Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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Quality of life after hospitalization predicts one-year readmission risk in a large Swiss cohort of medical in-patients
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 30 - Trang 1863-1871 - 2021
Tristan Struja, Daniel Koch, Sebastian Haubitz, Beat Mueller, Philipp Schuetz, Timo Siepmann
Estimating the probability of readmission following hospitalization using prediction scores can be complex. Quality of life (QoL) may provide an easy and effective alternative. Secondary analysis of the prospective “TRIAGE” cohort. All medical in-patients admitted to a Swiss tertiary care institution (2016–2019) ≥18 years with a length of stay of ≥2 days (23,309 patients) were included. EQ-5D VAS, EQ-5D index, and Barthel index were assessed at a single telephone interview 30-day after admission. Patients lost to follow-up were excluded. Readmission was defined as a non-elective hospital stay at our institution >24 h within 1 year after discharge and assessed using area under the curve (AUC) analysis with adjustment for confounders. 12,842 patients (43% females, median age 68, IQR 55–78) were included. Unadjusted discrimination was modest at 0.59 (95% CI 0.56–0.62) for EQ-5D VAS. Partially adjusted discrimination (for gender) was identical. Additional adjustment for insurance, Charlson comorbidity index, length of stay, and native language increased the AUC to 0.66 (95% CI 0.63–0.69). Results were robust irrespective of time to event (12, 6 or 3 months). A cut-off in the unadjusted model of EQ-5D VAS of 55 could separate cases with a specificity of 80% and a sensitivity of 30%. QoL at day 30 after admission can predict one-year readmission risk with similar precision as more intricate tools. It might help for identification of high-risk patients and the design of tailored prevention strategies.
Quality of life in tuberculosis: Patient and provider perspectives
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 13 - Trang 639-652 - 2004
Nadia N. Hansel, Albert W. Wu, Betty Chang, Gregory B. Diette
Tuberculosis (TB) is a persistent problem in the United States; however, little is known about its impact on functioning and quality of life (QOL) among people with TB. The purpose of this study is to describe the impact of TB on patients' QOL by using focus groups to assess the domains of QOL that are affected. Participants included patients (n = 10) who received treatment for active TB and physicians (n = 4) and nurses (n = 9) caring for patients with TB at a public health clinic in Baltimore, Maryland. TB affected all predicted domains of QOL, including general health perceptions, somatic sensation, psychological health, spiritual well-being, and physical, social and role functioning. Social stigmatization, isolation, pill burden, long duration of therapy, sexual dysfunction, loss of income, and fear were additional specific problems related to TB. Surprisingly, 11%(33) of the comments described benefits of TB illness, including increased spirituality and improved life perspectives. In addition, four additional QOL domains and three elements of treatment specific to TB which substantially impact QOL were identified. While patients and clinicians both identified issues in many areas of QOL, only patients mentioned the impact on sexual function, spirituality and improved life perspectives. Despite available curative therapy, TB and its treatment still have significant short and long-term consequences on patients' QOL.
Hỗ trợ xã hội và chất lượng cuộc sống Dịch bởi AI
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - - 2003
Vicki S. Helgeson
Hỗ trợ xã hội là một thuật ngữ rộng rãi, bao gồm những cách thức mà các cá nhân khác nhau cư xử trong môi trường xã hội một cách hỗ trợ. Các biện pháp cấu trúc của môi trường đề cập đến sự tồn tại đơn thuần của các mối quan hệ xã hội. Các biện pháp chức năng đề cập đến các nguồn lực mà những người trong mạng lưới xã hội của cá nhân cung cấp. Hỗ trợ cấu trúc cho thấy mối quan hệ tuyến tính với chất lượng cuộc sống; các khía cạnh chức năng của hỗ trợ thể hiện giả thuyết giảm căng thẳng. Một trong những trọng tâm chính của bài viết này là giúp các nhà nghiên cứu xác định những khía cạnh của các mối quan hệ xã hội hoặc những loại hỗ trợ cần được đo lường và xem xét các cơ chế mà qua đó hỗ trợ có thể ảnh hưởng đến chất lượng cuộc sống. Bài viết cũng đề cập đến cách chuyển đổi nghiên cứu tương quan về hỗ trợ xã hội và chất lượng cuộc sống vào lĩnh vực can thiệp hỗ trợ, đồng thời xem xét các sự khác biệt cá nhân và tình huống.
#Hỗ trợ xã hội #chất lượng cuộc sống #mối quan hệ xã hội #hỗ trợ chức năng #nghiên cứu tương quan #can thiệp hỗ trợ
Time trade-off with someone to live for: impact of having significant others on time trade-off valuations of hypothetical health states
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 31 Số 4 - Trang 1199-1207 - 2022
Tonya Moen Hansen, Knut Stavem, Kim Rand
Abstract Background

The TTO task involves giving up life years, i.e. living a shorter life, to avoid an undesirable health state. Despite being a hypothetical task, some respondents take other life factors into account when completing the task. This study explored the effect of having children and/or a partner on TTO valuations of hypothetical EQ-5D-5L health states in a valuation study of the general population.


The study used TTO data collected in a Norwegian EQ-5D-5L valuation study in 2019–2020, by one-to-one pc-assisted interviews following the EQ-VT protocol. We used regression modelling to determine the effect of significant others (having children or a partner) on disutility per health state from the TTO valuations.


430 respondents were included [mean age 43.8 (SD 15.9) years, 58% female, 48% with children, 68% with a partner, 25% with neither children nor partner]. Having children and/or a partner was associated with lowered willingness to trade life years translating to higher elicited health state utilities (p < 0.01).


Having significant others, or the lack of having significant others, was associated with respondents’ valuation of hypothetical health states using TTO, more so than traditional sampling variables such as age and sex. Inadequate representativeness in terms of having significant others could bias health state preference values in valuation studies.

The quality of life impact of acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis (AECB): A literature review
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 14 Số 2 - Trang 329-347 - 2005
Jordana K. Schmier, Michael T. Halpern, Mitchell K. Higashi, Alan Bakst
Content comparison of health-related quality of life (HRQOL) instruments based on the international classification of functioning, disability and health (ICF)
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 14 - Trang 1225-1237 - 2005
Alarcos Cieza, Gerold Stucki
The increasing recognition of the patient perspective and, more specifically, functioning and health, has led to an impressive effort in research to develop concepts and instruments to measure them. Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQOL) and the International Classification of Functioning Disability and Health (ICF) represent two different perspectives from which to look at functioning and health. Therefore, it is expected that both will often be used concurrently in clinical practice, research and health reporting. The objective of our study was to examine the relationship between six HRQOL instruments (the SF-36, the NHP, the QL-I, the WHOQOL-BREF, the WHODASII and the EQ-5D) and the ICF. All six HRQOL instruments were linked to the ICF separately by two trained health professionals according to ten linking rules developed specifically for this purpose. The degree of agreement between health professionals was calculated by means of the kappa statistic. Bootstrapped confidence intervals were calculated. In the 148 items of the 6 instruments a total of 226 concepts were identified and linked to the ICF. The estimated kappa coefficients range between 0.82 and 0.98. The concepts contained in the items of the HRQOL instruments were linked to 91 different ICF categories, 17 categories of the component body functions, 60 categories of the component activities and participation, and 14 categories of the component environmental factors. Twelve concepts could not be linked to the ICF at all. In the component body functions, only emotional functions are covered by all examined instruments. In the component activities and participation, all instruments cover aspects of work, but the half of them scarcely cover aspects of mobility. Only four of the six instruments address environmental factors. The ICF proved highly useful for the comparison of HRQOL instruments. The comparison of selected HRQOL instruments may provide clinicians and researchers with new insights when selecting health-status measures for clinical studies.
Commentary on strengthening the assessment of factorial invariance across population subgroups: a commentary on Varni et al. (2013)
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 22 - Trang 2603-2606 - 2013
A. Alexander Beaujean, Christine A. Limbers, James W. Varni
In his commentary on Varni et al.’s (Qual Life Res. doi: 10.1007/s11136-013-0370-4 , 2013) article, McIntosh (Qual Life Res. doi: 10.1007/s11136-013-0465-y , 2013) has two main arguments. First, we should have paid more attention to statistical tests (i.e., χ 2 values) instead of approximate fit indexes for our analysis, especially with the baseline model. Second, Bayesian methods are better than the frequentist methods we used in determining the model’s invariance across age and gender groups. We believe that statistical tests do have a place in assessing model fit, but overemphasis on them, especially with larger sample sizes, can lead to errant decisions. Second, while we agree that Bayesian methods have the potential to contribute much to the field of assessing invariance, more development needs to be conducted before they can be widely utilized in assessing factorial invariance across groups.
Measuring Health and Medical Outcomes
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 5 - Trang 302-303 - 1996
R. M. Kaplan
Health-promoting behaviors benefit the mental health of cirrhotic outpatients
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 27 Số 6 - Trang 1521-1532 - 2018
Huang, Hui-Chuan, Lin, Kuan-Chia, Wu, Chia-Shin, Miao, Nae-Fang, Chen, Ming-Yao
The objectives of this study were to survey the frequency of engaging in a health-promoting lifestyle in patients with liver cirrhosis, and examine the mediating effects of a health-promoting lifestyle on relationships of symptoms and psychological distress with the quality of life (QOL). A cross-sectional study was conducted to recruit 148 cirrhotic outpatients from the gastroenterology outpatient department of one medical university hospital. All study participants completed self-administered questionnaires comprising a multidimensional symptoms scale, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, short-form Chinese health-promoting lifestyle profile, and the Taiwanese version of the Short-Form 36. Hierarchical linear regression and mediation models were used to evaluate the effect of a health-promoting lifestyle on the QOL. Results showed these cirrhotic outpatients reported low frequencies of health-promoting behaviors in their daily activities and had poor mental health but superior physical health. The hierarchical linear regression model found that depression, anxiety, and a health-promoting lifestyle were significant determinants of mental health. The mediation analysis further identified that a health-promoting lifestyle acted as a significant mediator which ameliorated the effects of depression and anxiety on the mental health aspect of the QOL. A health-promoting lifestyle can improve the mental health of the QOL. Healthcare professionals can develop effective health-promoting interventions to manage and improve the mental health of cirrhotic patients.
Development and refinement of the WAItE: a new obesity-specific quality of life measure for adolescents
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 26 - Trang 2025-2039 - 2017
Yemi Oluboyede, Claire Hulme, Andrew Hill
Few weight-specific outcome measures, developed specifically for obese and overweight adolescents, exist and none are suitable for the elicitation of utility values used in the assessment of cost effectiveness. The development of a descriptive system for a new weight-specific measure. Qualitative interviews were conducted with 31 treatment-seeking (above normal weight status) and non-treatment-seeking (school sample) adolescents aged 11–18 years, to identify a draft item pool and associated response options. 315 eligible consenting adolescents, aged 11–18 years, enrolled in weight management services and recruited via an online panel, completed two version of a long-list 29-item descriptive system (consisting of frequency and severity response scales). Psychometric assessments and Rasch analysis were applied to the draft 29-item instrument to identify a brief tool containing the best performing items and associated response options. Seven items were selected, for the final item set; all displayed internal consistency, moderate floor effects and the ability to discriminate between weight categories. The assessment of unidimensionality was supported (t test statistic of 0.024, less than the 0.05 threshold value). The Weight-specific Adolescent Instrument for Economic-evaluation focuses on aspects of life affected by weight that are important to adolescents. It has the potential for adding key information to the assessment of weight management interventions aimed at the younger population.
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