Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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The upside: coping and psychological resilience in Australian adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 15 - Trang 1-10 - 2021
Joanne R. Beames, Sophie H. Li, Jill M. Newby, Kate Maston, Helen Christensen, Aliza Werner-Seidler
Since the COVID-19 outbreak, few studies have investigated the positive psychological consequences on young people. This study examined resilience, positive experiences, and coping strategies reported by Australian adolescents during COVID-19. Self-report surveys were administered online to a sample of 760 Australian adolescents aged 12–18 years. Quantitative and qualitative methods were used to assess resilience, positive experiences, and coping strategies. Exploratory regression analyses were conducted to explore the relationship between resilience and demographics and mental illness history, as well as between resilience and positive experiences. Overall, adolescents were somewhat resilient (M = 20.93, SD = 8.29). They reported positive experiences during COVID-19, including increased empathy, compassion, gratitude, and connection with others, and reported using a range of active coping strategies. Having a mental illness history and identification as female or non-binary gender were associated with lower resilience (Bs > 2.82, ps < 0.001). Further, resilience was associated with decreased psychological distress (OR = 0.89, p < 0.001) and with increased positive experiences (ORs > 1.03, ps < 0.001). Our results indicate that Australian adolescents commonly reported positive experiences and used active coping strategies during COVID-19. Some young people demonstrated higher levels of resilience and were able to make the most out of an unpredictable situation that severely disrupted their daily routine. However, further prospective research using longitudinal methods is necessary to examine causal relationships between variables. An implication of our findings is that resilience-building programs for adolescents may be effective in increasing adaptability after adversity (e.g., climate change, bushfires, pandemics).
Child physical abuse: factors influencing the associations between self-reported exposure and self-reported health problems: a cross-sectional study
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 12 - Trang 1-13 - 2018
Eva-Maria Annerbäck, Carl Göran Svedin, Örjan Dahlström
Child physical abuse (CPA) is an extensive public health problem because of its associations with poor health outcomes. The aim of this study was to examine which of the background factors of CPA committed by a parent or other caregiver relates to self-reported poor health among girls and boys (13; 15 and 17 years old): perpetrator, last year exposure; severity and frequency; socioeconomic load and foreign background. In a cross-sectional study in a Swedish county (n = 8024) a path analysis was performed to evaluate a model where all background variables were put as predictors of three health-status variables: mental; physical and general health problems. In a second step a log linear analysis was performed to examine how the distribution over the health-status categories was different for different combinations of background factors. Children exposed to CPA reported poor health to a much higher extent than those who were not exposed. In the path analysis it was found that frequency and severity of abuse (boys only) and having experienced CPA during the last year, was significantly associated with poor health as well as socioeconomic load in the families. Foreign background was significantly negatively associated with all three health indicators especially for girls. Neither mother nor father as perpetrator remained significant in the path analysis, while the results from the log linear analyses showed that mother-abuse did in fact relate to poor general health and mental as well as physical health problems among boys and girls. Father-abuse was associated with poor mental health if severe abuse was reported. Poor mental health was also associated with mild father-abuse if exposure during the last year was reported. Despite the limitations that cross-sectional studies imply, this study provides new knowledge about factors associated with poor health among physically abused children. It describes details of CPA that have significant associations to different aspects of poor health and thus what needs to be addressed by professionals within mental health providers and social services. Understanding how different factors may contribute to different health outcomes for exposed children is important in future research and needs further studies.
Adolescents with full or subthreshold anorexia nervosa in a naturalistic sample: treatment interventions and patient satisfaction
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 14 - Trang 1-13 - 2020
Katarina Lindstedt, Sanna Aila Gustafsson, Emma Forss, Marie Elwin, Lars Kjellin
Despite major research efforts, current recommendations of treatment interventions for adolescents with anorexia nervosa are scarce, and the importance of patient satisfaction for treatment outcome is yet to be established. The overall aim of the present study was to examine treatment interventions and patient satisfaction in a naturalistic sample of adolescents with anorexia nervosa or subthreshold anorexia nervosa and possible associations to outcome defined as being in remission or not at treatment follow-up. Participants were identified through the Swedish national quality register for eating disorder treatment (SwEat). The samples consisted of 1899 patients who were follow-up registered 1 year after entering treatment and 474 patients who had completed a 1-year patient satisfaction questionnaire. A two-step cluster analysis was used for identifying subgroups of patients who received certain combinations and various amounts of treatment forms. Patients who received mainly family-based treatment and/or inpatient care were most likely to achieve remission at 1-year follow-up, compared to patients in the other clusters. They were also younger, in general. Individual therapy was the most common treatment form, and was most appreciated among the adolescents. At 1-year follow-up, many patients reported improvements in eating habits, but far fewer reported improvements regarding cognitive symptoms. Overall, the patients rated the therapist relationship in a rather positive way, but they gave quite low ratings to statements associated with their own participation in treatment. The results indicate that young adolescents who receive mainly family-based treatment and/or inpatient care respond more rapidly to treatment compared to older adolescents who receive mainly individual therapy or mixed treatment interventions. At 1-year follow-up, the adolescents reported improvements in behavioral symptoms and seemed quite satisfied with the therapist relationship.
Prediction of posttraumatic stress in fathers of children with chronic diseases or unintentional injuries: a six-months follow-up study
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 1 - Trang 1-10 - 2007
Karin Ribi, Margarete E Vollrath, Felix H Sennhauser, Hanspeter E Gnehm, Markus A Landolt
While fathers were neglected for a long time in research investigating families of pediatric patients, there are now a few studies available on fathers' posttraumatic stress symptoms (PTSS) and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, little is known about the course of PTSS and PTSD in fathers of pediatric patients. The present study aimed to compare the prevalence and course of PTSS and PTSD in fathers of children with different chronic and acute conditions and to identify factors that contribute to fathers' PTSS. Sixty-nine fathers of children newly diagnosed with either cancer, type I diabetes mellitus, or epilepsy and 70 fathers of children suffering from an unintentional injury completed questionnaires at 4–6 weeks (Time 1) and six months (Time 2) after diagnosis or injury. Noticeable PTSD rates were found in fathers of children with a chronic disease (26% at Time 1 and 21% at Time 2, respectively). These rates were significantly higher than rates found in fathers of children with unintentional injuries (12% at Time 1 and 6% at Time 2, respectively). Within six months after the child's diagnosis or accident a decrease in severity of PTSS was observed in both groups. Significant predictors of PTSS at Time 2 were the father's initial level of PTSS, the child's medical condition (injuries vs. chronic diseases) and functional status, the father's use of dysfunctional coping strategies, and father's level of neuroticism. Our findings suggest that fathers with initially high PTSS levels are at greater risk to experience PTSS at follow-up, particularly fathers of children with a chronic disease. Sensitizing health care professionals to the identification of PTSS symptoms but also to indicators of neuroticism and the use of specific coping strategies early in the treatment course is essential for the planning and implementation of adequate intervention strategies.
Prenatal antidepressant exposure and emotional disorders until age 22: a danish register study
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 17 - Trang 1-12 - 2023
Mette Bliddal, Rikke Wesselhoeft, Katrine Strandberg-Larsen, Martin T. Ernst, Myrna M. Weissman, Jay A. Gingrich, Ardesheer Talati, Anton Pottegård
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are the most frequently prescribed antidepressants in pregnancy. Animal and some clinical studies have suggested potential increases in depression and anxiety following prenatal SSRI exposure, but the extent to which these are driven by the medication remains unclear. We used Danish population data to test associations between maternal SSRI use during pregnancy and children outcomes up to age 22. We prospectively followed 1,094,202 single-birth Danish children born 1997–2015. The primary exposure was ≥ 1 SSRI prescription filled during pregnancy; the primary outcome, first diagnosis of a depressive, anxiety, or adjustment disorder, or redeemed prescription for an antidepressant medication. We used propensity score weights to adjust potential confounders, and incorporated data from the Danish National Birth Cohort (1997–2003) to further quantify potential residual confounding by subclinical factors. The final dataset included 15,651 exposed and 896,818 unexposed, children. After adjustments, SSRI-exposed had higher rates of the primary outcome than those of mothers who either did not use an SSRI (HR = 1.55 [95%CI:1.44,1.67] or discontinued the SSRI use ≥ 3 months prior to conception (HR = 1.23 [1.13,1.34]). Age of onset was earlier among exposed (9 [IQR:7–13] years) versus unexposed (12 [IQR:12–17] years) children (p < 0.01). Paternal SSRI use in the absence of maternal use during the index pregnancy (HR = 1.46 [1.35,1.58]) and maternal SSRI use only after pregnancy (HR = 1.42 [1.35,1.49]) were each also associated with these outcomes. While SSRI exposure was associated with increased risk in the children, this risk may be driven at least partly by underlying severity of maternal illness or other confounding factors.
Acute atomoxetine treatment of younger and older children with ADHD: A meta-analysis of tolerability and efficacy
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 2 - Trang 1-9 - 2008
Christopher J Kratochvil, Denái R Milton, Brigette S Vaughan, Laurence L Greenhill
Atomoxetine is FDA-approved as a treatment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in patients aged 6 years to adult. Among pediatric clinical trials of atomoxetine to date, six with a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled design were used in this meta-analysis. The purpose of this article is to describe and compare the treatment response and tolerability of atomoxetine between younger children (6–7 years) and older children (8–12 years) with ADHD, as reported in these six acute treatment trials. Data from six clinical trials of 6–9 weeks duration were pooled, yielding 280 subjects, ages 6–7 years, and 860 subjects, ages 8–12 years with Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV)-diagnosed ADHD. Efficacy was analyzed using the ADHD Rating Scale-IV (ADHD-RS), Conners' Parent Rating Scale-revised (CPRS-R:S), and the Clinical Global Impression of ADHD Severity (CGI-ADHD-S). Atomoxetine was superior to placebo in both age categories for mean (SD) change in ADHD-RS total, total T, and subscale scores; 3 CPRS-R:S subscales; and CGI-ADHD-S from baseline. Although there were no significant treatment differentials between the age groups for these efficacy measures, the age groups themselves, regardless of treatment, were significantly different for ADHD-RS total (younger: ATX = -14.2 [13.8], PBO = -4.6 [10.4]; older: ATX = -15.4 [13.2], PBO = -7.3 [12.0]; p = .001), total T (younger: ATX = -15.2 [14.8], PBO = -4.9 [11.2]; older: ATX = -16.4 [14.6], PBO = -7.9 [13.1]; p = .003), and subscale scores (Inattentive: younger: ATX = -7.2 [7.5], PBO = -2.4 [5.7]; older: ATX = -8.0 [7.4], PBO = -3.9 [6.7]; p = .043; Hyperactive/Impulsive: younger: ATX = -7.0 [7.2], PBO = -2.1 [5.4]; older: ATX = -7.3 [7.0], PBO = -3.4 [6.3]; p < .001), as well as the CGI-ADHD-S score (younger: ATX = -1.2 [1.3], PBO = -0.5 [0.9]; older: ATX = -1.4 [1.3], PBO = -0.7 [1.1]; p = .010). Although few subjects discontinued from either age group due to adverse events, a significant treatment-by-age-group interaction was observed for abdominal pain (younger: ATX = 19%, PBO = 6%; older: ATX = 15%, PBO = 13%; p = .044), vomiting (younger: ATX = 14%, PBO = 2%; older: ATX = 9%, PBO = 6%; p = .053), cough (younger: ATX = 10%, PBO = 6%; older: ATX = 3%, PBO = 9%; p = .007), and pyrexia (younger: ATX = 5%, PBO = 2%; older: ATX = 3%, PBO = 5%; p = .058). Atomoxetine is an effective and generally well-tolerated treatment of ADHD in both younger and older children as assessed by three recognized measures of symptoms in six controlled clinical trials. Not Applicable.
Age-specific determinants of psychiatric outcomes after the first COVID-19 wave: baseline findings from a Canadian online cohort study
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 17 - Trang 1-14 - 2023
S. Evelyn Stewart, John Best, Robert Selles, Zainab Naqqash, Boyee Lin, Cynthia Lu, Antony Au, Gaelen Snell, Clara Westwell-Roper, Tanisha Vallani, Elise Ewing, Kashish Dogra, Quynh Doan, Hasina Samji
Canadians endured unprecedented mental health (MH) and support access challenges during the first COVID-19 wave. Identifying groups of individuals who remain at risk beyond the acute pandemic phase is key to guiding systemic intervention efforts and policy. We hypothesized that determinants of three complementary, clinically actionable psychiatric outcomes would differ across Canadian age groups. The Personal Impacts of COVID-19 Survey (PICS) was iteratively developed with stakeholder feedback, incorporating validated, age-appropriate measures. Baseline, cross-sectional online data collected between November 2020-July 2021 was used in analyses. Age group-specific determinants were sought for three key baseline MH outcomes: (1) current probable depression, generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive–compulsive disorder and/or suicide attempt during COVID-19, (2) increased severity of any lifetime psychiatric diagnosis, and (3) inadequate MH support access during COVID-19. Multivariable logistic regression models were constructed for children, youth (self- and parent-report), young adults (19–29 years) and adults over 29 years, using survey type as a covariate. Statistical significance was defined by 95% confidence interval excluding an odds ratio of one. Data from 3140 baseline surveys were analyzed. Late adolescence and early adulthood were identified as life phases with the worst MH outcomes. Poverty, limited education, home maker/caregiver roles, female and non-binary gender, LGBTQ2S + status and special educational, psychiatric and medical conditions were differentially identified as determinants across age groups. Negative psychiatric impacts of COVID-19 on Canadians that include poor access to MH support clearly persisted beyond the first wave, widening pre-existing inequity gaps. This should guide policy makers and clinicians in current and future prioritization efforts.
Risk and resource factors of antisocial behaviour in children and adolescents: results of the longitudinal BELLA study
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 15 - Trang 1-14 - 2021
Christiane Otto, Anne Kaman, Michael Erhart, Claus Barkmann, Fionna Klasen, Robert Schlack, Ulrike Ravens-Sieberer
Antisocial behaviour is a common phenomenon in childhood and adolescence. Information on psychosocial risk and resource factors for antisocial behaviour are important for planning targeted prevention and early intervention programs. The current study explores risk and resource factors of antisocial behaviour in children and adolescents based on population-based longitudinal data. We analysed longitudinal data from the German BELLA study (n = 1145; 11 to 17 year-olds) measured at three measurement points covering two years. Latent growth analysis, linear regression models and structural equation modelling were used to explore cross-sectional and longitudinal data. Based on baseline data, we found that stronger self-efficacy and worse family climate were each related to stronger antisocial behaviour. Longitudinal data revealed that more severe parental mental health problems, worse family climate at baseline, deteriorating family climate over time, and more social support were each associated with increasing antisocial behaviour over time. We further found a moderating effect for family climate. Our study provides important exploratory results on psychosocial risk, resource and protective factors in the context of antisocial behaviour in children and adolescents, which need confirmation by future research. Our exploratory results point in the direction that family-based interventions for antisocial behavior in children and adolescents may benefit from considering the family climate.
Paternal predictors of the mental health of children of Vietnamese refugees
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 5 - Trang 1-11 - 2011
Aina B Vaage, Per H Thomsen, Cécile Rousseau, Tore Wentzel-Larsen, Thong V Ta, Edvard Hauff
Intergenerational transmission of trauma as a determinant of mental health has been studied in the offspring of Holocaust survivors and combat veterans, and in refugee families. Mainly negative effects on the children are reported, while a few studies also describe resilience and a possible positive transformation process. A longitudinal prospective cohort study of Vietnamese refugees arriving in Norway in 1982 reports a 23 years follow-up, including spouses and children born in Norway, to study the long-term effects of trauma, flight, and exile on the offspring of the refugees. Objectives of the study: 1. To study the association between the psychological distress of Vietnamese refugee parents and their children after 23 years resettlement. 2. To analyse paternal predictors for their children's mental health. Information from one or both parents at arrival in 1982 (T1), at follow-up in 1985 (T2), and 23 years after arrival (T3) was included. The mental health was assessed by the Global Severity Index (GSI) of the self-report Symptom Check List-90-R (SCL-90-R) for parents (n = 88) and older children (age 19-23 yrs, n = 12), while children aged 4-18 (n = 94) were assessed using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). Thirty percent of the families had one parent with a high psychological distress score ("probable caseness" for a mental disorder), while only 4% of the children aged 10 - 23 years were considered as probable cases. In spite of this, there was an association between probable caseness in children and in fathers at T3. A significant negative paternal predictor for the children's mental health at T3 was the father's PTSD at arrival in Norway, while a positive predictor was the father's participation in a Norwegian network three years after arrival. Children of refugees cannot be globally considered at risk for mental health problems. However, the preceding PTSD in their fathers may constitute a specific risk for them.
Emotional dysregulation and trauma predicting psychopathy dimensions in female and male juvenile offenders
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 10 - Trang 1-13 - 2016
Kathrin Sevecke, Sebastian Franke, David Kosson, Maya Krischer
Psychopathy is a specific syndrome that predicts future violent and aggressive behavior in adults. Studies in youth and adults have demonstrated a strong association between early traumatic incidents and later dissocial behavior. Moreover, the impact of personality pathology and emotional dysregulation on aggressive and violent behavior is well established. However, few studies have addressed the relationship between early traumatization and psychopathic traits in adolescents. The present study examined associations between both general dimensions of personality pathology and early traumatic experiences and the dimensions of psychopathy in 170 male and 171 female adolescent detainees. Analyses revealed associations between physical abuse, emotional dysregulation and psychopathic traits in delinquent boys but not in delinquent girls. Hypothesized relationships between trauma, personality pathology could only be confirmed in the lifestyle and antisocial, but not in the core affective and interpersonal facets of psychopathy.
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