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SoftwareMathematics (miscellaneous)

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Các bài báo tiêu biểu

A trust region method based on interior point techniques for nonlinear programming
Tập 89 Số 1 - Trang 149-185 - 2000
Richard H. Byrd, Jean Charles Gilbert, Jorge Nocedal
A numerically stable optimization method based on A homogeneous function
- 1976
Janusz S. Kowalik, K. G. Ramakrishnan
Algorithms for nonlinear constraints that use lagrangian functions
Tập 14 Số 1 - Trang 224-248 - 1978
M. J. D. Powell
An active-set algorithm for norm constrained quadratic problems
Tập 193 - Trang 447-483 - 2021
Nikitas Rontsis, Paul J. Goulart, Yuji Nakatsukasa
We present an algorithm for the minimization of a nonconvex quadratic function subject to linear inequality constraints and a two-sided bound on the 2-norm of its solution. The algorithm minimizes the objective using an active-set method by solving a series of trust-region subproblems (TRS). Underpinning the efficiency of this approach is that the global solution of the TRS has been widely studied in the literature, resulting in remarkably efficient algorithms and software. We extend these results by proving that nonglobal minimizers of the TRS, or a certificate of their absence, can also be calculated efficiently by computing the two rightmost eigenpairs of an eigenproblem. We demonstrate the usefulness and scalability of the algorithm in a series of experiments that often outperform state-of-the-art approaches; these include calculation of high-quality search directions arising in Sequential Quadratic Programming on problems of the CUTEst collection, and Sparse Principal Component Analysis on a large text corpus problem (70 million nonzeros) that can help organize documents in a user interpretable way.
The integration of an interior-point cutting plane method within a branch-and-price algorithm
Tập 100 - Trang 267-294 - 2003
Samir Elhedhli, Jean-Louis Goffin
This paper presents a novel integration of interior point cutting plane methods within branch-and-price algorithms. Unlike the classical method, columns are generated at a ‘‘central’’ dual solution by applying the analytic centre cutting plane method (ACCPM) on the dual of the full master problem. First, we introduce some modifications to ACCPM. We propose a new procedure to recover primal feasibility after adding cuts and use, for the first time, a dual Newton’s method to calculate the new analytic centre after branching. Second, we discuss the integration of ACCPM within the branch-and-price algorithm. We detail the use of ACCPM as the search goes deep in the branch and bound tree, making full utilization of past information as a warm start. We exploit dual information from ACCPM to generate incumbent feasible solutions and to guide branching. Finally, the overall approach is implemented and tested for the bin-packing problem and the capacitated facility location problem with single sourcing. We compare against Cplex-MIP 7.5 as well as a classical branch-and-price algorithm.
Convex envelopes for edge-concave functions
Tập 103 Số 2 - Trang 207-224 - 2005
Clifford A. Meyer, Christodoulos A. Floudas
Optimization of the flow through networks with gains
Tập 3 - Trang 135-144 - 1972
Jean François Maurras
The optimal flow problem in networks with gains is presented through the simplex method. Out of simple theorical conditions, a method is built which needs only a relatively small number memory and quite a short calculation time by computer. Large examples are given; e.g., one test-example of 1000 nodes and 3000 arcs, and one real problem leading to a linear program of 3000 constraints and 8000 arcs.
Asymptotic constraint qualifications and global error bounds for convex inequalities
Tập 84 - Trang 137-160 - 1999
Diethard Klatte, Wu Li
Analysis of biased stochastic gradient descent using sequential semidefinite programs
Tập 187 - Trang 383-408 - 2020
Bin Hu, Peter Seiler, Laurent Lessard
We present a convergence rate analysis for biased stochastic gradient descent (SGD), where individual gradient updates are corrupted by computation errors. We develop stochastic quadratic constraints to formulate a small linear matrix inequality (LMI) whose feasible points lead to convergence bounds of biased SGD. Based on this LMI condition, we develop a sequential minimization approach to analyze the intricate trade-offs that couple stepsize selection, convergence rate, optimization accuracy, and robustness to gradient inaccuracy. We also provide feasible points for this LMI and obtain theoretical formulas that quantify the convergence properties of biased SGD under various assumptions on the loss functions.
Optimal matroid bases with intersection constraints: valuated matroids, M-convex functions, and their applications
Tập 194 - Trang 229-256 - 2021
Yuni Iwamasa, Kenjiro Takazawa
For two matroids $$M_1$$ and $$M_2$$ with the same ground set V and two cost functions $$w_1$$ and $$w_2$$ on $$2^V$$ , we consider the problem of finding bases $$X_1$$ of $$M_1$$ and $$X_2$$ of $$M_2$$ minimizing $$w_1(X_1)+w_2(X_2)$$ subject to a certain cardinality constraint on their intersection $$X_1 \cap X_2$$ . For this problem, Lendl et al. (Matroid bases with cardinality constraints on the intersection, arXiv:1907.04741v2 , 2019) discussed modular cost functions: they reduced the problem to weighted matroid intersection for the case where the cardinality constraint is $$|X_1 \cap X_2|\le k$$ or $$|X_1 \cap X_2|\ge k$$ ; and designed a new primal-dual algorithm for the case where the constraint is $$|X_1 \cap X_2|=k$$ . The aim of this paper is to generalize the problems to have nonlinear convex cost functions, and to comprehend them from the viewpoint of discrete convex analysis. We prove that each generalized problem can be solved via valuated independent assignment, valuated matroid intersection, or $$\mathrm {M}$$ -convex submodular flow, to offer a comprehensive understanding of weighted matroid intersection with intersection constraints. We also show the NP-hardness of some variants of these problems, which clarifies the coverage of discrete convex analysis for those problems. Finally, we present applications of our generalized problems in the recoverable robust matroid basis problem, combinatorial optimization problems with interaction costs, and matroid congestion games.