Quantum Information Processing
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Chained Clauser–Horne–Shimony–Holt inequality for Hardy’s ladder test of nonlocality
Quantum Information Processing - Tập 15 - Trang 1779-1792 - 2015
Relativistic causality forbids superluminal signaling between distant observers. By exploiting the non-signaling principle, we derive the exact relationship between the chained Clauser–Horne–Shimony–Holt sum of correlations
$$\text {CHSH}_K$$
and the success probability
associated with Hardy’s ladder test of nonlocality for two qubits and
observables per qubit. Then, by invoking the Tsirelson bound for
$$\text {CHSH}_K$$
, the derived relationship allows us to establish an upper limit on
. In addition, we draw the connection between
$$\text {CHSH}_K$$
and the chained version of the Clauser–Horne (CH) inequality.
Improving quantum state transfer efficiency and entanglement distribution in binary tree spin network through incomplete collapsing measurements
Quantum Information Processing - Tập 17 - Trang 1-15 - 2018
We propose a mechanism for quantum state transfer (QST) over a binary tree spin network on the basis of incomplete collapsing measurements. To this aim, we perform initially a weak measurement (WM) on the central qubit of the binary tree network where the state of our concern has been prepared on that qubit. After the time evolution of the whole system, a quantum measurement reversal (QMR) is performed on a chosen target qubit. By taking optimal value for the strength of QMR, it is shown that the QST quality from the sending qubit to any typical target qubit on the binary tree is considerably improved in terms of the WM strength. Also, we show that how high-quality entanglement distribution over the binary tree network is achievable by using this approach.
Dynamics of field nonclassicality in the Jaynes–Cummings model
Quantum Information Processing - Tập 20 - Trang 1-21 - 2021
Employing an informational quantifier for nonclassicality of bosonic field based on the Wigner–Yanase skew information, we investigate the dynamics of field nonclassicality in the Jaynes–Cummings model evolving from several typical initial atom–field states: coherent states, Fock states, and thermal states for the field, and ground state, excited state, symmetric superposition state, and maximally mixed state for the atom. We reveal some intriguing features of the field dynamics and their sensitivity on the initial states from an informational perspective. The results show that field nonclassicality can be generated in most cases and exhibits complex dynamic patterns involving collapses and revivals. A remarkable observation is that the initial coherent field states, assisted by the atom, can be converted to almost maximally nonclassical field states constrained by the average photon number, even though all coherent states are the most classical and possess the same minimal nonclassicality among pure states. The field dynamics may be exploited to estimate the initial atom as well as the field states, prepare desired evolving states and process quantum information.
Strong polygamy of multi-party q-expected quantum correlations
Quantum Information Processing - Tập 20 - Trang 1-16 - 2021
We show that the polygamous nature of multi-party quantum correlations can be characterized in a stronger form based on Tsallis q-entropy and q-expectation value; we establish a class of strong polygamy inequalities of multi-party entanglement in terms of Tsallis q-entropy and q-expectation value for
$$q \ge 1$$
. Our new class of inequalities is tighter than the usual polygamy inequalities of multi-party entanglement, and the tightness is explicitly illustrated by an example. Moreover, our new class of inequalities is concerned with the entanglement distributed between a single party and any possible subsets of the rest parties, whereas the usual polygamy inequality only considers the entanglement between one party and another. We further establish the equivalence between strong polygamy of quantum entanglement and quantum discord distributed in multi-party quantum systems.
Expansible quantum secret sharing network
Quantum Information Processing - Tập 12 - Trang 2877-2888 - 2013
In the practical applications, member expansion is a usual demand during the development of a secret sharing network. However, there are few consideration and discussion on network expansibility in the existing quantum secret sharing schemes. We propose an expansible quantum secret sharing scheme with relatively simple and economical quantum resources and show how to split and reconstruct the quantum secret among an expansible user group in our scheme. Its trait, no requirement of any agent’s assistant during the process of member expansion, can help to prevent potential menaces of insider cheating. We also give a discussion on the security of this scheme from three aspects.
Minimum-error discrimination among three pure linearly independent symmetric qutrit states
Quantum Information Processing - Tập 12 - Trang 1255-1260 - 2012
Using a sufficient condition for POM which gives an optimal measurement to discriminate among given states, we obtain an optimum measurement maximizing the probability of correct detection of three equally-likely, symmetric, linearly-independent qutrit states. The maximum probability with which such states can be discriminated is also derived.
Efficient entanglement concentration of arbitrary unknown less-entangled three-atom W states via photonic Faraday rotation in cavity QED
Quantum Information Processing - Tập 16 - Trang 1-17 - 2017
We propose an efficient entanglement concentration protocol (ECP) for nonlocal three-atom systems in an arbitrary unknown less-entangled W state, resorting to the Faraday rotation of photonic polarization in cavity quantum electrodynamics and the systematic concentration method. In the first step of the present ECP, one party in quantum communication performs a parity-check measurement on her two atoms in two three-atom systems for dividing the composite six-atom systems into two groups. In the first group, the three parties will obtain some three-atom systems in a less-entangled state with two unknown coefficients. In the second group, they will obtain some less-entangled two-atom systems. In the second step of the ECP, the three parties can obtain a subset of three-atom systems in the standard maximally entangled W state by exploiting the above three-atom and two-atom systems. Moreover, the preserved systems in the failed instances can be used as the resource for the entanglement concentration in the next round. The total success probability of the ECP can therefore be largely increased by iterating the entanglement concentration process several rounds. The distinct feature of our ECP is that we can concentrate arbitrary unknown atomic entangled W states via photonic Faraday rotation, and thus it may be universal and useful for entanglement concentration in future quantum communication network.
Điều khiển sự rối bằng động lực học trong nhiều hệ thống spin lượng tử Dịch bởi AI
Quantum Information Processing - Tập 10 - Trang 107-121 - 2010
Chúng tôi nghiên cứu việc điều khiển sự rối giữa hai mạng lưới giống hệt nhau của các hạt lượng tử cơ học. Đầu tiên, chúng tôi giảm vấn đề chuyển giao sự rối thành vấn đề chuyển giao trạng thái lượng tử. Sau đó, chúng tôi xem xét việc cô đặc và tinh chế sự rối dựa trên động lực học tự do trên các mạng lưới và phép đo cục bộ tại các đỉnh. Bằng cách giới thiệu một thước đo hiệu quả phù hợp, chúng tôi mô tả hiệu suất của giao thức. Chúng tôi đưa ra bằng chứng cho thấy thước đo như vậy không phụ thuộc vào hình thái mạng lưới, và chúng tôi ước lượng đóng góp do số lượng cặp rối ban đầu được chia sẻ bởi hai mạng lưới.
#rối lượng tử #chuyển giao trạng thái #cô đặc sự rối #động lực học #mạng lưới lượng tử
Dephasing of Quantum Bits by a Quasi-Static Mesoscopic Environment
Quantum Information Processing - Tập 5 - Trang 503-536 - 2006
We examine coherent processes in a two-state quantum system that is strongly coupled to a mesoscopic spin bath and weakly coupled to other environmental degrees of freedom. Our analysis is specifically aimed at understanding the quantum dynamics of solid-state quantum bits such as electron spins in semiconductor structures and superconducting islands. The role of mesoscopic degrees of freedom with long correlation times (local degrees of freedom such as nuclear spins and charge traps) in qubit-related dephasing is discussed in terms of a quasi-static bath. A mathematical framework simultaneously describing coupling to the slow mesoscopic bath and a Markovian environment is developed and the dephasing and decoherence properties of the total system are investigated. The model is applied to several specific examples with direct relevance to current experiments. Comparisons to experiments suggests that such quasi-static degrees of freedom play an important role in current qubit implementations. Several methods of mitigating the bath-induced error are considered.
Noisy relativistic quantum games in noninertial frames
Quantum Information Processing - Tập 12 - Trang 1351-1363 - 2012
The influence of noise and of Unruh effect on quantum Prisoners’ dilemma is investigated both for entangled and unentangled initial states. The noise is incorporated through amplitude damping channel. For unentangled initial state, the decoherence compensates for the adverse effect of acceleration of the frame and the effect of acceleration becomes irrelevant provided the game is fully decohered. It is shown that the inertial player always out scores the noninertial player by choosing defection. For maximally entangled initially state, we show that for fully decohered case every strategy profile results in either of the two possible equilibrium outcomes. Two of the four possible strategy profiles become Pareto optimal and Nash equilibrium and no dilemma is leftover. It is shown that other equilibrium points emerge for different region of values of decoherence parameter that are either Pareto optimal or Pareto inefficient in the quantum strategic spaces. It is shown that the Eisert et al. (Phys Rev Lett 83:3077, 1999) miracle move is a special move that leads always to distinguishable results compare to other moves. We show that the dilemma like situation is resolved in favor of one player or the other.
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