Springer Science and Business Media LLC

Công bố khoa học tiêu biểu

* Dữ liệu chỉ mang tính chất tham khảo

Sắp xếp:  
Differential therapeutic responses of thiol compounds in the reversal of methylmercury inhibited acid phosphatase and cathepsin E in the central nervous system of rat
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 49 - Trang 78-84 - 1992
S. D. Vinay, K. G. Raghu, P. P. Sood
Behavior of Lindane and Endosulfan on Cowpea
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 60 Số 2 - Trang 225-230 - 1998
Mukherjee, I. , Gopal, M.
Sự phân hủy và dư lượng của Bifenthrin trong lúa mì dưới điều kiện thực địa Dịch bởi AI
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 90 - Trang 238-241 - 2012
Xiangwei You, Naiwen Jiang, Fengmao Liu, Congyun Liu, Suli Wang
Các thử nghiệm thực địa đã được tiến hành để nghiên cứu sự phân hủy và mức độ dư lượng của bifenthrin trong lúa mì. Sau khi chiết xuất bằng acetonitrile, các mẫu được làm sạch bằng phương pháp chiết xuất pha rắn phân tán và được phát hiện bằng sắc ký khí – khối phổ. Thời gian bán hủy của bifenthrin trong mầm lúa mì dao động từ 2,4 đến 10,5 ngày. Tại thời điểm thu hoạch, dư lượng cuối cùng của bifenthrin dưới mức giới hạn dư lượng tối đa (0,5 mg/kg) do Ủy ban Codex Alimentarius hoặc Liên minh Châu Âu quy định trong hạt lúa mì, cho thấy rằng việc sử dụng loại thuốc trừ sâu này là an toàn cho con người. Tuy nhiên, mức độ dư lượng tương đối cao của bifenthrin trong rơm lúa mì cần được chú ý.
#bifenthrin #lúa mì #dư lượng #phân hủy #thuốc trừ sâu #sắc ký khí #khối phổ
Changes in neurotransmitter levels in channel catfish after exposure to benzo(a)pyrene, naphthalene, and Aroclor 1254
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - - 1983
Sue W. Fingerman, Everett C. Short
Toxic Effects of Acetochlor on Mortality, Reproduction and Growth of Caenorhabditis elegans and Pristionchus pacificus
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 90 Số 3 - Trang 364-368 - 2013
Jingnan Zhang, Wenju Liang, Xiaohu Wu, Siwei Jiang, Qi Li
Toxicity of 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-diozin for rhesus monkeys: Brief report
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 18 - Trang 108-109 - 2013
Wilbur P. McNulty
Effects of sublethal concentrations of cadmium as possible indicators of cadmium pollution for two populations ofAcartia clausi (Copepoda) living at two differently polluted areas
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 23 - Trang 642-649 - 1979
M. Moraitou-Apostolopoulou, G. Verriopoulos, P. Lentzou
Perfluoroalkyl Substances in Water from the Yangtze River and Its Tributaries at the Dividing Point Between the Middle and Lower Reaches
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 101 - Trang 598-603 - 2018
Ke-Yan Tan, Guo-Hui Lu, Xin Yuan, Yu Zheng, Peng-Wei Shao, Jing-Yi Cai, Yi-Ran Zhao, Xiao-Hua Zhu, Yong-Liang Yang
The Yangtze River drainage basins are China’s most important economic development zones and also the locations of several large-scale fluorine chemical industries. In order to reveal the contribution from the tributaries at the dividing point between the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River with respect to perfluorinated substances (PFASs), 17 PFAS compounds in surface water, groundwater, and tap water samples were analyzed in the tributary system of the Jiujiang section of the Yangtze River. The total concentrations of PFASs in the surface waters ranged from 7.8 to 586.2 ng/L. High proportion of short-chain compound PFBS in surface waters in Nanchang City, Poyang Lake, and the Yangtze River was observed which is likely of WWTPs’ origin.
A study of inhalation of pentachlorophenol by rats III. Inhalation toxicity study
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 15 - Trang 463-465 - 2013
Heinz J. Hoben, Stephanie A. Ching, Louis J. Casarett
An LD50 study of inhaled pentachlorophenol has been conducted. Seven groups of rats, consisting of 12 animals each, were exposed to the aerosol of sodium pentachlorophenate. The LD50 was 11.7 mg/kg body weight as shown on a probit curve.
Biodegradation of Oil Spill by Petroleum Refineries Using Consortia of Novel Bacterial Strains
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 89 - Trang 257-262 - 2012
Bina Singh, Amit Bhattacharya, Veeranna A. Channashettar, C. Paul Jeyaseelan, Sachin Gupta, Priyangshu M. Sarma, Ajoy K. Mandal, Banwari Lal
Feasibility study carried out at the site prior to the full scale study showed that the introduced bacterial consortium effectively adapted to the local environment of the soil at bioremediation site. The soil samples were collected from the contaminated fields after treatment with bacterial consortium at different time intervals and analyzed by gas chromatography after extraction with hexane and toluene. At time zero (just before initiation of bioremediation), the concentration of total petroleum hydrocarbons in the soil (25-cm horizon) of plot A, B, C and D was 30.90 %, 18.80 %, 25.90 % and 29.90 % respectively, after 360 days of treatment with microbial consortia was reduced to 0.97 %, 1.0 %, 1.0 %, and 1.1 % respectively. Whereas, only 5 % degradation was observed in the control plot after 365 days (microbial consortium not applied).
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