Perspectives on the implementation of employee rights programsSpringer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 1 - Trang 247-261 - 1988
Stewart Black, Robert Page, Newton Margulies
In the past decade, employee rights have been an increasingly important and complex issue. This paper examines the benefits of successfully implementing employee rights programs and outlines factors that influence effective implementation. This includes a discussion of three general organizational approaches to employee rights issues and contextual factors that influence successful implementation of employee rights programs.
Beyond the Business Case for Diversity in OrganizationsSpringer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 18 - Trang 283-292 - 2006
Brian J. O’Leary, Bart L. Weathington
Many organizations and institutions are spending extensive time, money, and resources to justify a focus on diversity. In this paper, we argue that, instead of justifying demographic diversity, the more appropriate focus is on properly managing the processes and outcomes of a diverse workforce. Demographic diversity in the workplace is a reality. In terms of both composition and sheer numbers, the workforce today is more demographically diverse than it has ever been, and there is every indication that it will be even more diverse in the future. Accordingly, this paper argues that we must go beyond the business case for diversity to effectively utilize the diversity that already exists and create a just workplace.
“The Worse You Behave, The More You Seem, to be Rewarded”: Bullying in Nursing as Organizational CorruptionSpringer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 21 - Trang 213-229 - 2009
Marie Hutchinson, Margaret H. Vickers, Lesley Wilkes, Debra Jackson
This paper reports findings from the first, qualitative stage of a national sequential, mixed method study of bullying in the Australian nursing workplace. Twenty-six nurses who had experience of workplace bullying were recruited from two Australian public sector health care organizations. Examining the narrative data from the viewpoint of bullying being a corrupt activity we present an alternative perspective on group acts of bullying. By exploring bullying as corrupt behaviour, this paper challenges the assumption that bullying can be principally considered a series of isolated events stemming from interpersonal conflict, organizational pressures, or poor work design. Corruption in organizations has not previously been linked with or compared to bullying. In revealing the manner in which actors can engage in corrupt conduct that includes bullying, the findings from our study offer important implications for the management of workplace bullying as a serious and corrupt activity.
Rào cản nghề nghiệp mà người mắc bệnh mãn tính phải đối mặt: Một nghiên cứu tại Hoa Kỳ Dịch bởi AI Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 24 - Trang 91-110 - 2011
Joy E. Beatty
Bài báo này xem xét các rào cản nghề nghiệp và thái độ của những người làm việc tại Hoa Kỳ với bệnh mãn tính. Bệnh mãn tính khác với khuyết tật, với các triệu chứng thường không đồng nhất; triệu chứng cũng có thể không rõ ràng hoặc mơ hồ. Lý thuyết sự nghiệp xã hội nhận thức và các nghiên cứu về bệnh tật cung cấp khung lý thuyết cho các rào cản nghề nghiệp đặc thù của nhóm đối tượng này. Dữ liệu được thu thập từ các cuộc phỏng vấn với 23 cá nhân làm việc có bệnh mãn tính. Kết quả cho thấy rằng các rào cản nghề nghiệp xuất phát từ chính căn bệnh (các triệu chứng và sự không chắc chắn), phản ứng của người khác đối với căn bệnh, và các quy định của tổ chức. Những hiểu lầm về bệnh tật, sự thương hại, và các quan niệm rằng những người mắc bệnh không thể đảm nhận công việc thách thức hoặc rằng họ sẽ sớm rời khỏi lực lượng lao động do căn bệnh của họ thường được đề cập. Con đường sự nghiệp của mọi người bị ảnh hưởng theo những cách đặc trưng, với các mô hình chững lại, chuyển hướng, lùi lại, và tự kinh doanh. Họ cũng báo cáo về việc tái xác định ưu tiên cho mục tiêu nghề nghiệp và cá nhân. Những phát hiện này nhằm phân biệt trải nghiệm bệnh mãn tính và các rào cản nghề nghiệp của nó để giúp những người mắc bệnh và các nhà tuyển dụng phát triển các phương pháp và chiến lược hiệu quả khi làm việc với bệnh tật.
#bệnh mãn tính #rào cản nghề nghiệp #lý thuyết sự nghiệp #kinh nghiệm làm việc #tái ưu tiên
Going above and beyond for your Beliefs: the Effects of Ideological Psychological Contract Breach and Fulfillment on pro-Social Rule BreakingSpringer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 34 Số 4 - Trang 515-538 - 2022
Yang Yan-fan, I. Brans, Tim Vantilborgh
AbstractIdeological psychological contracts (PC) describe perceived obligations that relate to an organization’s mission, values, and principles, and they relate closely to employees’ self-concept. The ideological currency is prevalent across various professions and organizations. In this study, we argue that employees engage in corrective behavior (i.e., pro-social rule breaking; PSRB) in response to large discrepancies between obligated and delivered ideological inducements (i.e., ideological PC breach). We measure breach obligated and delivered ideological inducements separately to examine their different effects on PSRB. Based on prior theoretical models, we examine core self-evaluation (i.e., CSE) and include perceptions of ideological PC breach and fulfillment as antecedents of PSRB, as well as the role of CSE in the relationship between perceptions of ideological PC breach and fulfillment and PSRB. Our results suggest that PSRB negatively relates to both the breach and fulfillment continua, and delivered ideological inducements relates more strongly to PSRB than obligated ideological inducements. Moreover, CSE does not moderate the relationship between ideological PC breach and fulfillment and PSRB. These results further our understanding of how ideological PCs shape employees’ behavior. By examining the moderating role of CSE, we advance the PC literature by showing that ideological PC breach and fulfillment perceptions are better antecedents of PSRB than CSE.
Applicant Reactions to Social Media Assessments: Effects of Social Media Type, Social Media Self-Efficacy, and Minority StatusSpringer Science and Business Media LLC - - Trang 1-25 - 2023
Yalçın Açıkgöz, Kelly Mollica, H. Kristl Davison, Christopher J. Hartwell, Shawn M. Bergman
Reviewing applicant social media content during employee selection has become a common practice, but little is known about applicant reactions in this context. In two experimental studies, we examined the role of type of social media (personal vs. professional), social media self-efficacy, and minority status on job applicant reactions. In both studies, minorities perceived higher invasion of privacy associated with social media assessments versus non-minorities, which in turn was positively related to litigation intentions. Additionally, participants with lower social media self-efficacy demonstrated more negative reactions to social media assessments. This research provides important theoretical and practical implications for understanding the reactions of minority job candidates to selection processes in the context of newer technologies like social media.
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD): Organizational Control and Justice PerspectivesSpringer Science and Business Media LLC - - 2024
Helen Lam, Terry Beckman, Mark Harcourt, Sandra Shanmugam
Bring your Own Device (BYOD) is an increasingly popular phenomenon at work, with several potential benefits (e.g., cost reduction, convenience and flexibility) and concerns (e.g., security risk, blurring of work-life boundary, and privacy infringement). Yet, systematic research incorporating theoretical perspectives on BYOD has been limited. This paper analyzes BYOD by integrating organizational control and justice frameworks. For control, approaches advanced by Hopwood, Ouchi and Edwards were adopted, covering simple control, administrative/bureaucratic control, technical/technological control, social control, and self control. The justice framework includes both distributive and procedural fairness. It is posited that justice/fairness mediates the effects of the control mechanisms. Practices under various controls that are seen as fair or unfair are discussed and recommendations provided.
Corporate Governance and Performance of Indian Firms: The Effect of Board Size and OwnershipSpringer Science and Business Media LLC - - 2005
Neeraj Dwivedi, Arun Kumar Jain
The paper reviews international literature on corporate governance and firm performance and investigates the relationship in the Indian context, taking into account the endogeneity in the relationship. Governance parameters include board size, directors’ shareholding, institutional and foreign shareholding, while the fragmentation in shareholding is captured by public shareholding. A simultaneous equation regression model for Tobin’s Q, as a measure of firm performance, is attempted using these variables, while controlling for industry effects and other non-governance variables. The data corresponds to a panel of 340 large, listed Indian firms for the period 1997–2001 spread across 24 industry groups.