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Genome sequence and transcriptome analyses of the thermophilic zygomycete fungus Rhizomucor miehei
Tập 15 Số 1 - 2014
Peng Zhou, Guoqiang Zhang, Shangwu Chen, Zhengqiang Jiang, Yanbin Tang, Bernard Henrissat, Qiaojuan Yan, Shaoqing Yang, Patrice Koehl, Bing Zhang, Zhenglin Du
West Nile virus infection and interferon alpha treatment alter the spectrum and the levels of coding and noncoding host RNAs secreted in extracellular vesicles
Tập 20 - Trang 1-21 - 2019
Andrii Slonchak, Brian Clarke, Jason Mackenzie, Alberto Anastacio Amarilla, Yin Xiang Setoh, Alexander A. Khromykh
Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are small membrane vesicles secreted by the cells that mediate intercellular transfer of molecules and contribute to transduction of various signals. Viral infection and action of pro-inflammatory cytokines has been shown to alter molecular composition of EV content. Transfer of antiviral proteins by EVs is thought to contribute to the development of inflammation and antiviral state. Altered incorporation of selected host RNAs into EVs in response to infection has also been demonstrated for several viruses, but not for WNV. Considering the medical significance of flaviviruses and the importance of deeper knowledge about the mechanisms of flavivirus-host interactions we assessed the ability of West Nile virus (WNV) and type I interferon (IFN), the main cytokine regulating antiviral response to WNV, to alter the composition of EV RNA cargo. We employed next generation sequencing to perform transcriptome-wide profiling of RNA cargo in EVs produced by cells infected with WNV or exposed to IFN-alpha. RNA profile of EVs secreted by uninfected cells was also determined and used as a reference. We found that WNV infection significantly changed the levels of certain host microRNAs (miRNAs), small noncoding RNAs (sncRNAs) and mRNAs incorporated into EVs. Treatment with IFN-alpha also altered miRNA and mRNA profiles in EV but had less profound effect on sncRNAs. Functional classification of RNAs differentially incorporated into EVs upon infection and in response to IFN-alpha treatment demonstrated association of enriched in EVs mRNAs and miRNAs with viral processes and pro-inflammatory pathways. Further analysis revealed that WNV infection and IFN-alpha treatment changed the levels of common and unique mRNAs and miRNAs in EVs and that IFN-dependent and IFN-independent processes are involved in regulation of RNA sorting into EVs during infection. WNV infection and IFN-alpha treatment alter the spectrum and the levels of mRNAs, miRNAs and sncRNAs in EVs. Differentially incorporated mRNAs and miRNAs in EVs produced in response to WNV infection and to IFN-alpha treatment are associated with viral processes and host response to infection. WNV infection affects composition of RNA cargo in EVs via IFN-dependent and IFN-independent mechanisms.
Expression changes of ribosomal proteins in phosphate- and iron-deficient Arabidopsis roots predict stress-specific alterations in ribosome composition
Tập 14 Số 1 - 2013
Jinyan Wang, Ping Lan, Huimin Gao, Lu Zheng, Wenfeng Li, Wolfgang Schmidt
Abstract Background Ribosomes are essential ribonucleoprotein complexes that are engaged in translation and thus indispensable for growth. Arabidopsis thaliana ribosomes are composed of 80 distinct ribosomal proteins (RPs), each of which is encoded by two to seven highly similar paralogous genes. Little information is available on how RP genes respond to a shortage of essential mineral nutrients such as phosphate (Pi) or iron (Fe). In the present study, the expression of RP genes and the differential accumulation of RPs upon Pi or Fe deficiency in Arabidopsis roots were comprehensively analyzed. Results Comparison of 3,106 Pi-responsive genes with 3,296 Fe-responsive genes revealed an overlap of 579 genes that were differentially expressed under both conditions in Arabidopsis roots. Gene ontology (GO) analysis revealed that these 579 genes were mainly associated with abiotic stress responses. Among the 247 RP genes retrieved from the TAIR10 release of the Arabidopsis genome (98 small subunit RP genes, 143 large subunit RP genes and six ribosome-related genes), seven RP genes were not detected in Arabidopsis roots by RNA sequencing under control conditions. Transcripts from 20 and 100 RP genes showed low and medium abundance, respectively; 120 RP genes were highly expressed in Arabidopsis roots. As anticipated, gene ontology (GO) analysis indicated that most RP genes were related to translation and ribosome assembly, but some of the highly expressed RP genes were also involved in the responses to cold, UV-B, and salt stress. Only three RP genes derived from three ‘sets’ of paralogous genes were differentially expressed between Pi-sufficient and Pi-deficient roots, all of which were induced by Pi starvation. In Fe-deficient plants, 81 RP genes from 51 ’sets’ of paralagous RP genes were significantly down-regulated in response to Fe deficiency. The biological processes ’translation’ (GO: 0006412), ’ribosome biogenesis (GO: 0042254), and ’response to salt (GO: 0009651), cold (GO: 0009409), and UV-B stresses (GO: 0071493)’ were enriched in this subset of RP genes. At the protein level, 21 and two RPs accumulated differentially under Pi- and Fe-deficient conditions, respectively. Neither the differentially expressed RP genes nor the differentially expressed RPs showed any overlap between the two growth types. Conclusions In the present study three and 81 differentially expressed RP genes were identified under Pi and Fe deficiency, respectively. At protein level, 21 and two RP proteins were differentially accumulated under Pi- and Fe-deficient conditions. Our study shows that the expression of paralogous genes encoding RPs was regulated in a stress-specific manner in Arabidopsis roots, presumably resulting in an altered composition of ribosomes and biased translation. These findings may aid in uncovering an unexplored mechanism by which plants adapt to changing environmental conditions.
The orientation of transcription factor binding site motifs in gene promoter regions: does it matter?
Tập 17 - Trang 1-21 - 2016
Monika Lis, Dirk Walther
Gene expression is to large degree regulated by the specific binding of protein transcription factors to cis-regulatory transcription factor binding sites in gene promoter regions. Despite the identification of hundreds of binding site sequence motifs, the question as to whether motif orientation matters with regard to the gene expression regulation of the respective downstream genes appears surprisingly underinvestigated. We pursued a statistical approach by probing 293 reported non-palindromic transcription factor binding site and ten core promoter motifs in Arabidopsis thaliana for evidence of any relevance of motif orientation based on mapping statistics and effects on the co-regulation of gene expression of the respective downstream genes. Although positional intervals closer to the transcription start site (TSS) were found with increased frequencies of motifs exhibiting orientation preference, a corresponding effect with regard to gene expression regulation as evidenced by increased co-expression of genes harboring the favored orientation in their upstream sequence could not be established. Furthermore, we identified an intrinsic orientational asymmetry of sequence regions close to the TSS as the likely source of the identified motif orientation preferences. By contrast, motif presence irrespective of orientation was found associated with pronounced effects on gene expression co-regulation validating the pursued approach. Inspecting motif pairs revealed statistically preferred orientational arrangements, but no consistent effect with regard to arrangement-dependent gene expression regulation was evident. Our results suggest that for the motifs considered here, either no specific orientation rendering them functional across all their instances exists with orientational requirements instead depending on gene-locus specific additional factors, or that the binding orientation of transcription factors may generally not be relevant, but rather the event of binding itself.
microRNA profiling in the Weddell seal suggests novel regulatory mechanisms contributing to diving adaptation
Tập 21 - Trang 1-17 - 2020
Luca Penso-Dolfin, Wilfried Haerty, Allyson Hindle, Federica Di Palma
The Weddell Seal (Leptonychotes weddelli) represents a remarkable example of adaptation to diving among marine mammals. This species is capable of diving > 900 m deep and remaining underwater for more than 60 min. A number of key physiological specializations have been identified, including the low levels of aerobic, lipid-based metabolism under hypoxia, significant increase in oxygen storage in blood and muscle; high blood volume and extreme cardiovascular control. These adaptations have been linked to increased abundance of key proteins, suggesting an important, yet still understudied role for gene reprogramming. In this study, we investigate the possibility that post-transcriptional gene regulation by microRNAs (miRNAs) has contributed to the adaptive evolution of diving capacities in the Weddell Seal. Using small RNA data across 4 tissues (brain, heart, muscle and plasma), in 3 biological replicates, we generate the first miRNA annotation in this species, consisting of 559 high confidence, manually curated miRNA loci. Evolutionary analyses of miRNA gain and loss highlight a high number of Weddell seal specific miRNAs. Four hundred sixteen miRNAs were differentially expressed (DE) among tissues, whereas 80 miRNAs were differentially expressed (DE) across all tissues between pups and adults and age differences for specific tissues were detected in 188 miRNAs. mRNA targets of these altered miRNAs identify possible protective mechanisms in individual tissues, particularly relevant to hypoxia tolerance, anti-apoptotic pathways, and nitric oxide signal transduction. Novel, lineage-specific miRNAs associated with developmental changes target genes with roles in angiogenesis and vasoregulatory signaling. Altogether, we provide an overview of miRNA composition and evolution in the Weddell seal, and the first insights into their possible role in the specialization to diving.
Comparative genomics and transcriptomics of Pichia pastoris
Tập 17 - Trang 1-17 - 2016
Kerry R. Love, Kartik A. Shah, Charles A. Whittaker, Jie Wu, M. Catherine Bartlett, Duanduan Ma, Rachel L. Leeson, Margaret Priest, Jonathan Borowsky, Sarah K. Young, J. Christopher Love
Pichia pastoris has emerged as an important alternative host for producing recombinant biopharmaceuticals, owing to its high cultivation density, low host cell protein burden, and the development of strains with humanized glycosylation. Despite its demonstrated utility, relatively little strain engineering has been performed to improve Pichia, due in part to the limited number and inconsistent frameworks of reported genomes and transcriptomes. Furthermore, the co-mingling of genomic, transcriptomic and fermentation data collected about Komagataella pastoris and Komagataella phaffii, the two strains co-branded as Pichia, has generated confusion about host performance for these genetically distinct species. Generation of comparative high-quality genomes and transcriptomes will enable meaningful comparisons between the organisms, and potentially inform distinct biotechnological utilies for each species. Here, we present a comprehensive and standardized comparative analysis of the genomic features of the three most commonly used strains comprising the tradename Pichia: K. pastoris wild-type, K. phaffii wild-type, and K. phaffii GS115. We used a combination of long-read (PacBio) and short-read (Illumina) sequencing technologies to achieve over 1000X coverage of each genome. Construction of individual genomes was then performed using as few as seven individual contigs to create gap-free assemblies. We found substantial syntenic rearrangements between the species and characterized a linear plasmid present in K. phaffii. Comparative analyses between K. phaffii genomes enabled the characterization of the mutational landscape of the GS115 strain. We identified and examined 35 non-synonomous coding mutations present in GS115, many of which are likely to impact strain performance. Additionally, we investigated transcriptomic profiles of gene expression for both species during cultivation on various carbon sources. We observed that the most highly transcribed genes in both organisms were consistently highly expressed in all three carbon sources examined. We also observed selective expression of certain genes in each carbon source, including many sequences not previously reported as promoters for expression of heterologous proteins in yeasts. Our studies establish a foundation for understanding critical relationships between genome structure, cultivation conditions and gene expression. The resources we report here will inform and facilitate rational, organism-wide strain engineering for improved utility as a host for protein production.
Behavioral and neurogenomic transcriptome changes in wild-derived zebrafish with fluoxetine treatment
Tập 14 - Trang 1-13 - 2013
Ryan Y Wong, Sarah E Oxendine, John Godwin
Stress and anxiety-related behaviors are seen in many organisms. Studies have shown that in humans and other animals, treatment with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (e.g. fluoxetine) can reduce anxiety and anxiety-related behaviors. The efficacies and side effects, however, can vary between individuals. Fluoxetine can modulate anxiety in a stereospecific manner or with equal efficacy regardless of stereoisomer depending on the mechanism of action (e.g. serotonergic or GABAergic effects). Zebrafish are an emerging and valuable translational model for understanding human health related issues such as anxiety. In this study we present data showing the behavioral and whole brain transcriptome changes with fluoxetine treatment in wild-derived zebrafish and suggest additional molecular mechanisms of this widely-prescribed drug. We used automated behavioral analyses to assess the effects of racemic and stereoisomeric fluoxetine on male wild-derived zebrafish. Both racemic and the individual isomers of fluoxetine reduced anxiety-related behaviors relative to controls and we did not observe stereospecific fluoxetine effects. Using RNA-sequencing of the whole brain, we identified 411 genes showing differential expression with racemic fluoxetine treatment. Several neuropeptides (neuropeptide Y, isotocin, urocortin 3, prolactin) showed consistent expression patterns with the alleviation of stress and anxiety when anxiety-related behavior was reduced with fluoxetine treatment. With gene ontology and KEGG pathway analyses, we identified lipid and amino acid metabolic processes, and steroid biosynthesis among other terms to be over-enriched. Our results demonstrate that fluoxetine reduces anxiety-related behaviors in wild-derived zebrafish and alters their neurogenomic state. We identify two biological processes, lipid and amino acid metabolic synthesis that characterize differences in the fluoxetine treated fish. Fluoxetine may be acting on several different molecular pathways to reduce anxiety-related behaviors in wild-derived zebrafish. This study provides data that could help identify common molecular mechanisms of fluoxetine action across animal taxa.
Sample size for detecting differentially expressed genes in microarray experiments
Tập 5 - Trang 1-10 - 2004
Caimiao Wei, Jiangning Li, Roger E Bumgarner
Microarray experiments are often performed with a small number of biological replicates, resulting in low statistical power for detecting differentially expressed genes and concomitant high false positive rates. While increasing sample size can increase statistical power and decrease error rates, with too many samples, valuable resources are not used efficiently. The issue of how many replicates are required in a typical experimental system needs to be addressed. Of particular interest is the difference in required sample sizes for similar experiments in inbred vs. outbred populations (e.g. mouse and rat vs. human). We hypothesize that if all other factors (assay protocol, microarray platform, data pre-processing) were equal, fewer individuals would be needed for the same statistical power using inbred animals as opposed to unrelated human subjects, as genetic effects on gene expression will be removed in the inbred populations. We apply the same normalization algorithm and estimate the variance of gene expression for a variety of cDNA data sets (humans, inbred mice and rats) comparing two conditions. Using one sample, paired sample or two independent sample t-tests, we calculate the sample sizes required to detect a 1.5-, 2-, and 4-fold changes in expression level as a function of false positive rate, power and percentage of genes that have a standard deviation below a given percentile. Factors that affect power and sample size calculations include variability of the population, the desired detectable differences, the power to detect the differences, and an acceptable error rate. In addition, experimental design, technical variability and data pre-processing play a role in the power of the statistical tests in microarrays. We show that the number of samples required for detecting a 2-fold change with 90% probability and a p-value of 0.01 in humans is much larger than the number of samples commonly used in present day studies, and that far fewer individuals are needed for the same statistical power when using inbred animals rather than unrelated human subjects.
The mitochondrial and chloroplast genomes of the haptophyte Chrysochromulina tobin contain unique repeat structures and gene profiles
Tập 15 - Trang 1-23 - 2014
Blake T Hovde, Shawn R Starkenburg, Heather M Hunsperger, Laina D Mercer, Chloe R Deodato, Ramesh K Jha, Olga Chertkov, Raymond J Monnat, Rose Ann Cattolico
Haptophytes are widely and abundantly distributed in both marine and freshwater ecosystems. Few genomic analyses of representatives within this taxon have been reported, despite their early evolutionary origins and their prominent role in global carbon fixation. The complete mitochondrial and chloroplast genome sequences of the haptophyte Chrysochromulina tobin (Prymnesiales) provide insight into the architecture and gene content of haptophyte organellar genomes. The mitochondrial genome (~34 kb) encodes 21 protein coding genes and contains a complex, 9 kb tandem repeat region. Similar to other haptophytes and rhodophytes, but not cryptophytes or stramenopiles, the mitochondrial genome has lost the nad7, nad9 and nad11 genes. The ~105 kb chloroplast genome encodes 112 protein coding genes, including ycf39 which has strong structural homology to NADP-binding nitrate transcriptional regulators; a divergent ‘CheY-like’ two-component response regulator (ycf55) and Tic/Toc (ycf60 and ycf80) membrane transporters. Notably, a zinc finger domain has been identified in the rpl36 ribosomal protein gene of all chloroplasts sequenced to date with the exception of haptophytes and cryptophytes - algae that have gained (via lateral gene transfer) an alternative rpl36 lacking the zinc finger motif. The two C. tobin chloroplast ribosomal RNA operon spacer regions differ in tRNA content. Additionally, each ribosomal operon contains multiple single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) - a pattern observed in rhodophytes and cryptophytes, but few stramenopiles. Analysis of small (<200 bp) chloroplast encoded tandem and inverted repeats in C. tobin and 78 other algal chloroplast genomes show that repeat type, size and location are correlated with gene identity and taxonomic clade. The Chrysochromulina tobin organellar genomes provide new insight into organellar function and evolution. These are the first organellar genomes to be determined for the prymnesiales, a taxon that is present in both oceanic and freshwater systems and represents major primary photosynthetic producers and contributors to global ecosystem stability.
The genome and transcriptome of the snail Biomphalaria sudanica s.l.: immune gene diversification and highly polymorphic genomic regions in an important African vector of Schistosoma mansoni
- 2024
Tom Pennance, Javier Calvelo, Jacob A. Tennessen, Ryan Burd, Jared Cayton, Stephanie R. Bollmann, Michael S. Blouin, Johannie M. Spaan, Federico G. Hoffmann, George Ogara, Fredrick Rawago, Kennedy Andiego, Boaz Mulonga, Meredith Odhiambo, Eric S. Loker, Martina R. Laidemitt, Lijun Lu, Andrés Iriarte, Maurice R. Odiere, Michelle L. Steinauer
Control and elimination of schistosomiasis is an arduous task, with current strategies proving inadequate to break transmission. Exploration of genetic approaches to interrupt Schistosoma mansoni transmission, the causative agent for human intestinal schistosomiasis in sub-Saharan Africa and South America, has led to genomic research of the snail vector hosts of the genus Biomphalaria. Few complete genomic resources exist, with African Biomphalaria species being particularly underrepresented despite this being where the majority of S. mansoni infections occur. Here we generate and annotate the first genome assembly of Biomphalaria sudanica sensu lato, a species responsible for S. mansoni transmission in lake and marsh habitats of the African Rift Valley. Supported by whole-genome diversity data among five inbred lines, we describe orthologs of immune-relevant gene regions in the South American vector B. glabrata and present a bioinformatic pipeline to identify candidate novel pathogen recognition receptors (PRRs). De novo genome and transcriptome assembly of inbred B. sudanica originating from the shoreline of Lake Victoria (Kisumu, Kenya) resulted in a haploid genome size of ~ 944.2 Mb (6,728 fragments, N50 = 1.067 Mb), comprising 23,598 genes (BUSCO = 93.6% complete). The B. sudanica genome contains orthologues to all described immune genes/regions tied to protection against S. mansoni in B. glabrata, including the polymorphic transmembrane clusters (PTC1 and PTC2), RADres, and other loci. The B. sudanica PTC2 candidate immune genomic region contained many PRR-like genes across a much wider genomic region than has been shown in B. glabrata, as well as a large inversion between species. High levels of intra-species nucleotide diversity were seen in PTC2, as well as in regions linked to PTC1 and RADres orthologues. Immune related and putative PRR gene families were significantly over-represented in the sub-set of B. sudanica genes determined as hyperdiverse, including high extracellular diversity in transmembrane genes, which could be under pathogen-mediated balancing selection. However, no overall expansion in immunity related genes was seen in African compared to South American lineages. The B. sudanica genome and analyses presented here will facilitate future research in vector immune defense mechanisms against pathogens. This genomic/transcriptomic resource provides necessary data for the future development of molecular snail vector control/surveillance tools, facilitating schistosome transmission interruption mechanisms in Africa.