
Springer Science and Business Media LLC




Cơ quản chủ quản:  Springer Heidelberg , Springer Verlag

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Genetics (clinical)Molecular MedicineDrug Discovery

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Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Histamine release by neuromuscular blocking agents in man
Tập 60 - Trang 891-895 - 1982
J. Moss, D. M. Philbin, C. E. Rosow, S. J. Basta, C. Gelb, J. J. Savarese
Several experimental and clinical studies have suggested that histamine is released following the administration of neuromuscular blocking agents, and that the histamine release is an important aspect in the hemodynamic response to the drug. We have measured plasma histamine following the administration of a series of neuromuscular blocking agents in man. Our data suggests that members of this class of drugs can cause a dose dependent release histamine release in man and that this release is hemodynamically significant. We have also evaluated the roles of rate of administration, of pretreatment with H1 and H2 antagonists and alterations in drug design as clinical strategies in attenuating the adverse reactions. The data obtained in humans can be shown to validate the cat model as a means of screening novel neuromuscular blocking agents.
Dysregulation of circRNA expression in the peripheral blood of individuals with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder
Tập 99 - Trang 981-991 - 2021
Ebrahim Mahmoudi, Melissa J. Green, Murray J. Cairns
Circular RNAs (circRNAs) are head-to-tail back-spliced RNA transcripts that have been linked to several biological processes and their perturbation is evident in human disease, including neurological disorders. There is also emerging research suggesting circRNA expression may also be altered in psychiatric and behavioural syndromes. Here, we provide a comprehensive analysis of circRNA expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from 39 patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder as well as 20 healthy individuals using deep RNA-seq. We observed systematic alternative splicing leading to a complex and diverse profile of RNA transcripts including 8762 high confidence circRNAs. More specific scrutiny of the circular transcriptome in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, compared to a non-psychiatric control group, revealed significant dysregulation of 55 circRNAs with a bias towards downregulation. These molecules were predicted to interact with a large number of miRNAs that target genes enriched in psychiatric disorders. Further replication and cross-validation to determine the specificity of these circRNAs across broader diagnostic groups and subgroups in psychiatry will enable their potential utility as biomarkers to be established. • We identified 8762 high confidence circRNAs with systematic alternative splicing in human PBMCs. • CircRNAs were dysregulated in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, compared to a non-psychiatric control group. • The DE circRNAs were predicted to interact with miRNAs with target genes enriched in psychiatric disorders. • Some circRNAs have the potential to serve as biomarkers in psychiatry.
Verhandlungen Ärztlicher Gesellschaften
Tập 14 - Trang 764-767 - 1935
Consequences of current lipid guidelines for the Federal Republic of Germany
Tập 68 - Trang 454-459 - 1990
L. Kohlmeier, H. Hoffmeister
According to the results of the first nationally representative population study in the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) conducted in 1984–1986, a vast majority of the population have elevated cholesterol levels and undesirable low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels. This problem increases with age in two dimensions, more individuals become hyperlipemic and those who were hyperlipemic develop more extreme pathologic values. Preliminary analyses suggest that the national profile in the FRG is worse than that of the USA. Based on the current recommendations of the national cholesterol education program of the USA, 23 million adults in the FRG should be receiving dietary advice for elevated lipid levels and 18 million persons should be in regular treatment programs. Consequently, implementation of such a national strategy and program would require the assembly and training of an adequate professional body of physicians and support staff in the diagnosis and treatment of hyperlipidemias.
Die Capillarresistenz und Ihre Beziehungen zur Menstruation bei der Frau
Tập 20 - Trang 266-268 - 1941
Ingeborg Rudel
Mit Hilfe der abgewandelten Borbélyschen Methode wurde die Capillarresistenz bei 100 Frauen gemessen und ihre Beziehung zum Menstruationscyclus untersucht. Dabei ergab sich als Mittelwert der CR. bei der Frau (am Oberarm gemessen) ein Unterdruck von 12–20 cm Hg. Bei 92% der Frauen zeigte sich ein Abfall der CR. zur Zeit der Menstruation mit folgendem Anstieg im Intermenstruum.
Umwertung der Quantitativen Hormonanalyse bei Hyperprolanurie
Tập 14 Số 5 - Trang 166-167 - 1935
Konrad Heim
Die Reaktionsweise des Organismus auf Kurze Elektrische Wellen
Tập 7 Số 34 - Trang 1600-1602 - 1928
E Schliephake