
Regulatory Peptides




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Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Effects of adrenergic blockers on corticotropin-releasing factor-induced behavioral changes in rats
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Toshihiro Imaki, Tamotsu Shibasaki, Akitsugu Masuda, Hiroshi Demura, Kazuo Shizume, Nicholas Ling
Bombesin activation of phospholipase C β 1 in rat acinar pancreatic cells involves the pertussis toxin-sensitive Gαi3 protein
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Catherine Pigeon, Muriel Le Romancer, Christine Linard, Miguel J.M. Lewin, Florence Reyl-Desmars
Pharmacokinetic profile of orexin A and effects on plasma insulin and glucagon in the rat
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M. Ehrström, E. Näslund, F. Levin, R. Kaur, A.L. Kirchgessner, E. Theodorsson, P.M. Hellström
Characterization of a functional angiotensin IV receptor on coronary microvascular endothelial cells
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K. Hall, Venkateswaran Subramanian, J M Hanesworth, Margaret E. Schelling, Joseph W. Harding
Angiotensin II AT2 receptor stimulation increases cerebrovascular resistance during hemorrhagic hypotension in rats
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Liisa Näveri, Christer Strömberg, Juan M. Saavedra
Characterization of the binding properties and physiological action of divalinal-angiotensin IV, a putative AT4 receptor antagonist
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Inhibition of an opioid-evoked vagal reflex in rats by naloxone, SMS 201-995 and ICI 154,129
Tập 6 - Trang 255-262 - 1983
Juliann G. Kiang, E.T. Wei
Primary structure of solitary form of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) in cichlid pituitary; three forms of GnRH in brain of cichlid and pumpkinseed fish
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James F. F. Powell, Wolfgang Fischer, M. Park, A. Grey Craig, Jean Rivier, S A White, Robert C. Francis, Russell D. Fernald, Paul Licht, C. Warby, Nancy M. Sherwood
Neurotensin-induced colonic motor responses in dogs: a mediation by prostaglandins
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Th. Bardon, Y. Ruckebusch
Evidence for two insulin-like growth factor I receptors with distinct primary structure that are differentially expressed during development
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Theodore K. Alexandrides, Jenq-Horng Chen, Raphael Bueno, Francesco Giorgino, Robert J. Smith