Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting

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Maturity Effect on Bid-Ask Spreads of OTC Currency Options
Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting - Tập 21 - Trang 5-15 - 2003
Beng-Soon Chong, David K. Ding, Kok-Hui Tan
The paper ascertains the relation between bid-ask spreads and the contract maturity of OTC currency options. Contrary to previous findings in the futures market, spreads of currency options are found to be negatively related to the contract's term-to-maturity. The negative relation persists even after controlling for the effects of price risks, competition, and trading activity. The pronounced differences in the term-to-maturity results are attributable to the market risk effect and differences in the market structure of options and futures markets.
Distress risk, product market competition, and corporate bond yield spreads
Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting - Tập 55 Số 3 - Trang 1093-1135 - 2020
Lee, Han-Hsing
The purpose of this paper is to examine whether industry-level risk affects corporate bond yield spreads. We use three types of industry risk variables in our empirical analysis: distress exposure measure, industry condition, and product market competition. After controlling for common bond-level, firm-level, and macroeconomic variables, the empirical results reveal significant relationships between these industry-level risk measures and bond yield spreads. Our evidence supports that industry-related risk does play an important role in explaining bond yield spreads.
The externality of politically connected directors’ resignations on peers’ cost of debt
Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting - - Trang 1-31 - 2023
Ting Liu, Shaoqing Kang, Lihong Wang
Using a sample of Chinese listed firms from the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges from 2012 to 2018, we investigate the externality of the forced resignations of politically connected independent directors on the cost of debt for non-connected peers. Exploiting an exogenous shock caused by the 18th decree, we find that when politically connected independent directors resign from a Chinese listed firm, non-connected peers within the same industry experience a decrease in the cost of debt. Moreover, the sensitivity analyses further show that the above externality is more prominent in a subsample of Chinese listed non-SOEs, and in a subsample of Chinese listed firms operating in more competitive industries as well as in less developed financial markets, indicating that the externality is conditional on ownership type, industry competition and financial market development. Finally, further analyses show that peers tend to issue new debt after the political connection is disrupted. We also find that when peers have a higher creditworthiness and resignation firms have a lower creditworthiness, peers enjoy a lower cost of debt after resignations. These findings suggest that the resignations have a positive externality on peers’ cost of debt due to the elimination of preferential treatment and an improved resource allocation efficiency.
Equal-weighting and value-weighting: which one is better?
Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting - - 2022
Nan Qin, Vijay Singal
Managerial ability, information quality, and the design and pricing of corporate debt
Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting - Tập 51 - Trang 1033-1069 - 2017
Alex Petkevich, Andrew Prevost
We examine if managerial ability affects the efficiency of the contracting environment with lenders. We find that higher ability alters the balance of information-sensitive covenants demanded by outside investors, increases the issuance of bonds with longer maturity, and decreases the issuance of senior secured debt. We also document higher ability reduces the risk premium demanded by investors on information-sensitive debt. These results are collectively consistent with the premise that the mitigation of information risk is an important dimension of managerial ability that has a direct bearing on the structure and pricing of corporate debt.
Economic forces and seasonality in secirity returns
Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting - Tập 2 - Trang 227-244 - 1992
Lawrence Kryzanowski, Hao Zhang
This article finds strong seasonal behavior in the innovations for three Canadian macroeconomic variables (industrial production, unexpected inflation and GDP). An APT model is estimated as a restricted nonlinear multivariate regression system using seven macroeconomic variables, various residual market factor (RMF) proxies, and the returns on fifty size related portfolios of equities that traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSE). As in Chen, Roll and Ross (1986), five macrofactors (lagged industrial production, lagged GDP, term structure, unexpected inflation, and risk premium) have significantly priced risk premia. The risk premia are insignificant for RMF based on two value weighted indices, and marginally significant (0.10 level) for the RMF based on an equally weighted index, which is somewhat consistent with McElroy and Burmeister (1988) and Brown and Otsuki (1989). The significance of the RMF risk premium appears not to be robust to whether portfolios or individual securities are used in the estimations. The significance of the estimated risk premia for the macrofactors also appear not to be robust to the number of portfolios (equations) used in the estimations. Unlike the risk premia estimates for the RMF, those for the other macrofactors are generally unaffected by the inclusion of a January dummy. This implies that the January seasonal remains a market phenomenon that requires further study.
The asymmetry in firms’ mechanisms of cash holdings adjustments: evidence from the G-5 economies
Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting - Tập 53 - Trang 429-463 - 2018
Cuong Nguyen
Using a G-5 country sample (France, Germany, Japan, the UK, and the US) from 1980 to 2007, I find new evidence of the asymmetry in firms’ mechanisms of cash holdings adjustments. They undertake different approaches to move toward their target cash holdings levels conditional on whether they have below- or above-target cash holdings. Specifically, firms with above-target cash holdings adjust mainly via changes in cash flows from financing and investing. They generally reduce their levels of equity proceeds, net debt issues and fixed asset disposal but increase their levels of equity repurchases, dividend payout, net assets from acquisitions, portfolio and short-term investments, and capital expenditures. However, firms with below-target cash holdings adjust mainly via changes in operating cash flows, i.e., they increase their levels of funds from operations but reduce their levels of working capital. The mechanisms undertaken by firms with above-target cash holdings allow them to adjust toward their target cash holdings relatively faster than those with below-target cash holdings, as they possibly incur lower costs than the mechanisms experienced by firms with below-target cash holdings. The results highlight the importance of understanding the asymmetry in firms’ mechanisms of cash holdings adjustments when analyzing how they adjust toward their target cash holdings levels.
The performance of stocks that are reverse split
Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting - - 2008
Terrence F. Martell, Gwendolyn P. Webb
Daily volume, intraday and overnight returns for volatility prediction: profitability or accuracy?
Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting - Tập 45 - Trang 251-278 - 2014
Ana-Maria Fuertes, Elena Kalotychou, Natasa Todorovic
This article presents a comprehensive analysis of the relative ability of three information sets—daily trading volume, intraday returns and overnight returns—to predict equity volatility. We investigate the extent to which statistical accuracy of one-day-ahead forecasts translates into economic gains for technical traders. Various profitability criteria and utility-based switching fees indicate that the largest gains stem from combining historical daily returns with volume information. Using common statistical loss functions, the largest degree of predictive power is found instead in intraday returns. Our analysis thus reinforces the view that statistical significance does not have a direct mapping onto economic value. As a byproduct, we show that buying the stock when the forecasted volatility is extremely high appears largely profitable, suggesting a strong return-risk relationship in turbulent conditions.
Beyond friendly acquisitions: the case of REITs
Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting - Tập 44 - Trang 139-159 - 2013
Chiuling Lu, Tzujui Mao, Yang-pin Shen
Unlike operating companies, acquisitions between Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) are friendly and acquirers have been previously found to experience positive announcement effects. This study looks beyond stock response and long term performance and finds that overconfidence motivates REIT managers to acquire other firms or assets within the industry. We find that larger, more profitable, and less transparent REITs with fewer growth opportunities are more likely to become acquirers. We further find that top managers tend to personally buy more shares prior to the acquisition announcement and then sell more shares afterward. Our empirical evidence lends support to the hubris hypothesis.
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