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Vascular endothelial growth factor-B expression in postischemic rat brain
Tập 5 - Trang 1-5 - 2013
Lin Xie, Xiaoou Mao, Kunlin Jin, David A Greenberg
Vascular endothelial growth factor-B (VEGF-B) protects against experimental stroke, but the effect of stroke on VEGF-B expression is uncertain. We examined VEGF-B expression by immunohistochemistry in the ischemic border zone 1–7 days after middle cerebral artery occlusion in rats. VEGF-B immunoreactivity in the border zone was increased after middle cerebral artery occlusion and was associated with neurons and macrophages/microglia, but not astrocytes or endothelial cells. These findings provide additional evidence for a role of VEGF-B in the endogenous response to cerebral ischemia.
Notch and VEGF pathways play distinct but complementary roles in tumor angiogenesis
- 2013
Sonia L Hernandez, Debarshi Banerjee, Alejandro Garcia, Thaned Kangsamaksin, Wei-Yi Cheng, Dimitris Anastassiou, Yasuhiro Funahashi, Angela Kadenhe-Chiweshe, Carrie J Shawber, Jan K Kitajewski, Jessica J Kandel, Darrell J Yamashiro
Anti-angiogenesis is a validated strategy to treat cancer, with efficacy in controlling both primary tumor growth and metastasis. The role of the Notch family of proteins in tumor angiogenesis is still emerging, but recent data suggest that Notch signaling may function in the physiologic response to loss of VEGF signaling, and thus participate in tumor adaptation to VEGF inhibitors. We asked whether combining Notch and VEGF blockade would enhance suppression of tumor angiogenesis and growth, using the NGP neuroblastoma model. NGP tumors were engineered to express a Notch1 decoy construct, which restricts Notch signaling, and then treated with either the anti-VEGF antibody bevacizumab or vehicle. Combining Notch and VEGF blockade led to blood vessel regression, increasing endothelial cell apoptosis and disrupting pericyte coverage of endothelial cells. Combined Notch and VEGF blockade did not affect tumor weight, but did additively reduce tumor viability. Our results indicate that Notch and VEGF pathways play distinct but complementary roles in tumor angiogenesis, and show that concurrent blockade disrupts primary tumor vasculature and viability further than inhibition of either pathway alone.
Angiogenic potential of endothelial progenitor cells and embryonic stem cells
Tập 3 - Trang 1-15 - 2011
Peter C Rae, Richard DW Kelly, Stuart Egginton, Justin C St John
Endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) are implicated in a range of pathological conditions, suggesting a natural therapeutic role for EPCs in angiogenesis. However, current angiogenic therapies involving EPC transplantation are inefficient due to rejection of donor EPCs. One solution is to derive an expanded population of EPCs from stem cells in vitro, to be re-introduced as a therapeutic transplant. To demonstrate the therapeutic potential of EPCs we performed in vitro transplantation of EPCs into endothelial cell (EC) tubules using a gel-based tubule formation assay. We also described the production of highly angiogenic EPC-comparable cells from pluripotent embryonic stem cells (ESCs) by direct differentiation using EC-conditioned medium (ECCM). The effect on tubule complexity and longevity varied with transplantation quantity: significant effects were observed when tubules were transplanted with a quantity of EPCs equivalent to 50% of the number of ECs originally seeded on to the assay gel but not with 10% EPC transplantation. Gene expression of the endothelial markers VEGFR2, VE-cadherin and CD31, determined by qPCR, also changed dynamically during transplantation. ECCM-treated ESC-derived progenitor cells exhibited angiogenic potential, demonstrated by in vitro tubule formation, and endothelial-specific gene expression equivalent to natural EPCs. We concluded the effect of EPCs is cumulative and beneficial, relying on upregulation of the angiogenic activity of transplanted cells combined with an increase in proliferative cell number to produce significant effects upon transplantation. Furthermore, EPCs derived from ESCs may be developed for use as a rapidly-expandable alternative for angiogenic transplantation therapy.
Therapeutic manipulation of angiogenesis with miR-27b
Tập 7 Số 1 - 2015
Dorina Veliceasa, Dauren Biyashev, Gangjian Qin, Sol Misener, Alexander R Mackie, Raj Kishore, Olga V. Volpert
The angiogenic gene profile of circulating endothelial progenitor cells from ischemic stroke patients
Tập 5 Số 1 - Trang 3 - 2013
Míriam Navarro-Sobrino, Mar Hernández-Guillamón, Israel Fernández-Cadenas, Marc Ribó, Ignacio A. Romero, Pierre‐Olivier Couraud, Babette B. Weksler, Joan Montaner, Anna Rosell
Unique vascular protective properties of natural products: supplements or future main-line drugs with significant anti-atherosclerotic potential?
Tập 4 - Trang 1-9 - 2012
Mark Slevin, Nessar Ahmed, Qiuyu Wang, Garry McDowell, Lina Badimon
Natural health products (NHP) which include minerals, vitamins and herbal remedies are not generally considered by medical practitioners as conventional medicines and as such are not frequently prescribed by health centre’s as either main-line or supplemental treatments. In the field of cardiovascular medicine, studies have shown that typically, less than half of patients suffering from coronary syndromes chose to take any form of NHP supplement and these products are rarely recommended by their medical practitioner. Vascular/endothelial cell damage is a key instigator of coronary arterial plaque development which often culminates in thrombosis and myocardial infarction (MI). Current treatment for patients known to be at risk of primary or secondary (MI) includes lipid lowering statins, anti-clotting agents (e.g. tissue plasminogen activator; tPA) and drugs for stabilization of blood pressure such as beta-blockers. However, evidence has been building which suggests that components of at least several NHP (e.g. aged garlic extract (AGExt), resveratrol and green tea extracts (GTE)) may have significant vascular protective effects through reduction of oxidative stress, lowering of blood pressure, reduction in platelet aggregation, vasodilation and inhibition of abnormal angiogenesis. Therefore, in this review we will discuss in detail the potential of these substances (chosen on the basis of their potency and complimentarity) as anti-atherosclerotic agents and the justification for their consideration as main-line additional supplements or prescriptions.
Macrophages and angiogenesis: a role for Wnt signaling
Tập 4 - Trang 1-7 - 2012
Andrew C Newman, Christopher C W Hughes
Macrophages regulate many developmental and pathological processes in both embryonic and adult tissues, and recent studies have shown a significant role in angiogenesis. Similarly, Wnt signaling is fundamental to tissue morphogenesis and also has a role in vascular development. In this review, we summarize recent advances in the field of macrophage-regulated angiogenesis, with a focus on the role of macrophage-derived Wnt ligands. We review data that provide both direct and indirect evidence for macrophage-derived Wnt regulation of physiologic and pathologic angiogenesis. Finally, we propose that Wnt signaling plays a central role in differentiation of tumor associated and wound infiltrating macrophages to a proangiogenic phenotype.
γ-Actin plays a key role in endothelial cell motility and neovessel maintenance
Tập 7 - Trang 1-16 - 2015
Eddy Pasquier, Maria-Pia Tuset, Snega Sinnappan, Michael Carnell, Alexander Macmillan, Maria Kavallaris
Angiogenesis plays a crucial role in development, wound healing as well as tumour growth and metastasis. Although the general implication of the cytoskeleton in angiogenesis has been partially unravelled, little is known about the specific role of actin isoforms in this process. Herein, we aimed at deciphering the function of γ-actin in angiogenesis. Localization of β- and γ-actin in vascular endothelial cells was investigated by co-immunofluorescence staining using monoclonal antibodies, followed by the functional analysis of γ-actin using siRNA. The impact of γ-actin knockdown on the random motility and morphological differentiation of endothelial cells into vascular networks was investigated by timelapse videomicroscopy while the effect on chemotaxis was assessed using modified Boyden chambers. The implication of VE-cadherin, VEGFR-2 and ROCK signalling was then examined by Western blotting and using pharmacological inhibitors. The two main cytoplasmic isoforms of actin strongly co-localized in vascular endothelial cells, albeit with some degree of spatial preference. While β-actin knockdown was not achievable without major cytotoxicity, γ-actin knockdown did not alter the viability of endothelial cells. Timelapse videomicroscopy experiments revealed that γ-actin knockdown cells were able to initiate morphological differentiation into capillary-like tubes but were unable to maintain these structures, which rapidly regressed. This vascular regression was associated with altered regulation of VE-cadherin expression. Interestingly, knocking down γ-actin expression had no effect on endothelial cell adhesion to various substrates but significantly decreased their motility and migration. This anti-migratory effect was associated with an accumulation of thick actin stress fibres, large focal adhesions and increased phosphorylation of myosin regulatory light chain, suggesting activation of the ROCK signalling pathway. Incubation with ROCK inhibitors, H-1152 and Y-27632, completely rescued the motility phenotype induced by γ-actin knockdown but only partially restored the angiogenic potential of endothelial cells. Our study thus demonstrates for the first time that β-actin is essential for endothelial cell survival and γ-actin plays a crucial role in angiogenesis, through both ROCK-dependent and -independent mechanisms. This provides new insights into the role of the actin cytoskeleton in angiogenesis and may open new therapeutic avenues for the treatment of angiogenesis-related disorders.
The role of tumor-associated macrophages in tumor vascularization
- 2013
Chunqing Guo, Annicole Buranych, Devanand Sarkar, Paul B. Fisher, Xiangyang Wang
Expression of HES and HEY genes in infantile hemangiomas
- 2011
Omotinuwe Adepoju, Alvin Wong, Alex Kitajewski, Karen A. Tong, Elisa Boscolo, Joyce Bischoff, Jan Kitajewski, June K. Wu