Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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Mean Motion Resonances, Gas Drag, and Supersonic Planetesimals in the Solar Nebula
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 82 - Trang 225-242 - 2002
We examine the orbital evolution of planetesimals under the influence of Jupiter's perturbations and nebular gas drag, under the assumption that gas persisted in the asteroid region for some time after Jupiter attained its final mass. Two distinct mechanisms, associated with the 2 : 1 and 3 : 2 mean motion resonances, can excite eccentricities to high values, despite the damping effect of drag. If Jupiter's eccentricity was comparable to its present value, planetesimals can be temporarily trapped in the 2 : 1 resonance. Bodies crossing the 3 : 2 resonance can enter a region of phase space with overlapping high-order resonances. Both mechanisms can produce eccentricities greater than 0.5 for asteroid-sized planetesimals. The combination of resonant perturbations and drag causes secular decay of semimajor axes, resulting in migration of bodies from the outer to inner belt. Inclinations remain low, implying significant collisional evolution during this migration. Velocities of resonant bodies relative to the gas are highly supersonic; these would have been a source of shock waves in the solar nebula.
Specialized celestial mechanics systems for symbolic manipulation
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - - 1988
A more general system for Poisson Series manipulation
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 7 - Trang 107-121 - 1973
We describe the design of a working Poisson Series Processor that is more general than others in use today. We try to show that the price of generality is worth paying in active research areas in celestial mechanics.
Generalized Hill's problem: Some cases of complete integrability
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 51 - Trang 363-377 - 1991
In this paper, we are investigating cases of integrability in the planar Hill's problem. The external potential U
extis supposed to be time independent in a given uniformly rotating frame. Cases of integrability of the relative motion of two interacting particles in the vicinity of an equilibrium solution of U
extare found. In all these cases, the form of the second integral is explicitly given, the first being the Jacobian one. Cases in which the interacting potential U between the two particles is of newtonian type are particularized.
Tesseral resonance effects on satellite orbits
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 1 Số 2 - Trang 167-189 - 1969
Main features of dynamical escape from three-dimensional triple systems
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 59 - Trang 327-343 - 1994
The dynamical evolution of triple systems with equal and unequal-mass components and different initial velocities is studied. It is shown that, in general, the statistical results for the planar and three-dimensional triple systems do not differ significantly. Most (about 85%) of the systems disrupt; the escape of one component occurs after a triple approach of the components. In a system with unequal masses, the escaping body usually has the smallest mass. A small fraction (about 15%) of stable or long-lived systems is formed if the angular momentum is non-zero. Averages, distributions and coefficients of correlations of evolutionary characteristics are presented: the life-time, angular momentum, numbers of wide and close triple approaches of bodies, relative energy of escapers, minimum perimeter during the last triple approach resulting in escape, elements of orbits of the final binary and escaper.
The gravity-perturbed Lambert problem: A KS variation of parameters approach
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 24 - Trang 3-21 - 1981
A new formulation is presented for the perturbed Lambert problem. The formulation employs the variation-of-parameters method in the KS transformed state space to determine perturbations of a Keplerian Lambert solution. The approach is universal (in that its validity is not restricted to a particular energy domain). For the case of the second zonal harmonic (oblateness) perturbation, first order perturbations are carried out entirely analytically; non-iterative corrections are determined through solution of a pair of algebraic equations. For more general perturbations, numerical quadratures are required.
Quasi-critical orbits for artificial lunar satellites
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 104 - Trang 227-239 - 2009
We study the problem of critical inclination orbits for artificial lunar satellites, when in the lunar potential we include, besides the Keplerian term, the J
2 and C
22 terms and lunar rotation. We show that, at the fixed points of the 1-D averaged Hamiltonian, the inclination and the argument of pericenter do not remain both constant at the same time, as is the case when only the J
2 term is taken into account. Instead, there exist quasi-critical solutions, for which the argument of pericenter librates around a constant value. These solutions are represented by smooth curves in phase space, which determine the dependence of the quasi-critical inclination on the initial nodal phase. The amplitude of libration of both argument of pericenter and inclination would be quite large for a non-rotating Moon, but is reduced to <0°.1 for both quantities, when a uniform rotation of the Moon is taken into account. The values of J
2, C
22 and the rotation rate strongly affect the quasi-critical inclination and the libration amplitude of the argument of pericenter. Examples for other celestial bodies are given, showing the dependence of the results on J
2, C
22 and rotation rate.
Abstracts of forthcoming papers
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 13 - Trang 407-409 - 1976
Secular perturbation theory and computation of asteroid proper elements
Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 49 - Trang 347-411 - 1990
A new theory for the calculation of proper elements, taking into account terms of degree four in the eccentricities and inclinations, and also terms of order two in the mass of Jupiter, has been derived and programmed in a self contained code. It has many advantages with respect to the previous ones. Being fully analytical, it defines an explicit algorithm applicable to any chosen set of orbits. Unlike first order theories, it takes into account the effect of shallow resonances upon the secular frequencies; this effect is quite substantial, e.g. for Themis. Short periodic effects are corrected for by a rigorous procedure. Unlike linear theories, it accounts for the effects of higher degree terms and can thus be applied to asteroids with low to moderate eccentricity and inclination; secular resonances resulting from the combination of up to four secular frequencies can be accounted for. The new theory is self checking : the proper elements being computed with an iterative algorithm, the behaviour of the iteration can be used to define a quality code. The amount of computation required for a single set of osculating elements, although not negligible, is such that the method can be systematically applied on long lists of osculating orbital elements, taken either from catalogues of observed objects or from the output of orbit computations. As a result, this theory has been used to derive proper elements for 4100 numbered asteroids, and to test the accuracy by means of numerical integrations. These results are discussed both from a quantitative point of view, to derive an a posteriori accuracy of the proper elements sets, and from a qualitative one, by comparison with the higher degree secular resonance theory.
Tổng số: 2,747
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