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Neuroscience (miscellaneous)

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Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Human eye movement response to z-axis linear acceleration: the effect of varying the phase relationships between visual and vestibular inputs
Tập 103 - Trang 256-266 - 1995
Corinna E. Lathan, Conrad Wall, Laurence R. Harris
We investigated the effect of systematically varying the phase relationship between 0.5-Hz sinusoidal z-axis optokinetic (OKN) and linear acceleration stimuli upon the resulting vertical eye movement responses of five humans. Subjects lay supine on a linear sled which accelerated them sinusoidally along their z-axis at 0.4 g peak acceleration (peak velocity 1.25 m/s). A high-contrast, striped z-axis OKN stimulus moving sinusoidally at 0.5 Hz, 70°/s peak velocity was presented either concurrently or with the acceleration stimulus or alone. Subjects' vertical eye movements were recorded using scleral search coils. When stimuli were paired in the naturally occurring relationship (e.g., visual stripes moving upward paired with downward physical acceleration), the response was enhanced over the response to the visual stimulus presented alone. When the stimuli were opposed (e.g., visual stripes moving upward during upward physical acceleration, a combination that does not occur naturally), the response was not significantly different from the response to the visual stimulus presented alone. Enhancement was maximized when the velocities of the visual and motion stimuli were in their normal phase relationship, while the response took intermediate values for other phase relationships. The phase of the response depended upon the phase difference between the two inputs. We suggest that linear self-motion processing looks at agreement between the two stimuli — a sensory conflict model.
The body in the brain revisited
Tập 200 - Trang 25-35 - 2009
Giovanni Berlucchi, Salvatore M. Aglioti
Corporeal awareness is a difficult concept which refers to perception, knowledge and evaluation of one’s own body as well as of other bodies. We discuss here some controversies regarding the significance of the concepts of body schema and body image, as variously entertained by different authors, for the understanding of corporeal awareness, and consider some newly proposed alternatives. We describe some recent discoveries of cortical areas specialized for the processing of bodily forms and bodily actions, as revealed by neuroimaging, neurophysiological, and lesion studies. We further describe new empirical and theoretical evidence for the importance of interoception, in addition to exteroception and proprioception, for corporeal awareness, and discuss how itch, a typical interoceptive input, has been wrongly excluded from the classic concept of the proprioceptive–tactile body schema. Finally, we consider the role of the insular cortex as the terminal cortical station of interoception and other bodily signals, along with Craig’s proposal that the human insular cortex sets our species apart from other species by supporting consciousness of the body and the self. We conclude that corporeal awareness depends on the spatiotemporally distributed activity of many bodies in the brain, none of which is isomorphic with the actual body.
Organisation of the thalamofugal visual projections in chick embryos, and a sex difference in light-stimulated development
Tập 97 - Trang 110-114 - 1993
L. J. Rogers, P. Adret, S. W. Bolden
The organisation of the thalamofugal visual projections to the forebrain has been determined in chick embryos by injecting retrograde tracers (true blue and either fluorogold or diamidino yellow) into the left or right hyperstriatum. The embryos were injected on day 19 of incubation and allowed to survive for a further 4 days. Unlike chicks posthatching, the embryos were found to have no asymmetry of the thalamofugal visual projections, irrespective of whether they had received 24 h of light exposure prior to injecting the tracer dyes or had been kept in darkness. The light exposure did, however, lead to a significant increase in the ratio of the number of cell bodies in the thalamus labelled contralaterally to the injection site to the number labelled ipsilaterally (CI ratio) in male embryos. The elevation of the CI ratio appeared to be due to an increase in the number of contralateral projections from each side of the thalamus to the hyperstriatum on the other side of the forebrain. Thus, growth of these visual projections is promoted by light experience during the later stages of embryonic development. Most likely, light stimulation promotes increased arborisation of end-terminals in the hyperstriatum. Development of the thalamofugal visual projections in female embryos was not influenced by exposure to light, a finding consistent with earlier studies demonstrating that circulating oestrogen either inhibits or over-rides the sensitivity of these developing neurones to light stimulation.
Processing of temporal information and the basal ganglia: new evidence from fMRI
Tập 148 Số 2 - Trang 238-246 - 2003
Igor Nenadić, Christian Gaser, Hans‐Peter Volz, Thomas Rammsayer, F. Häger, Heinrich Sauer
Power and precision grip force control in three-to-five-year-old children: velocity control precedes amplitude control in development
Tập 172 - Trang 246-260 - 2006
Nancy L. Potter, Raymond D. Kent, Mary J. Lindstrom, Jo-Anne C. Lazarus
The aim of this study was to examine the development of underlying motor control strategies in young children by characterizing the changes in performance of a visually guided force regulation task using two different grip formations; a whole-hand power grip (developmentally easier) and a thumb-index finger precision grip (developmentally more advanced). Typically developing preschool children (n=50, 3.0–5.5 years) used precision and power grips to perform a ramp and hold task with their dominant and non-dominant hands. Participants performed five trials with each hand and grip holding the force at 30% of their maximum volitional contraction for 3 s. The data were examined for both age-related and performance-related changes in motor performance. Across ages, children increased in strength, decreased in initial overshoot of the target force level, and decreased in rate of force release. Results of a cluster analysis suggest non-linear changes in the development of force control in preschool children, with a plateau in (or maturation of) velocity measures (rate of force increase and force decrease) earlier than in amplitude-related measures (initial force overshoot and force variability).
Stability control during the performance of a simultaneous obstacle avoidance and auditory Stroop task
Tập 234 Số 2 - Trang 387-396 - 2016
Timothy A. Worden, Lori Ann Vallis
State dependent activity in monkey visual cortex
Tập 69 Số 2 - Trang 245-259 - 1988
P. E. Haenny, John H. R. Maunsell, Peter H. Schiller
Single-cell coding of sensory, spatial and numerical magnitudes in primate prefrontal, premotor and cingulate motor cortices
Tập 234 - Trang 241-254 - 2015
Anne-Kathrin Eiselt, Andreas Nieder
The representation of magnitude information enables humans and animal species alike to successfully interact with the external environment. However, how various types of magnitudes are processed by single neurons to guide goal-directed behavior remains elusive. Here, we recorded single-cell activity from the dorsolateral prefrontal (PFC), dorsal premotor (PMd) and cingulate motor (CMA) cortices in monkeys discriminating discrete numerical (numerosity), continuous spatial (line length) and basic sensory (spatial frequency) stimuli. We found that almost exclusively PFC neurons represented the different magnitude types during sample presentation and working memory periods. The frequency of magnitude-selective cells in PMd and CMA did not exceed chance level. The proportion of PFC neurons selectively tuned to each of the three magnitude types were comparable. Magnitude coding was mainly dissociated at the single-neuron level, with individual neurons representing only one of the three tested magnitude types. Neuronal magnitude discriminability, coding strength and temporal evolution were comparable between magnitude types encoded by PFC neuron populations. Our data highlight the importance of PFC neurons in representing various magnitude categories. Such magnitude representations are based on largely distributed coding by single neurons that are anatomically intermingled within the same cortical area.
Somatosensory evoked potential correlates of psychophysical magnitude estimations for air-puff stimulation of the foot in man
Tập 92 - Trang 318-325 - 1992
I. Hashimoto, T. Gatayama, K. Yoshikawa, M. Sasaki
Short air-puff stimuli were applied to the sole of the right foot to obtain both psychophysical and neurophysiological responses. The detection threshold (So) was first determined, and six levels of stimulus intensity above threshold were adopted for magnitude estimation. Somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) were also recorded over the foot projection area (2 cm posterior to Cz) for the six stimulus intensities. Six components (N40, P45, N55, P70, N80 and P90) were recorded within 100 ms following stimulation. A power function with an exponent of 0.94 provided an adequate description of the magnitude estimation values as a function of stimulus intensity, as was verified by the high correlation coefficient (r = 0.87; P < 0.001). Similarly, stimulus-amplitude functions of P45-N55, N55-P70 and P70-N80 SEP components were well represented by power functions with exponents of 0.62, 0.63 and 0.78, respectively. The SEP latencies as a function of stimulus intensity had negative power functions. The latency functions of the P45 and N55 components had the largest negative power exponents (-0.17 and -0.15) and showed the highest negative correlations (r= -0.70 and-0.71, respectively) with the stimulus intensity. These results suggest that both the amplitude and the latency information encoded in the SEPs may contribute to the magnitude estimation of the stimulus.