Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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Effect of irregular gravitational waves on a vertical circular cylinder
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 4 - Trang 63-66 - 1969
Yu. Z. Aleshkov
We examine the question of three-dimensional irregular waves acting on a vertical circular cylinder. Pilings in the form of circular cylinders are used as support elements for such hydrotechnical structures as offshore piers and stationary moorings. A theoretical-empirical approach to the solution of the problem for the action of swells was developed in [1]. The account for irregularity is based on the hypotheses which are adopted in spectral theory of waves. Examples are presented for particular cases of the sea-state spectral density.
Detached flow over a step with the formation of a turbulent wake
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 12 - Trang 358-364 - 1977
L. V. Gogish, G. Yu. Stepanov
A method of calculating the plane turbulent layer behind a step interacting with a free potential flow of incompressible fluid is developed. The method includes consideration of the initial boundary layer and injection (or suction) in the isobaric bottom region. Friction on the wall behind the step is neglected, which corresponds to symmetric quasisteady flow behind the straight edge of a plate. The inviscid flow is represented by the Keldysh-Sedov integral equations; the flow in the wake with a one-parameter velocity profile is represented by three first-order differential equations—the equations of momentum for the wake and motion along its axis and the equation of interaction (through the displacement thickness) of the viscous flow with the external potential flow. The turbulent friction in the wake is given, accurate to the single empirical constant, by the Prandtl equation. The different flow regions — on the plate behind the step, the isobaric bottom region, and the wake region — are joined with the aid of the quasi-one-dimensional momentum equation for viscous flow. The momentum equation for the flow as a whole serves as the closure condition. The obtained integrodifferential system of equations is approximated by a system of nonlinear finite-difference equations, whose solution is obtained on a computer by minimization of the sum of the squares of the discrepancies. The results of the calculations agree satisfactorily with experimental data.
Evaporation from a surface and vapor flow through a plane channel into a vacuum
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 31 - Trang 127-133 - 1996
I. N. Larina, V. A. Rykov, E. M. Shakhov
Two-dimensional steady rarefied-gas channel flow between two parallel walls, from an evaporating face to a perfectly absorbing plane end face, is studied. The vapor is considered to be a monatomic gas. The corresponding problem for the kinetic equation with collision integral in BGK form is formulated and solved numerically by two different finite-difference methods. Attention is focused on the calculation of the total gas flow rate through the channel cross-section. The structure of the gas channel flow as a function of the flow rarefaction, the channel length, and the ratio of the evaporation temperature to the wall temperature is studied.
Evolution of a Phase Interface in the Displacement of Viscous Fluids from a Porous Medium
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 56 - Trang 79-92 - 2021
N. N. Smirnov, V. F. Nikitin, E. I. Kolenkina (Skryleva), D. R. Gazizova
The process of displacement of a viscous fluid from a porous medium is simulated numerically with regard to the capillary effects. The surface area of the phase interface is calculated at each instant of time. The effect of the constitutive parameters on variation in the surface area of the phase interface is studied. The experiments on displacement of oil by water from Neocomian sandstones are described. The experimental data are compared with the results of the numerical simulation.
Supersonic flow past a cylindrical body with transverse jets at large angles of attack
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 33 Số 1 - Trang 147-150 - 1998
A. I. Usmanov
The energy equation in wetting hydrodynamics
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 31 - Trang 891-896 - 1996
O. V. Voinov
Creeping flow with a free boundary is considered in a neighborhood of a moving three-phase contact line. The energy equation is invoked to solve the closure problem of wetting theory.
Linear and nonlinear approaches and digital signal processing in aeroacoustics
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 44 - Trang 804-812 - 2010
A. N. Kraiko, O. M. Mel’nikova, K. S. Pyankov
The linear and nonlinear approaches to the calculation of small acoustic disturbance propagation and evolution in nonuniform flows are compared. In the conventional linear approach it is the linearized equations of time-dependent, ideal (inviscid and non-heat-conducting) or viscous gas flow that are integrated. In the nonlinear approach the original nonlinear equations governing the same time-dependent flow (Euler equations for an ideal gas) are integrated; these are the same equations that, together with time relaxation procedure, are used in the linear approach for calculating the stationary background. It is shown that the application of digital signal processing, widely used in acoustic experiments, makes it possible to isolate the harmonic acoustic waves from the results of integration of the nonlinear equations, though their intensity is smaller than that of the noise due to computational errors, including inadequate attainment of the stationary background.
Aerodynamic characteristics of rectangular plates in a hypersonic rarefied gas flow
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - - 1967
M.D. Ladyzhenskii, А. В. Липин
Application of the relaxation method to the nonequilibrium blunt-body flow problem
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 11 - Trang 288-292 - 1976
K. G. Savinov, V. P. Shkadova
Flow Above a Heated Plate in an Ascending Current
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 38 - Trang 214-224 - 2003
A. V. Gudzovskii
An analysis of the results of numerical experiments in which the two-dimensional flow near a plate placed across an ascending fluid current was simulated is presented. The plate temperature was higher than that of the fluid. Fluid flows with a Prandtl number 0.25 ≤ Pr ≤ 7 were considered on the moderate Reynolds and Richardson number ranges 25 < Re ≤ 100 and 0 ≤ Ri < 20. Under these conditions, two flow patterns were observable, which differed from each other by the intensity of the transverse oscillations of a system consisting of attached twin vortices and the near wake. For different Prandtl numbers, in the (Re, Ri1/2) plane the pattern stability boundaries were established, together with the distinctive features of pattern-to-pattern transition. It was found that the vortex arrangement in the wake above the heated plate can differ from that in the von Kàrmàn street in the absence of buoyancy
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