Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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Sắp xếp:  
Bridging the Distance Between Urban and Rural Psychiatry
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 13 - Trang 174-177 - 2011
Murray Chapman, Aleksandar Janca
Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and the Emergence of Safe Harbor Legislation: Implications for Policy and Practice
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 17 - Trang 1-7 - 2015
Ryan T. Shields, Elizabeth J. Letourneau
Commercial sexual exploitation of children is an enduring social problem that has recently become the focus of numerous legislative initiatives. In particular, recent federal- and state-level legislation have sought to reclassify youth involved in commercial sexual exploitation as victims rather than as offenders. So-called Safe Harbor laws have been developed and centered on decriminalization of “juvenile prostitution.” In addition to or instead of decriminalization, Safe Harbor policies also include diversion, law enforcement training, and increased penalties for adults seeking sexual contact with minors. The purpose of this paper is to review the underlying rationale of Safe Harbor laws, examine specific policy responses currently enacted by the states, and consider the effects of policy variations. Directions for future research and policy are addressed.
An Update on Antidepressant Use in Bipolar Depression
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - - 2012
Michelle M. Sidor, Glenda MacQueen
Điều trị triệu chứng stress sau chấn thương ở người sống với HIV: Một đánh giá phê bình về các thử nghiệm can thiệp Dịch bởi AI
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 18 - Trang 1-9 - 2016
Carmen P. McLean, Hayley Fitzgerald
Tỷ lệ mắc rối loạn stress sau chấn thương (PTSD) ở người sống với HIV (PLWH) cao hơn đáng kể so với tỷ lệ trong dân số chung. Hơn nữa, các triệu chứng PTS đã được liên kết với nhiều kết quả sức khỏe tiêu cực ở PLWH. Trong khi những phát hiện này gợi ý rằng các nghiên cứu đánh giá hiệu quả của các điều trị cho triệu chứng PTS ở PLWH là vô cùng cần thiết, theo các đánh giá trước đây, các nghiên cứu như vậy hiện đang thiếu. Mục đích của bài đánh giá hệ thống hiện tại là cung cấp một đánh giá phê bình cập nhật về các nghiên cứu điều trị nhắm đến PTS ở PLWH. Theo hướng dẫn PRIMSA, chúng tôi đã tìm kiếm trên PubMed và PsycINFO và xác định được tám bài báo (đại diện cho bảy nghiên cứu) đánh giá tác động của các phương pháp điều trị cá nhân và nhóm khác nhau đối với triệu chứng PTS. Cơ sở bằng chứng hạn chế tính tới nay không cho phép đưa ra các khuyến nghị lâm sàng cho nhóm dân số này. Các nghiên cứu trong tương lai nên khảo sát hiệu quả của các phương pháp điều trị dựa trên bằng chứng hiện có cho PTSD ở PLWH, sau đó, nếu cần thiết, đánh giá tác động của bất kỳ sửa đổi nào của phương pháp điều trị cho nhóm dân số này.
#HIV #rối loạn stress sau chấn thương #triệu chứng PTS #nghiên cứu can thiệp #điều trị.
Evidence-based treatment for mental disorders in children and adolescents
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 4 - Trang 93-100 - 2002
Gregory A. Fabiano, William E. Pelham
In the past decade, increased emphasis has been placed on identifying treatments for childhood disorders that are supported by empirical evidence of their effectiveness. This process was spearheaded by an American Psychological Association division 12 task force that identified evidence-based Treatments—mostly for disorders of adulthood. Because of the publication of the task force results, other studies have been published that contribute to the knowledge base of evidence-based treatment, and these studies are briefly reviewed. Across evidence-based treatments, common features of effective treatments, such as parent involvement, use of a treatment manual, and the emphasis on generalization of treatment effects to natural settings, are also identified and reviewed Introduction
A practical guide to using ratings of depression and anxiety in child psychiatric practice
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 6 - Trang 108-116 - 2004
Mani Pavuluri, Boris Birmaher
The objective of this paper is to provide pragmatic information on commonly used rating scales of depression and anxiety disorders with established psychometric properties. A comprehensive Medline search on the rating scales of depression and anxiety was conducted. Relevant research findings were further synthesized where possible, with the information on clinical use of the scales from manuals. Research findings replicating original studies, strengths, weaknesses, and scoring information were summarized for each scale, and psychometric properties were tabulated. Several rating scales are available for screening, determining the severity, as well as estimating treatment effects in depression and anxiety. It is prudent to use more than two scales, especially a combination of self-rating scale and a clinician rating scale. It is recommended that the depression and anxiety scales are used in concert to aid in differentiating these two disorders. Several new and improved scales are available, although they await further replication.
Update on childhood-onset schizophrenia
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 2 - Trang 410-415 - 2000
Judith L. Rapoport, Gale Inoff-Germain
Updated findings from the ongoing National Institute of Mental Health Child Psychiatry Branch longitudinal study of childhood-onset schizophrenia (COS) are presented, along with replications from collaborators at other sites. Clinical and neurobiologic continuities of COS with poor-outcome adult-onset schizophrenia suggests that their underlying pathophysiology is the same. However, these early-onset cases appear to have more striking genetic contributions to their etiology. Updated findings involve risk factors (birth complications, cytogenic abnormalities, early language and motor problems, and familial psychopathology), treatment trials, and brain magnetic resonance imaging studies.
The impact of anxiety and mood disorders on physical disease: The worried not-so-well
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - - 2005
Richard M. Sobel, Dimitri Markov
Treatment During Civil Commitment for Sexual Offending Behaviors
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 18 Số 7 - Trang 1-7 - 2016
Jackson, Rebecca
The first sex offender civil commitment legislation passed in Washington State in 1990. Since that time, 21 additional jurisdictions in the USA have passed similar statutes. Although considered controversial by some, the statutes have withstood legal scrutiny at the state and federal levels. These statutes have been found constitutional in large part because they offer treatment to those individuals detained under them. In the 25 years since sex offender civil commitment became a reality, significant advances in sex offender assessment and treatment have shaped the landscape of the associated treatment programs. This article reviews current practice in programs that treat individuals detained under these laws and provides a framework in which these programs are delivered.
Adult Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Driving: Why and How to Manage It
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 13 - Trang 345-350 - 2011
Daniel J. Cox, Vishal Madaan, Brian S. Cox
Driving is a complex task that can be a significant challenge for individuals with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). A slight lapse in attention or inhibition while driving (not uncommon in individuals with ADHD) can result in hazardous consequences for these individuals and their families. This is also an interesting clinical scenario for the treating physician, who is always trying to optimize the various treatment options for the patient. Despite such potentially perilous consequences for society, this subject only recently has received researchers’ attention. This review paper highlights the psychological differences between drivers with and without ADHD and examines differences between these groups in various driving simulation models. Research updates involving pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic interventions are discussed at length. Although the long-term effects of such interventions may not be clearly defined, there is enough evidence to suggest the public health significance of such interventions for optimally managing adult symptoms of ADHD.
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