Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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Differentiation of epithelial cells in the urinary tract
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 320 Số 2 - Trang 259-268 - 2005
Rok Romih, Peter Korošec, W. Mello, Kristijan Jezernik
Paramyosin content and thick filament structure in insect muscles
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - - 1985
G. Beinbrech, Ursula Meller, W. H. F. Sasse
The ultrastructure of the layers enveloping yolk-forming oocytes from Triturus viridescens
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 60 - Trang 452-462 - 1963
Saul Wischnitzer
The peripheral membranous and extracellular layers of oocytes at the onset of yolk formation were studied by electron microscopy. It was shown that three cellular layers are present at this time. The outer or surface epithelium contains typical squamous cells. The middle or theca is the connective tissue layer which contains fibroblasts, blood vessels, and collagen fibers. The inner or follicular epithelium proper consists of compactly arrayed follicle cells that have distinct cell boundaries. Two extracellular layers were observed, a coarse granular homogeneous layer and a dense zona radiata. Macrovilli (0.2 μ in diameter), extensions from the follicle cells, project through the extracellular layers into the peripheral cytoplasm while more numerous microvilli (0.1 μ in diameter) project up to the dense matrix of the zona radiata. The plasmolemma separating the peripheral cytoplasm from the follicle cells is completely irregular; it forms microvilli. The relations of the enveloping layers as seen with both light and electron microscopes are discussed.
Distribution of neurons with high-affinity uptake sites for GABA in the myenteric plexus of the guinea-pig, rat and chicken
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 234 Số 1 - 1983
M. Jill Saffrey, N Mărcuş, KR Jessen, Geoffrey Burnstock
Identification of the vasopressin producing and of the oxytocin producing neurons in the hypothalamic magnocellular neurosecretory system of the rat
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 164 Số 2 - 1975
Frans Vandesande, K. Dierickx
Effect of endothelin-1 on osteoblastic differentiation is modified by the level of connexin43: comparative study on calvarial osteoblastic cells isolated from Cx43+/−and Cx43+/+ mice
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 340 Số 1 - Trang 103-115 - 2010
Geneau, Graziello, Lamiche, Coralie, Niger, Corinne, Strale, Pierre-Olivier, Clarhaut, Jonathan, Defamie, Norah, Debiais, Françoise, Mesnil, Marc, Cronier, Laurent
Bone is a dynamic tissue that undergoes a precise remodeling process involving resorptive osteoclastic cells and bone-forming osteoblastic (OB) cells. The functional imbalance of either of these cell types can lead to severe skeletal diseases. The proliferation and differentiation of OB cells play a major role in bone development and turnover. These cellular processes are coordinated by connexin43 (Cx43)-based gap-junctional intercellular communication (GJIC) and by soluble factors such as endothelin-1 (ET-1). We have used the Cx43 heterozygous (Cx43+/−) murine model to study the possible cross-talk between Cx43 and ET-1 in cultured calvarial OB cells. On microcomputed tomographic analysis of 3-day-old pups, Cx43+/− mice showed hypomineralized calvaria in comparison with their Cx43+/+ littermates. Characterization of cultured OB cells clearly demonstrated the effect of the partial deletion of the Cx43 gene on its expression, on GJIC, and subsequently on OB differentiation. In this model, ET-1 (10−8 M) lost its mitogenic action in Cx43+/− OB cells compared with Cx43+/+ cells. Moreover, a correlation between the inhibition of cell differentiation by ET-1 and the decreased amount and function of Cx43 was found in Cx43+/+ OB cells but not in their Cx43+/− counterparts. Thus, as Cx43 is linked to OB differentiation, our data indicate that this mitogenic ET-1 peptide has pronounced effects on fully differentiated OB cells. With respect to roles in mechanotransduction and OB differentiation, Cx43 might modulate osteoblastic sensitivity to soluble factors.
Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide immunoreactivity in the spinal cord of the guinea pig
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 249 - Trang 145-150 - 1987
Jochen Triepel, Jürgen Metz, Duncan Munroe, Stephanie London, Stephen Sweriduk, Wolf Georg Forssmann
The distribution of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-immunoreactive (VIP-IR) neurons in the lower medulla oblongata and the spinal cord has been analyzed in guinea pigs. This study includes results obtained by colchicine treatment and transection experiments. In the spinal cord, numerous VIP-IR varicosities were observed in the substantia gelatinosa of the columna dorsalis; some were also found in the substantia intermedia and the columna anterior. The spinal VIP-IR nerve fibers were mainly of intraspinal origin and oriented segmentally. VIP-IR nuclei in the spinal cord extended dorsally into corresponding regions of the caudal medulla oblongata, namely from the substantia intermedia medialis and lateralis into the vagus-solitarius complex and from the nucleus spinalis lateralis into the area of the nucleus reticularis lateralis. Additional VIP-IR perikarya were observed in the pars caudalis of the nucleus spinalis nervi trigemini. The VIP-IR nuclei within the caudal medulla oblongata probably form a continuous system with those localized within the spinal cord. They may be involved functionally in the modulation of cardiovascular and respiratory regulation in the guinea pig.
Adrenomedullin-like immunoreactivity in the nervous system of the starfish Marthasterias glacialis
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - - 1996
Alfredo Martı́nez, Edward J. Unsworth, Frank Cuttitta
Involvement of ANO1 currents in pacemaking of PDGFRα-positive specialised smooth muscle cells in rat caudal epididymis
Springer Science and Business Media LLC -
Wataru Kudo, Retsu Mitsui, Hikaru Hashitani
Light and electron microscopic studies of the paracortical post-capillary high-endothelial venules
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 119 - Trang 195-207 - 1971
Mogens H. Claesson, Ole Jørgensen, Carsten Røpke
The light and electron microscopic structure of the high-endothelial postcapillary venules of lymph nodes were studied in the mouse, rat, guinea pig, and rabbit. The venules were most frequently found in the mouse and rat. In all species, they reached their highest degree of differentiation in the paracortical area. The morphology in the light microscope was identical in all four species. The venules in the rat and mouse were surrounded by a cuff of concentrically-arranged lymphocytes, which was rarely seen in the guinea pig and rabbit. The ultrastructure of the high-endothelial cells in all four species was very complex; a prominent Golgi apparatus was present which often occupied large parts of the cytoplasm. Coated and uncoated vesicles originating in the Golgi apparatus often permeated the cytoplasm. These vesicles emptied their contents into the extracellular space after fusion with the plasma membranes. Numerous lymphocytes traversed vessel walls. During their passage, they were always located between, not inside the high-endothelial cells.
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