Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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Evaluation of in vitro resistance of different 2.0-mm titanium plates on the mandibular angle sectioning
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 19 - Trang 65-70 - 2014
The purpose of this study was to compare, by mechanical in vitro testing, a regular 5-hole plate and a long 4-hole plate with a regular 4-hole plate, applied to stabilize a simulated mandibular angle fracture. The plates from the 2.0-mm titanium-based system were adapted and stabilized passively in the same site in both groups using four screws, 6 mm long. During the resistance-to-load test, the force was applied perpendicular to the occlusal plane at three different points: first molar at the plated side, first molar at the contralateral side, and between the central incisors. The regular 5-hole plates and longer 4-hole plates were superior to the regular 4-hole plates. Furthermore, no statistically significant difference was found between the regular 5-hole plates and long 4-hole plate. The length and shape of plates did not interfere with the effectiveness to stabilize the fragments.
A clinical-based protocol of diagnosis of temporomandibular joint open lock and treatment with arthrocentesis
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 24 - Trang 211-215 - 2020
Arthrocentesis of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that provides good clinical results such as the improvement of jaw movements. It also helps to balance the synovial liquid viscosity and relieve TMJ pain by the washout of inflammatory components from the upper compartment. The purpose of this study is to report a case series of patients submitted to a clinical-based protocol of diagnosis of TMJ joint open lock and treatment with arthrocentesis. Patients suffering from a recurrent unilateral open lock of the TMJ were submitted to one arthrocentesis of the affected TMJ and all of them reported that the open lock was caused by daily stomatognathic activities. To decide the arthrocentesis as the initial treatment of these patients, the authors followed a rational protocol of diagnosis. Ten patients were included in the present study. No complications occurred during arthrocentesis. Immediately, 1 week, 1 month, and 6 months after arthrocentesis, patients did not suffer from open lock or disc click anymore. They also reported no more pain because it was strictly related to the disc click. All patients of the present study improved from the open lock and disc click of the affected TMJ for 6 months after arthrocentesis. The clinical-based protocol of diagnosis of TMJ open lock reported in the present study, followed by the treatment with arthrocentesis is a reasonable, low-cost, and safe method to treat patients with the acute open lock.
Osteochondrosis dissecans of the temporomandibular joint: a case report and a review of literature
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 20 - Trang 321-325 - 2016
A case of a 71-year-old female patient with osteochondrosis dissecans of the right temporomandibular joint is presented. Osteochondrosis dissecans usually occurs at the weight-bearing convex cartilage in all larger joints. It is rarely found in the temporomandibular joint and usually shows one or two loose bodies dislodged from defects which are present on the condylar head. Because of multiple loose bodies and a defect on the temporomandibular fossa, the case presented here is very uncommon.
Keratocystic odontogenic tumour (KCOT)—a cyst to a tumour
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - - 2011
The World Health Organization (WHO) has reclassified ‘odontogenic keratocyst’ (OKC) to ‘keratocystic odontogenic tumour’ (KCOT) in 2005. Currently, this tumour is classified as a benign neoplasm of odontogenic origin and not as a cyst. This article reviews and discusses history, classification scheme, aetiology and pathogenesis, molecular and genetic basis, incidence, epidemiology and site, clinical features, imaging, histopathology, immunohistochemistry, treatment options, prognosis, recurrence and malignant transformation of KCOT, with emphasis on understanding the basis of reclassification as ‘keratocystic odontogenic tumour’. A systematic search and review of the literature was carried out in the online database of the United States National Library of Medicine to identify eligible titles for the study. Current evidence suggests that the scientific community still continues to use the term ‘odontogenic keratocyst’ more favourably than ‘keratocystic odontogenic tumour’. The online database search indicates that the scientific community still continues to use the term ‘odontogenic keratocyst’ more favourably than ‘keratocystic odontogenic tumour’. At this juncture, where the terminology has changed from a cyst to a tumour, a thorough review of literature on KCOT is presented.
Implants in bone: Part II. Research on implant osseointegration
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 18 - Trang 355-372 - 2013
In order to determine whether a newly developed implant material conforms to the requirements of biocompatibility, it must undergo rigorous testing. To correctly interpret the results of studies on implant material osseointegration, it is necessary to have a sound understanding of all the testing methods. The aim of this overview is to elucidate the methods that are used for the experimental evaluation of the osseointegration of implant materials. In recent decades, there has been a constant proliferation of new materials and surface modifications in the field of dental implants. This continuous development of innovative biomaterials requires a precise and detailed evaluation in terms of biocompatibility and implant healing before clinical use. The current gold standard is in vivo animal testing on well validated animal models. However, long-term outcome studies on patients have to follow to finally validate and show patient benefit. No experimental set-up can provide answers for all possible research questions. However, a certain transferability of the results to humans might be possible if the experimental set-up is carefully chosen for the aspects and questions being investigated. To enhance the implant survival rate in the rising number of patients with chronic diseases which compromise wound healing and osseointegration, dental implant research on compromised animal models will further gain importance in future.
Rare case report of an aggressive follicular lymphoid hyperplasia in maxilla
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 21 - Trang 475-481 - 2017
Follicular lymphoid hyperplasia is a very rare though benign reactive process of an unknown pathogenesis that may resemble a follicular lymphoma, clinically and histologically. Oral reactive follicular hyperplasia (RFH) has been described on the hard or soft palate and at the base of the tongue. We describe here the first case of RFH presenting as an aggressive tumor on the right posterior side of the maxilla in a 24-year-old male patient. The lesion had a clinical evolution of 18 months and was noticed after the surgical extraction of the right third molar, although we cannot assume a cause-effect relation with that surgical event whatsoever. His medical history was unremarkable. Following an incisional biopsy, histological examination revealed lymphoid follicles comprised by germinal centers surrounded by well-defined mantle zones. The germinal centers were positive for Bcl-6, CD10, CD20, CD21, CD23, CD79a, and Ki-67, while negative for Bcl-2, CD2, CD3, CD5, and CD138. The mantle and interfollicular zones were positive for Bcl-2, CD2, CD3, CD5, CD20, and CD138. Both areas were diffusively positive for kappa and lambda, showing polyclonality. The patient underwent a vigorous curettage of the lesion with no reoccurrences at 36 months of follow-up. This case report demonstrates that morphologic and immunohistochemical analyses are crucial to differentiate RFH from follicular lymphoma, leading to proper management.
Osteochondritis dissecans of the temporomandibular joint: a scoping review
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - - Trang 1-10 - 2023
To perform a scoping review to identify the available evidence regarding osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). An electronic search of the PubMed, Web of Science and Scopus databases was performed using the following terms: ‘Temporomandibular Joint Disorders’, ‘Osteochondritis Dissecans’, ‘Joint Loose Bodies’ and ‘Temporomandibular Joint’. Full-text articles were obtained from the records after applying the inclusion/exclusion criteria. Ten articles were included in the analysis — six case reports, one case series, one retrospective study, one comparative study and one correlational study — with a total of 39 patients. The most frequently reported clinical presentation involved TMJ pain, locked jaw and articular noises (clicking and crepitus). The imaging methods used to identify OCD were radiographs, tomography, arthrography and magnetic resonance imaging. The reported imaging findings varied widely, but the most frequent were (single or multiple) calcified intra-articular loose bodies, signs of degenerative osseous changes, disc displacements, widening of the joint space and alterations in condylar morphology. Seven articles reported treatments (surgical or conservative), but the treatment outcome was not reported in all of the articles, which makes it difficult to make comparisons. OCD of the TMJ may present various non-specific clinical characteristics, and given the heterogeneous imaging findings, multiplanar images are required for an accurate diagnosis. Finally, the results do not allow recommending a standard treatment for OCD of the TMJ.
Dislocation of the mandibular condyle into the middle cranial fossa: a case report
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 18 Số 1 - Trang 69-73 - 2014
Myeloid sarcoma on the temporal region before the onset of the acute myeloid leukemia: an extremely rare case report
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 24 - Trang 251-254 - 2020
Myeloid sarcoma (MS) is a rare malignant tumor that arises outside the bone marrow and usually occurs concomitantly or after the acute myeloid leukemia (AML). The aim of the present study is to report an extremely rare case of a patient with an MS arising in the maxillofacial region before the onset of AML to serve as a guide on how to conduct the initial assessment and diagnosis of similar cases. A 29-year-old healthy man complained of a “swelling on the head,” which was rapidly increasing. He was asymptomatic and never had a previous AML. The patient presented a large mass on the left temporal region. The computed tomography showed a well-delimited lesion extending from the lateral pterygoid muscle and involving the zygomatic arch and lateral orbital rim. The mass was diagnosed as an MS arising before the onset of the AML. Masses of a rapid increase in the maxillofacial region should always raise suspicion of being an MS even in asymptomatic patients. Following a protocol of initial assessment and diagnosis will decrease the period between the initial appearance of the MS and effective treatment aimed to prevent or delay the manifestation of leukemia, improving the prognosis and survival of these patients.
Areca nut in pathogenesis of oral submucous fibrosis: revisited
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 15 - Trang 1-9 - 2010
Oral submucous fibrosis is a disease due to a chronic, insidious change in fibro-elasticity, characterized by burning sensation in the oral cavity, blanching, and stiffening of the oral mucosa and oropharynx leading to trismus and inability to open the mouth. The symptoms and signs depend on the progression of the lesions and number of affected sites. It is predominantly seen in Indians and other Asians. Once the disease has developed, there is neither regression nor any effective treatment. It is considered as a pre-malignant stage of oral cancer, and the reported risk of malignant transformation varies from 2.3–7.6%. The common etiological factor considered for this unremitting disease is use of areca nut; however, the precise mechanism still remains elusive and controversial. A wide range of treatment consisting of drugs, surgical therapy, and physiotherapy have been attempted till date, with varying degrees of benefit, but none of them have proved to be a cure for this disease. This field remains open for clinical trials and research. This paper aims to give an overview on the role of areca nut in the pathogenesis and malignant potential of oral submucous fibrosis.
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