionally, this study attempted to clarify whether post-traumatic stress symptoms were uniquely associated with HQOL or confounded with depression. The Rwandan Women’s Interassociation Study and Assessment was a longitudinal prospective study of HIV-infected and uninfected women. At study entry, 922 women (705 HIV+ and 217 HIV−) completed measures of symptoms of post-traumatic stress and HQOL as well as other demographic, clinical, and behavioral characteristics. Even after controlling for potential confounders and mediators, HIV+ women, in particular those with the lowest CD4 counts, scored significantly worse on HQOL and overall quality of life (QOL) than did HIV− women. Even after controlling for depression and HIV disease progression, women with more post-traumatic stress symptoms scored worse on HQOL and overall QOL than women with fewer post-traumatic stress symptoms. This study demonstrated that post-traumatic stress symptoms were independently associated with HQOL and overall QOL, independent of depression and other confounders or potential mediators. Future research should examine whether the long-term impact of treatment on physical and psychological symptoms of HIV and post-traumatic stress symptoms would generate improvement in HQOL.
Psychometric properties of the World Health Organization WHOQOL-BREF Quality of Life assessment in Singapore
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 27 Số 11 - Trang 2945-2952 - 2018
Lidia Suárez, Benjamin Tay, Fazlin Abdullah
Understanding patient-reported outcome measures in Huntington disease: at what point is cognitive impairment related to poor measurement reliability?
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 27 - Trang 2541-2555 - 2018
N. E. Carlozzi, S. Schilling, A. L. Kratz, J. S. Paulsen, S. Frank, J. C. Stout
Symptom progression in Huntington disease (HD) is associated with cognitive decline which may interfere with the self-report of symptoms. Unfortunately, data to support or refute the psychometric reliability of patient-reported outcomes (PROs) as HD progresses are limited. This is problematic given that PROs are increasingly recognized as important measures of efficacy for new treatments. We examined PRO data from the HDQLIFE Measurement System (Speech Difficulties; Swallowing Difficulties; Chorea) in 509 individuals with premanifest, early-stage, or late-stage HD. Clinician-administered assessments of motor functioning (items from the UHDRS) and standardized objective assessments of cognition (Stroop, Symbol Digit Modalities) were also collected. We examined item bias using differential item functioning (DIF) across HD stage (premanifest, early-, late-) and relative to cognitive performance. We also examined the correlations between self-report and clinician ratings. Regression models that considered total cognitive ability were utilized to determine psychometric reliability of the PROs. Most PRO items were free from DIF for both staging and cognition. There were modest correlations between PROs and clinician report (ranged from − 0.40 to − 0.60). Modeling analyses indicated that psychometric reliability breaks down with poorer cognition and more progressed disease stage; split-half reliability was compromised (i.e., split-half reliability < 0.80) when scores were < 136 for Chorea, < 109 for Speech Difficulties, and < 179 for Swallowing Difficulties. Results indicate that the psychometric reliability of PROs can be compromised as HD symptoms progress and cognition declines. Clinicians should consider PROs in conjunction with other types of assessments when total cognition scores exceed critical thresholds.
New measures to capture end of life concerns in Huntington disease: Meaning and Purpose and Concern with Death and Dying from HDQLIFE (a patient-reported outcomes measurement system)
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 25 - Trang 2403-2415 - 2016
N. E. Carlozzi, N. R. Downing, M. K. McCormack, S. G. Schilling, J. S. Perlmutter, E. A. Hahn, J. -S. Lai, S. Frank, K. A. Quaid, J. S. Paulsen, D. Cella, S. M. Goodnight, J. A. Miner, M. A. Nance
Huntington disease (HD) is an incurable terminal disease. Thus, end of life (EOL) concerns are common in these individuals. A quantitative measure of EOL concerns in HD would enable a better understanding of how these concerns impact health-related quality of life. Therefore, we developed new measures of EOL for use in HD. An EOL item pool of 45 items was field tested in 507 individuals with prodromal or manifest HD. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses (EFA and CFA, respectively) were conducted to establish unidimensional item pools. Item response theory (IRT) and differential item functioning analyses were applied to the identified unidimensional item pools to select the final items. EFA and CFA supported two separate unidimensional sets of items: Concern with Death and Dying (16 items), and Meaning and Purpose (14 items). IRT and DIF supported the retention of 12 Concern with Death and Dying items and 4 Meaning and Purpose items. IRT data supported the development of both a computer adaptive test (CAT) and a 6-item, static short form for Concern with Death and Dying. The HDQLIFE Concern with Death and Dying CAT and corresponding 6-item short form, and the 4-item calibrated HDQLIFE Meaning and Purpose scale demonstrate excellent psychometric properties. These new measures have the potential to provide clinically meaningful information about end-of-life preferences and concerns to clinicians and researchers working with individuals with HD. In addition, these measures may also be relevant and useful for other terminal conditions.
Reliability and validity of the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy General (FACT-G) in French cancer patients
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 14 - Trang 1427-1432 - 2005
Nathalie Costet, Valérie Lapierre, Ellen Benhamou, Catherine Le Galès
This report describes the reliability and validity of a French version of the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy – General (FACT-G) with a French sample of 493 cancer patients. The FACT-G consists of 27 items and four subscales: Physical (PWB), Functional (FWB), Social/Family (SFWB) and Emotional well-being (EWB). The study sample includes 64% with localized disease, 26% with metastases, 11% in remission, and 71% receiving radiation/chemotherapy. Internal consistency Cronbach alphas of the global FACT-G scale (0.90) and subscales (>0.75) are satisfactory (n =126). Test-retest reproducibility is satisfactory for all subscales and the global scale (n =87 to 93, r=0.74 to 0.90). ANOVA models show that PWB differentiated between the three disease stages; the global FACT-G and FWB discriminated between patients with metastases and others with localized disease or in remission; EWB only discriminated between metastases and localized disease; while SFWB did not discriminate between groups at different stages of cancer. Only the PWB subscale discriminated between patients with no history from those receiving chemotherapy (p ≤ 0.05). None of the scales discriminated between groups based on radiotherapy. These results may be useful in the design and interpretation of clinical trials involving French patients when the FACT-G is the outcome measure.
“We both just trusted and leaned on the Lord”: a qualitative study of religiousness and spirituality among African American breast cancer survivors and their caregivers
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 23 - Trang 1909-1920 - 2014
Katherine Regan Sterba, Jessica L. Burris, Sue P. Heiney, Megan Baker Ruppel, Marvella E. Ford, Jane Zapka
Most breast cancer (BC) survivorship research focuses on the general population of survivors. Scant research investigates the potentially unique experiences of minorities, especially during and after the difficult transition from primary treatment to post-treatment. This qualitative study explored African American BC survivors’ and caregivers’ quality-of-life in the post-treatment period with a focus on social and spiritual well-being. Participants included a convenience sample of African American women with stage I–III BC (N = 23) who completed treatment 6–24 months before enrollment. Primary caregivers (N = 22) included friends, spouses and other family members (21 complete dyads). Participants completed separate semi-structured telephone interviews. Template analysis was used to evaluate themes related to religiousness and spirituality, both across and within dyads. After treatment, religiousness and spirituality played a major role in both survivors’ and caregivers’ lives by: (1) providing global guidance, (2) guiding illness management efforts and (3) facilitating recovery. Participants described a spiritual connectedness with God and others in their social networks. Dyad members shared the goal of keeping a positive attitude and described positive growth from cancer. Few future concerns were expressed due to the belief that survivors were healed and “done” with cancer. Beyond practical and emotional support, provision of spiritual assistance was common. Results highlight the principal, positive role of religiousness and spirituality for African American BC survivors and caregivers after treatment. Findings emphasize the need to assess the importance of religious and spiritual beliefs and practices, and if appropriate, to provide resources that promote spiritual well-being.
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