Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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TIME – a multi-leveled framework for evaluating and designing digital libraries
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 2 - Trang 170-177 - 2014
Andrew Dillon
Even though these are early days for digital libraries, three decades of research on human-computer interaction in general, and the recent history of hypermedia research in particular, indicate that whatever else occurs, the usability of digital library applications will prove crucial to widespread acceptance. In the present paper an evaluation framework (termed TIME) is outlined. TIME offers designers and implementers of digital libraries a framework to address key human factors in a user-centered manner. Bridging all levels of human factors, from the ergonomic to the user goal, TIME is a multilevel framework that highlights the interplay of multiple issues affecting user response to digital documents.
Special Issue on Selected Papers from ICADL 2020
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 23 - Trang 111-112 - 2022
Adam Jatowt, Atsuyuki Morishima, Emi Ishita, Natalie Pang, Lihong Zhou
On the composition of ISO 25964 hierarchical relations (BTG, BTP, BTI)
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 17 - Trang 39-48 - 2015
Vladimir Alexiev, Antoine Isaac, Jutta Lindenthal
Knowledge organization systems (KOS) can use different types of hierarchical relations: broader generic (BTG), broader partitive (BTP), and broader instantial (BTI). The latest ISO standard on thesauri (ISO 25964) has formalized these relations in a corresponding OWL ontology (De Smedt et al., ISO 25964 part 1: thesauri for information retrieval: RDF/OWL vocabulary, extension of SKOS and SKOS-XL. http://purl.org/iso25964/skos-thes , 2013) and expressed them as properties: broaderGeneric, broaderPartitive, and broaderInstantial, respectively. These relations are used in actual thesaurus data. The compositionality of these types of hierarchical relations has not been investigated systematically yet. They all contribute to the general broader (BT) thesaurus relation and its transitive generalization broader transitive defined in the SKOS model for representing KOS. But specialized relationship types cannot be arbitrarily combined to produce new statements that have the same semantic precision, leading to cases where inference of broader transitive relationships may be misleading. We define Extended properties (BTGE, BTPE, BTIE) and analyze which compositions of the original “one-step” properties and the Extended properties are appropriate. This enables providing the new properties with valuable semantics usable, e.g., for fine-grained information retrieval purposes. In addition, we relax some of the constraints assigned to the ISO properties, namely the fact that hierarchical relationships apply to SKOS concepts only. This allows us to apply them to the Getty Art and Architecture Thesaurus (AAT), where they are also used for non-concepts (facets, hierarchy names, guide terms). In this paper, we present extensive examples derived from the recent publication of AAT as linked open data.
Comparing published scientific journal articles to their pre-print versions
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 20 - Trang 335-350 - 2018
Martin Klein, Peter Broadwell, Sharon E. Farb, Todd Grappone
Academic publishers claim that they add value to scholarly communications by coordinating reviews and contributing and enhancing text during publication. These contributions come at a considerable cost: US academic libraries paid $$\$1.7$$ billion for serial subscriptions in 2008 alone. Library budgets, in contrast, are flat and not able to keep pace with serial price inflation. We have investigated the publishers’ value proposition by conducting a comparative study of pre-print papers from two distinct science, technology, and medicine corpora and their final published counterparts. This comparison had two working assumptions: (1) If the publishers’ argument is valid, the text of a pre-print paper should vary measurably from its corresponding final published version, and (2) by applying standard similarity measures, we should be able to detect and quantify such differences. Our analysis revealed that the text contents of the scientific papers generally changed very little from their pre-print to final published versions. These findings contribute empirical indicators to discussions of the added value of commercial publishers and therefore should influence libraries’ economic decisions regarding access to scholarly publications.
Systematic planning for digital preservation: evaluating potential strategies and building preservation plans
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 10 Số 4 - Trang 133-157 - 2009
Christoph Becker, Hannes Kulovits, Mark Guttenbrunner, Stephan Strodl, Andreas Rauber, Hans Hofman
Educational digital libraries on the verge: introduction to the special issue
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 9 - Trang 1-2 - 2008
Lillian Cassel, Sarah Giersch, Mimi Recker
Toward intelligent styling for digital museum exhibitions: modularization framework for aesthetic hypermedia presentations
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 4 - Trang 64-68 - 2004
Jen-Shin Hong, Bai-Hsuan Chen, Sheng-Hao Hung
In current Web-based hypermedia environments, constructing and maintaining a large-scale interactive aesthetic hypermedia exhibition is a difficult task. In particular, the shaping of presentation styles requires tedious multimedia composing and is indeed extremely laborious. As our first step toward developing an intelligent styling system for digital museum exhibitions, this paper proposes a fine-grained modularization framework that decomposes the styling of a typical hypermedia presentation into fine-grained style modules (FGSM). A hypermedia document based on a “monomodal media handler” and a digital museum exhibition management framework have been designed to realize the concept of FGSM. We have implemented a Web-based authoring system that allows content providers to efficiently construct mediacentric, interactive, aesthetic hypermedia Web sites. In the future, relevant optimization and constraint-solving techniques will be exploited to achieve the goal of intelligent styling for digital museum exhibitions .
Detecting off-topic pages within TimeMaps in Web archives
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 17 - Trang 203-221 - 2016
Yasmin AlNoamany, Michele C. Weigle, Michael L. Nelson
Web archives have become a significant repository of our recent history and cultural heritage. Archival integrity and accuracy is a precondition for future cultural research. Currently, there are no quantitative or content-based tools that allow archivists to judge the quality of the Web archive captures. In this paper, we address the problems of detecting when a particular page in a Web archive collection has gone off-topic relative to its first archived copy. We do not delete off-topic pages (they remain part of the collection), but they are flagged as off-topic so they can be excluded for consideration for downstream services, such as collection summarization and thumbnail generation. We propose different methods (cosine similarity, Jaccard similarity, intersection of the 20 most frequent terms, Web-based kernel function, and the change in size using the number of words and content length) to detect when a page has gone off-topic. Those predicted off-topic pages will be presented to the collection’s curator for possible elimination from the collection or cessation of crawling. We created a gold standard data set from three Archive-It collections to evaluate the proposed methods at different thresholds. We found that combining cosine similarity at threshold 0.10 and change in size using word count at threshold −0.85 performs the best with accuracy = 0.987, $$F_{1}$$ score = 0.906, and AUC $$=$$ 0.968. We evaluated the performance of the proposed method on several Archive-It collections. The average precision of detecting off-topic pages in the collections is 0.89.
ORKG-Leaderboards: a systematic workflow for mining leaderboards as a knowledge graph
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - - Trang 1-14 - 2023
Salomon Kabongo, Jennifer D’Souza, Sören Auer
The purpose of this work is to describe the orkg-Leaderboard software designed to extract leaderboards defined as task–dataset–metric tuples automatically from large collections of empirical research papers in artificial intelligence (AI). The software can support both the main workflows of scholarly publishing, viz. as LaTeX files or as PDF files. Furthermore, the system is integrated with the open research knowledge graph (ORKG) platform, which fosters the machine-actionable publishing of scholarly findings. Thus, the systemsss output, when integrated within the ORKG’s supported Semantic Web infrastructure of representing machine-actionable ‘resources’ on the Web, enables: (1) broadly, the integration of empirical results of researchers across the world, thus enabling transparency in empirical research with the potential to also being complete contingent on the underlying data source(s) of publications; and (2) specifically, enables researchers to track the progress in AI with an overview of the state-of-the-art across the most common AI tasks and their corresponding datasets via dynamic ORKG frontend views leveraging tables and visualization charts over the machine-actionable data. Our best model achieves performances above 90% F1 on the leaderboard extraction task, thus proving orkg-Leaderboards a practically viable tool for real-world usage. Going forward, in a sense, orkg-Leaderboards transforms the leaderboard extraction task to an automated digitalization task, which has been, for a long time in the community, a crowdsourced endeavor.
Hidden features identification for designing an efficient research article recommendation system
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 22 - Trang 233-249 - 2021
Arpita Chaudhuri, Nilanjan Sinhababu, Monalisa Sarma, Debasis Samanta
The digital repository of research articles is increasing at a rapid rate and hence searching the right paper becoming a tedious task for researchers. A research paper recommendation system is advocated to help researchers in this context. In the process of designing such a system, proper representation of articles, more specifically, feature identification and extraction are two essential tasks. The existing approaches mainly consider direct features which are readily available from research articles. However, there are certain features which are not readily available from a paper, but may greatly influence the performance of recommendation systems. This paper proposes four indirect features: keyword diversification, text complexity, citation analysis over time, and scientific quality measurement to represent a research article. The keyword diversification measures the uniqueness of the keywords of a paper which helps variation in recommendation. The text complexity measurement helps to provide a paper by matching the user’s understandability level. The citation analysis over time decides the relevancy of a paper. The scientific quality measurement helps to measure the scientific values of papers. Formal definitions of the proposed indirect features, schemes to extract the feature values given a research article, and metrics to measure them quantitatively are discussed in this paper. To substantiate the efficacy of the proposed features, a number of experiments have been carried out. The experimental results reveal that the proposed indirect features uniquely define a research article than the direct features. Given a research paper, extraction of feature vector is computationally fast and thus feasible to filter a large corpus of papers in real time. More significantly, indirect features are matchable with user’s profile features, thus satisfying an important criterion in collaborative filtering.
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