Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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Maintaining the Flow: Maintenance Service Provision in the Alto Río Lerma Irrigation District, Mexico
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 17 - Trang 47-67 - 2003
Klaus Urban, Philippus Wester
Through irrigation management transfer inMexico poorly functioning governancemechanisms for maintenance were replaced.New actors, new roles, and newresponsibilities in the maintenance ofMexican irrigation systems wereestablished. This article analyzes themaintenance service delivery mechanisms inthe Alto Río Lerma Irrigation District(ARLID), to evaluate if and how theinstitutional arrangements establishedthrough management transfer ensure adequateservice provision. After presenting themain actors currently involved inirrigation maintenance, the rules andregulations underlying the servicerelationships between the actors involvedin maintenance in ARLID are analyzed. Thisis done by detailing how theserelationships are formally organized, howthey work in practice, and which incentivesexist for the service providers to providean efficient service and for the servicerecipient to pro-actively participate inservice provision. We conclude that the newinstitutional framework for maintenanceservice provision is quite coherent andthat the governance mechanisms that havebeen established work well, especiallythose between the farmers and theirorganizations. This has led to improvedmaintenance services.
Research and developments in selecting subsurface drainage materials
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 6 - Trang 291-310 - 1993
Willy Dierickx
Subsurface drainage requires appropriate materials to ensure a proper functioning of the drainage system. The materials normally applied for subsurface drainage are drain pipes and envelopes. Besides a review of the materials used for drain pipes, their hydraulic characteristics — discharge capacity and entrance resistance — have been treated. Much attention is paid to subsurface drainage envelope materials because of practical problems and a serious gap in knowledge, in spite of considerable research efforts. After treating the aim of drainage envelopes, a review of the used materials is given. Practical experience with gravel envelopes, still often used in irrigated areas, shows serious shortcomings. Since organic envelopes are vulnerable to deterioration, the only possible alternative are synthetic envelopes. Their property to retain soil particles is characterized by the so-called filter criteria. Laboratory research and field experiments to evaluate the blocking and clogging aspects of synthetic envelopes are discussed and selection criteria given.
Stanley W. Trimble, B. A. Stewart, Terry A. Howell, Encyclopedia of Water Science, Second Edition
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 23 - Trang 59-60 - 2009
Eric Viala
Design of hydraulic structures to prevent the spread of intermediate snails hosts of schistosomiasis
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 20 - Trang 69-82 - 2006
Damei Li, Xiaoli Fu
In China, schistosomiasis is a parasitic disease mostly found in areas along the ChangJiang River. Transmission of the parasite essentially requires the species intermediate mollusc species Oncomelania, thus one option to control the spread of schistosomiasis is to properly design water intakes that prevent Oncomelania from entering farming land or residential areas. This paper reports a successful design process and a new Oncomelania-proof intake device. The design of the new intake is based on a sound research program in which extensive experimental studies were carried out to gain knowledge of Oncomelania eco-hydraulic behavior and detailed flow field information through CFD simulation.
Estimation of green bean yield, water deficiency and productivity using spectral indexes during the growing season
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 22 - Trang 209-223 - 2008
Eyüp Selim Köksal, Tekin Kara, Mehmet Apan, Haluk Üstün, Adem İlbeyi
Field experiments were carried out in the 2004 and 2005 growing seasons on drip irrigated dwarf green beans (Phaseolus vulgaris, humilis). Soil water content (SWC), spectral reflectance and yield were monitored. Based on these data crop evapotranspiration (ETc), soil water deficit index (SWDI), water use efficiency (WUE) and four separate spectral indexes were calculated. In order to determine use opportunities of spectral indexes for estimation of yield, SWDI and WUE, some statistical analyzes were made. Results showed that spectral indexes could be used for monitoring of yield, SWDI and WUE. Especially, Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI) had the highest correlations with all three of the parameters. The estimation procedure which was given in this study has a potential use either during, or at the end of the growing season. Estimated values of WUE and SWDI were 3.2 (kg m−3) and 0.12, respectively, through SAVI and the given procedure, indicates the optimal water use and yield conditions for dwarf green beans. At this situation, probably ETc was 580 mm and yield was 25.5 t ha−1.
Drainage and Agricultural Development
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 14 - Trang 223-235 - 2000
Lambert K. Smedema, Safwat Abdel-Dayem, Walter J. Ochs
This paper explores the role of drainage as aninstrument for agricultural and rural development andthe related drainage development forces and processes.Five specific roles of drainage are distinguished:foodproduction, agricultural intensification anddiversification, sustainable irrigated land use, ruraldevelopment and environmental protection. Specialattention is given to the drainage development needsof the developing countries. It is argued that whileat early stages of agricultural development, drainagedevelopment is generally driven by ongoingagricultural development, at later stages ofdevelopment these roles often reverse withagricultural development risking to become stagnatedwhen drainage is not improved. These relationshipsshould be taken into account in the design of drainagedevelopment programs and projects. It is emphasizedthat improved drainage can contribute to establishinga more diversified, competitive and sustainable typeof agriculture, enhance sanitary and public healthconditions and generally contribute to ruraldevelopment, rural well being and poverty alleviation.Drainage development in the developing countries ishowever often severely constrained by the lack of supporting public policies, institutional frameworksand professional cadres. Overcoming these constraintsshould be given high priority on the national andinternational drainage development agendas.
Diagnosis of mineral clogging hazards in subsurface drainage systems
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - - 1993
Christiane Lennoz-Gratin, Benoît Lesaffre, M. Penel
Optimal irrigation planning model for an existing storage based irrigation system in India
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 25 Số 1 - Trang 19-38 - 2011
A. Srinivasa Prasad, N. V. Umamahesh, G. K. Viswanath
Determining the optimal size of water users' associations
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 8 - Trang 189-199 - 1994
Jorge Chambouleyron
In 1985 the General Irrigation Department (DGI) of the Province of Mendoza, Argentina, launched a water users' associations reorganization program to attain administratively more effective associations. At that time there were 760 water users' associations (WUAs) managing a total irrigated area of 360,000 ha. Under the reorganization program all water users' associations of less than 1000 ha were merged into larger organizations. The main obstacle to the viability of small WUAs was the lack of adequate funding to perform their irrigation water management responsibilities. At that time it was thought that the ideal administrative area should range from 10,000 to 15,000 ha. Eight years after the reorganization, the total number of WUAs was reduced to 360. This paper reviews the experience with the reorganization program. It concludes that the optimal size should be between 3000 and 10,000 ha to minimize management costs. This conclusion is based on the detailed budgets of nine new WUAs administering from 500 to 14,000 ha.
An approach to estimating the potential production benefits from improved irrigation water management for rice
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 1 - Trang 19-30 - 1986
Leslie E. Small, Chyong Ling Chen
Production benefits of improved allocation of irrigation water are often difficult to measure. In situations of irrigated wet rice cultivation, bothex post estimates of such benefits andex ante estimates of the maximum potential benefits of further improvements in allocation of a given water supply are possible using a conceptual framework which (1) functionally relates weekly water supplies to weekly measures of average water shortage on individual paddy fields; (2) aggregates the weekly water shortage measures into a seasonal water shortage index; and (3) relates, via a production function, the seasonal water shortage index to yields. An empirical application of this framework estimates the potential increase in production from further improvements in water allocation in one Philippine irrigation system to be negligible.
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