Plant Cell Reports
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Characterization of aggregate size in Taxus suspension cell culture
Plant Cell Reports - Tập 29 - Trang 485-494 - 2010
Plant cells grow as aggregates in suspension culture, but little is known about the dynamics of aggregation, and no routine methodology exists to measure aggregate size. In this study, we evaluate several different methods to characterize aggregate size in Taxus suspension cultures, in which aggregate diameters range from 50 to 2,000 μm, including filtration and image analysis, and develop a novel method using a specially equipped Coulter counter system. We demonstrate the suitability of this technology to measure plant cell culture aggregates, and show that it can be reliably used to measure total biomass accumulation compared to standard methods such as dry weight. Furthermore, we demonstrate that all three methods can be used to measure an aggregate size distribution, but that the Coulter counter is more reliable and much faster, and also provides far better resolution. While absolute measurements of aggregate size differ based on the three evaluation techniques, we show that linear correlations are sufficient to account for these differences (R
2 > 0.99). We then demonstrate the utility of the novel Coulter counter methodology by monitoring the dynamics of a batch process and find that the mean aggregate size increases by 55% during the exponential growth phase, but decreases during stationary phase. The results indicate that the Coulter counter method can be routinely used for advanced process characterization, particularly to study the relationship between aggregate size and secondary metabolite production, as well as a source of reliable experimental data for modeling aggregation dynamics in plant cell culture.
Roles of reactive oxygen species in methyl jasmonate and nitric oxide-induced tanshinone production in Salvia miltiorrhiza hairy roots
Plant Cell Reports - Tập 31 Số 5 - Trang 873-883 - 2012
Somatic embryogenesis is an effective strategy for dissecting chimerism phenomena in Vitis vinifera cv Nebbiolo
Plant Cell Reports - Tập 40 - Trang 205-211 - 2020
The tendency of somatic embryogenesis to regenerate plants only from the L1 layer, associated with the spread of chimerism in grapevine, must be carefully considered in the framework of biotechnological improvement programmes. Grapevine is an important fruit crop with a high economic value linked to traditional genotypes that have been multiplied for centuries by vegetative propagation. In this way, somatic variations that can spontaneously occur within the shoot apical meristem are fixed in the whole plant and represent a source of intra-varietal variability. Previously identified inconsistencies in the allelic calls of single nucleotide variants (SNVs) suggested that the Vitis vinifera ‘Nebbiolo’ CVT185 clone is a potential periclinal chimera. We adopted the somatic embryogenesis technique to separate the two genotypes putatively associated with the L1 and L2 layers of CVT185 into different somaclones. Despite the recalcitrance of ‘Nebbiolo’ to the embryogenic process, 58 somaclones were regenerated and SNV genotyping assays attested that the genotype of all them differed from that of the mother plant and was only attributable to L1. The results confirmed that L2 has low or no competence for differentiating somatic embryos. After one year in the greenhouse, the somaclones showed no phenotypic alterations in comparison with the mother plant; however further analyses are needed to identify potential endogenous sources of variation. The tendency of somatic embryogenesis to regenerate plants only from L1 must be carefully considered in the framework of biotechnological improvement programmes in this species.
Overexpression of a new stress-repressive gene OsDSR2 encoding a protein with a DUF966 domain increases salt and simulated drought stress sensitivities and reduces ABA sensitivity in rice
Plant Cell Reports - Tập 33 Số 2 - Trang 323-336 - 2014
Gravity and light control of the developmental polarity of regenerating protoplasts isolated from prothallial cells of the fern Ceratopteris richardii
Plant Cell Reports - Tập 17 - Trang 711-716 - 1998
A procedure has been developed for isolating protoplasts from prothalli of Ceratopteris richardii which can be cultured and are capable of regeneration. Protoplasts were isolated from 2-week-old gametophytes in a medium containing wall-digesting enzymes in 0.5 m sucrose, followed by purification of the released protoplasts by floating them up into a 0.5 m sorbitol layer. Regeneration occurred over a period of 10–24 days, and, under optimal osmotic conditions, followed the developmental pattern seen during spore germination, in that the first division gave rise to a primary rhizoid. Thus, prothallial protoplasts are comparable to germinating spores as suitable models for studies of developmental polarity in single cells. As in germinating spores, the polarity of development in regenerating protoplasts is influenced by the vectors of gravity and unilateral light. However, the relative influence of light in fixing this polarity is greater in regenerating protoplasts, while in germinating spores, the influence of gravity is greater.
VpWRKY3, a biotic and abiotic stress-related transcription factor from the Chinese wild Vitis pseudoreticulata
Plant Cell Reports - Tập 31 - Trang 2109-2120 - 2012
Chinese wild grapevine Vitis pseudoreticulata accession ‘Baihe-35-1’ is identified as the precious resource with multiple resistances to pathogens. A directional cDNA library was constructed from the young leaves inoculated with Erysiphe necator. A total of 3,500 clones were sequenced, yielding 1,727 unigenes. Among them, 762 unigenes were annotated and classified into three classes, respectively, using Gene Ontology, including 22 ESTs related to transcription regulator activity. A novel WRKY transcription factor was isolated from the library, and designated as VpWRKY3 (GenBank Accession No. JF500755). The full-length cDNA is 1,280 bp, encoding a WRKY protein of 320 amino acids. VpWRKY3 is localized to nucleus and functions as a transcriptional activator. QRT-PCR analysis showed that the VpWRKY3 specifically accumulated in response to pathogen, salicylic acid, ethylene and drought stress. Overexpression of VpWRKY3 in tobacco increased the resistance to Ralstonia solanacearum, indicating that VpWRKY3 participates in defense response. Furthermore, VpWRKY3 is also involved in abscisic acid signal pathway and salt stress. This experiment provided an important basis for understanding the defense mechanisms mediated by WRKY genes in China wild grapevine. Generation of the EST collection from the cDNA library provided valuable information for the grapevine breeding.
Key message We constructed a cDNA library from Chinese wild grapevine leaves inoculated with powdery mildew. VpWRKY3 was isolated and demonstrated that it was involved in biotic and abiotic stress responses.
Characterization of isoflavone synthase gene from Psoralea corylifolia: a medicinal plant
Plant Cell Reports - - 2010
Micropropagation of Vitex negundo L., a woody aromatic medicinal shrub, through high-frequency axillary shoot proliferation
Plant Cell Reports - Tập 18 - Trang 301-307 - 1998
A protocol is described for rapid and large-scale propagation of the woody aromatic and medicinal shrub Vitex negundo by in vitro culture of nodal segments from mature plants. Of the three different cytokinins – N6-benzyladenine (BA), kinetin, and thidiazuron – evaluated as supplements to Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium, BA at an optimal concentration of 2.0 mg/l was most effective in inducing bud break. Although callus-free multiple-shoot formation was a function of cytokinin activity alone, faster bud break coupled with an enhanced frequency of shoot development (92%) and internode elongation were dependent on the synergistic influence of gibberellic acid (GA3) when used at an optimal concentration (0.4 mg/l) along with BA (2.0 mg/l). The frequency of shoot proliferation was markedly influenced by the explanting season. By repeated subculturing of nodal segments harvested from the in vitro-formed axenic shoots on MS containing 1.0 mg/l BA and 0.4 mg/l GA3, prolific shoot cultures free from proximal callusing and showing a high-frequency multiplication rate were established. The percentage shoot multiplication (98–100%) as well as the number of shoots per node (six to eight) were highest during the first three culture passages, after which there was a gradual decline in shoot development. Rooting was best induced (94%) in shoots excised from proliferated shoot cultures on half-strength MS medium augmented with an optimal combination of indole-3-acetic acid and indole-3-butyric acid each at 1.0 mg/l. Vermi-compost was the most suitable planting substrate for hardening inside a plant growth chamber and its use ensured high-frequency survival (93%) of regenerated plants prior to outdoor transfer. Micropropagated plants established in garden soil were uniform and identical to the donor plant with respect to growth characteristics as well as vegetative and floral morphology.
Screening and expression analysis of Phytophthora infestans induced genes in potato leaves with horizontal resistance
Plant Cell Reports - Tập 25 - Trang 1094-1103 - 2006
Horizontal resistance to late blight with quantitative and durable characteristics is a major objective for potato breeding programs. With the aim of investigating the molecular aspects of horizontal resistance, a cDNA microarray was used to identify Phytophthora infestans-induced genes from 100 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) selected from a subtractive cDNA library. Of the 100 cDNA clones represented on the array, 76 were differentially expressed in infected plants as compared with mock-inoculated control plants. Four groups of genes could be identified according to their expression patterns at three time points, 24, 48 and 72 h postinoculation (hpi). Group A appeared to be strongly induced (>10-fold) at 72 hpi. Group B demonstrated up-regulated expression patterns at all the three time points. The transcripts of group C peaked at 48 hpi, while genes of group D were up-regulated at 24 hpi and decreased slightly thereafter. Blast algorithm searches revealed that the largest set of up-regulated genes (about 35%) was assigned to the primary/secondary metabolism. Other genes with known or putative functions included disease defense or cell rescue (about 18%), transcription, signal transduction, cellular transporter/transport facilitation, development, protein synthesis/destination, as well as those playing roles in cellular organization. Furthermore, 15 genes encoding unknown function proteins were also identified. The results indicated that multiple defense mechanisms are involved in horizontal potato resistance to late blight and alteration in metabolic pathways is one of the most important defense responses.
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