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Methodologies for assessing performance of irrigation and drainage management
Tập 7 Số 4 - Trang 231-261 - 1994
M. Bos, Dave Murray-Rust, Douglas J. Merrey, Howard Johnson, W.B. Snellen
Drip Irrigation of Tomato and Cotton Under Shallow Saline Ground Water Conditions
Tập 20 Số 2-3 - Trang 155-175 - 2006
Blaine R. Hanson, Robert B. Hutmacher, D. M. May
Equity of water distribution along secondary canals in Punjab, Pakistan
Tập 6 Số 2 - Trang 161-177 - 1992
M. N. Bhutta, Edward J. Van Der Velde
Wastewater use in irrigated agriculture
Tập 24 Số 1-2 - Trang 1-3 - 2010
Pay Drechsel, Alexandra E.V. Evans
Water charges and irrigation efficiencies
- 1990
M. Bos, W. Wolters
Water Pricing and Sustainability of Self-Governing Irrigation Schemes
Tập 17 - Trang 213-238 - 2003
Pierre-Yves Le Gal, Thierry Rieu, Charles Fall
The sustainability of self-governingirrigation schemes is currently underpressure in many countries as publicfinancial support is decreasing.Furthermore, growing global concernregarding water scarcity means thatefficient water use is essential.Theoretically the choice and implementationof a water-pricing system should play acentral role in achieving this objective,both by recovering water costs and byencouraging farmers to adopt more efficientbehaviour. In the Senegal River Delta newlyestablished water users associations (WUAs)have chosen low water charges, which areaffordable for the majority of farmers butwhich underestimate long-term maintenancecosts. Combined with the difficulty ofcollecting and managing farmers' fees, thischoice has drawn them into a vicious circleleading to scheme deterioration and poorwater service. New alternatives have beendiscussed with them using a simulation toolthat takes into account both the watercosts and the farmers' incomes. Comparedwith the present fixed water charge basedonly on cultivated land, a two-part optionbased both on equipped and irrigated areasensures the recovery of fixed expenses suchas maintenance, while encouraging farmersto intensify their farming systems byadopting double cropping. Neverthelesschoosing a relevant water charge does notensure by itself the sustainability of anirrigation scheme. Combined supportproviding WUAS and farmers with efficientadvice regarding management andorganisational skills should alsocontribute significantly to achieve thisprime objective.
Modeling subsurface drainage for salt load management in southeastern Australia
Tập 20 Số 2-3 - Trang 267-282 - 2006
M. A. S. Wahba, EW Christen