Pharmaceutical Research

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Water-Soluble and Low Molecular Weight Chitosan-Based Plasmid DNA Delivery
Pharmaceutical Research - Tập 18 Số 4 - Trang 427-431 - 2001
Lee, Minhyung, Nah, Jae-Woon, Kwon, Youngmin, Koh, Jae Joon, Ko, Kyung Soo, Kim, Sung Wan
Purpose. Chitosan, a natural cationic polysaccharide, is a candidate non-viral vector for gene delivery because of its high positive charges and low cytotoxicity. In this study, low molecular weight chitosan (LMWC, molecular weight of 22 kDa) was characterized and evaluated as a gene carrier. Methods. Plasmid/LMWC complex was analyzed in 1% agarose gel electrophoresis. To confirm that the LMWC protected plasmids from nuclease, DNase I protection assays were performed. pSV-β-galactosidase plasmid/LMWC complex was transfected into 293T cells and transfection efficiency was evaluated by β-galactosidase assay. Cytotoxicity of LMWC was determined by MTT assay. Results. Unlike high molecular weight chitosan (HMWC), LMWC is highly water soluble, and can form complex with plasmids in physiological buffer. The plasmid DNA was completely retarded at a weight ratio of 1:2 (plasmid:LMWC) in 1% agarose gel. DNase I protection assay showed that plasmids were protected from DNase I over 60 min. The most efficient transfection was obtained at a weight ratio of 1:3 (plasmid:LMWC). The transfection efficiency of LMWC was significantly higher than naked DNA and higher than poly-L-lysine (PLL). MTT assay showed that LMWC was less cytotoxic than PLL. Conclusions. LMWC is non-toxic and has higher transfection efficiency than PLL. Therefore, LMWC will be useful in the development of safe gene carriers.
Evidence for Overlapping Substrate Specificity Between Large Neutral Amino Acid (LNAA) and Dipeptide (hPEPTl) Transporters for PD 158473, an NMDA Antagonist
Pharmaceutical Research - Tập 16 Số 3 - Trang 391-395 - 1999
Surendran, Narayanan, Covitz, Kuang-Ming Y., Han, Hyo-kyung, Sadee, Wolfgang, Oh, Doo-Man, Amidon, Gordon L., Williamson, Rufus M., Bigge, Christopher F., Stewart, Barbra H.
Purpose. The objective of this research was to investigate the substrate specificity of large neutral amino acid carrier (LNAA) and di/tripeptide (hPEPTl) transporters with respect to PD 158473, an NMDA antagonist. Methods. Cellular uptake studies were carried out using two types of Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO). CHO-K1 cells represent the wild type with inherent large neutral amino acid (LNAA) activity. CHO-PEPT1 cells were generated by stable transfection of hPEPTl gene into CHO cells. Therefore, these cells possess both LNAA activity and di/tripeptide transporter activities as a result of the transfection. Cellular uptake of PD 158473 was quantified using a HPLC method previously developed in our laboratory. Results. The utility of the CHO-PEPT1 cell model was demonstrated by determining the uptake kinetics of Gly-Sar, a prototypical dipeptide transporter substrate. Uptake kinetics of PD 158473 displayed two carrier-mediated transport components in CHO-PEPT1 cells, while in CHO-K1 cells the relationship was consistent with classic one component Michaelis-Menten kinetics. These results confirmed the affinity of PD 158473 for both LNAA and di/tripeptide transporters. Further, results from inhibition experiments using these two cell types indicate that the high affinity-low capacity system was the LNAA carrier and the low affinity-high capacity carrier was the di/tripeptide transporter. Conclusions. This study demonstrates overlapping substrate specificity between LNAA carrier and di/tripeptide transporter (hPEPTl) for PD 158473, an amino acid analog. Establishing Structure Transport Relationship (STR) for this overlap will aid in a design strategy for increasing oral absorption or targeting specific drugs to selected tissues.
5′-Amino Acid Esters of Antiviral Nucleosides, Acyclovir, and AZT Are Absorbed by the Intestinal PEPT1 Peptide Transporter
Pharmaceutical Research - Tập 15 Số 8 - Trang 1154-1159 - 1998
Han, Hyo-kyung, de Vrueh, Remco L. A., Rhie, Julie K., Covitz, Kuang-Ming Y., Smith, Philip L., Lee, Chao-Pin, Oh, Doo-Man, Sadee, Wolfgang, Amidon1, Gordon L.
Purpose. General use of nucleoside analogues in the treatment of viral infections and cancer is often limited by poor oral absorption. Valacyclovir, a water soluble amino acid ester prodrug of acyclovir has been reported to increase the oral bioavailability of acyclovir but its absorption mechanism is unknown. This study characterized the intestinal absorption mechanism of 5′-amino acid ester prodrugs of the antiviral drugs and examined the potential of amino acid esters as an effective strategy for improving oral drug absorption. Methods. Acyclovir (ACV) and Zidovudine (AZT) were selected as the different sugar-modified nucleo-side antiviral agents and synthesized to L-valyl esters of ACV and AZT (L-Val-ACV and L-Val-AZT), D-valyl ester of ACV (D-Val-ACV) and glycyl ester of ACV (Gly-ACV). The intestinal absorption mechanism of these 5′-amino acid ester prodrugs was characterized in three different experimental systems; in siturat perfusion model, CHO/hPEPTl cells and Caco-2 cells. Results. Testing 5′-amino acid ester prodrugs of acyclovir and AZT, we found that the prodrugs increased the intestinal permeability of the parent nucleoside analogue 3- to 10-fold. The dose- dependent permeation enhancement was selective for the L-amino acid esters. Competitive inhibition studies in rats and in CHO cells transfected with the human peptide transporter, hPEPTl, demonstrated that membrane transport of the prodrugs was mediated predominantly by the PEPT1 H+/dipeptide cotransporter even though these prodrugs did not possess a peptide bond. Finally, transport studies in Caco-2 cells confirmed that the 5′-amino acid ester prodrugs enhanced the transcellular transport of the parent drug. Conclusions. This study demonstrates that L-amino acid-nucleoside chimeras can serve as prodrugs to enhance intestinal absorption via the PEPT1 transporter, providing a novel strategy for improving oral therapy of nucleoside drugs.
Determination of the Origin of Charge Heterogeneity in a Murine Monoclonal Antibody
Pharmaceutical Research - Tập 17 Số 9 - Trang 1110-1117 - 2000
Perkins, Melissa, Theiler, Rolf, Lunte, Susan, Jeschke, Margit
Purpose. The aim of this study was to elucidate the molecular basis of charge heterogeneity found in a purified monoclonal IgG1 antibody, MMA383. Methods. Cation exchange chromatography (CEX) and isoelectric focusing (IEF) were used to monitor charge heterogeneity. CEX in conjunction with carboxypeptidase B digests of the antibody was used to determine the contribution of C-terminal lysines to MMA383 charge heterogeneity. Potential chemical degradation sites were identified by peptide mapping of individual chains, with peptide identification by mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). Peptide sequencing was used to determine specific deamidation sites. Binding constants of predominant isoforms were compared by surface plasmon resonance (SPR). Results. Extensive charge heterogeneity of purified MMA383 was detected by CEX and IEF. Removal of C-terminal lysines simplified the IEF pattern to nine predominant isoforms. Quantitation of isoaspartate in each of the isoforms indicated deamidation of MMA383 as a major cause of charge heterogeneity. CEX of the individual isoform chains suggested the presence of one deamidation site on each of the heavy and light chains. The two sites of deamidation were identified using peptide mapping, sequencing and mass spectrometry. SPR results showed no significant difference in the binding parameters among the isoforms. Conclusions. C-terminal lysine microheterogeneity and deamidation of Asn141 in the heavy chain and Asn161 in the light chain are the major causes of MMA383 charge heterogeneity. Identification of the two deamidation sites will allow replacement of these amino acids in order to create a product less susceptible to degradation.
The Stability of Insulin in Crystalline and Amorphous Solids: Observation of Greater Stability for the Amorphous Form
Pharmaceutical Research - Tập 14 Số 10 - Trang 1379-1387 - 1997
Pikal, Michael J., Rigsbee, Daniel R.
Purpose. Generalizations based upon behavior of small molecules have established that a crystalline solid is generally much more stable toward chemical degradation than is the amorphous solid. This study examines the validity of this generalization for proteins using biosynthetic human insulin as the model protein. Methods. Amorphous insulin was prepared by freeze drying the supernate from a suspension of zinc insulin crystals adjusted to pH 7.1. Storage stability at 25°C and 40°C were compared for the freeze dried material, the dried suspended crystals, and the starting batch of crystals. Samples were equilibrated at selected relative humidities between zero and 75% to obtain samples at various water contents. Assays for dimer formation were performed by size exclusion HPLC and assays for deamidated product were carried out by reverse phase HPLC. Degradation was found to be linear in square root of time, and the slopes from % degradation vs. square root of time were used to define the rate constants for degradation. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) were used to characterize the state of the protein in the solids. Results. As expected based upon previous results, the primary degradation pathways involve deamidation at the AsnA21 site and co-valent dimer formation, presumably involving the A-21 site. Contrary to expectations, amorphous insulin is far more stable than crystalline insulin under all conditions investigated. While increasing water content increases the rate of degradation of crystalline insulin, rate constants for degradation in the amorphous solid are essentially independent of water content up to the maximum water content studied (≈15%). Conclusions. Based upon the FTIR and DSC data, both crystalline and amorphous insulin retain some higher order structure when dried, but the secondary structure is significantly perturbed from that characteristic of the native solution state. However, neither DSC nor FTIR data provide a clear interpretation of the difference in stability between the amorphous and crystalline solids. The mechanism responsible for the superior stability of amorphous insulin remains obscure.
An Evaluation of the Use of Modulated Temperature DSC as a Means of Assessing the Relaxation Behaviour of Amorphous Lactose
Pharmaceutical Research - Tập 17 Số 6 - Trang 696-700 - 2000
Craig, Duncan Q. M., Barsnes, Merete, Royall, Paul G., Kett, Vicky L.
Purpose. To evaluate the use of Modulated Temperature DSC(MTDSC) as a means of assessing the relaxation behaviour ofamorphous lactose via measurement of the heat capacity, glasstransition (Tg) and relaxation endotherm. Methods. Samples of amorphous lactose were prepared by freezedrying. MTDSC was conducted using a TA Instruments 2920 MDSCusing a heating rate of 2°C/minute, a modulation amplitude of ±0.3°Cand a period of 60 seconds. Samples were cycled by heating to 140°Cand cooling to a range of annealing temperatures between 80°C and100°C, followed by reheating through the Tg region. Systems werethen recooled to allow for correction of the Tg shift effect. Results. MTDSC enabled separation of the glass transition from therelaxation endotherm, thereby facilitating calculation of the relaxationtime as a function of temperature. The relative merits of using MTDSCfor the assessment of relaxation processes are discussed. In addition,the use of the fictive temperature rather than the experimentally derivedTg is outlined. Conclusions. MTDSC allows assessment of the glass transitiontemperature, the magnitude of the relaxation endotherm and the valueof the heat capacity, thus facilitating calculation of relaxation times.Limitations identified with the approach include the slow scanningspeed, the need for careful choice of experimental parameters and theTg shift effect.
Polar Molecular Surface Properties Predict the Intestinal Absorption of Drugs in Humans
Pharmaceutical Research - Tập 14 Số 5 - Trang 568-571 - 1997
Palm, Katrin, Stenberg, Patric, Luthman, Kristina, Artursson1, Per
Purpose. A theoretical method has been devised for prediction of drug absorption after oral administration to humans. Methods. Twenty structurally diverse model drugs, ranging from 0.3 to 100% absorbed, were investigated. The compounds also displayed diversity in physicochemical properties such as lipophilicity, hydrogen bonding potential and molecular size. The dynamic molecular surface properties of the compounds were calculated, taking into account their three-dimensional shape and flexibility. Results. An excellent sigmoidal relationship was established between the absorbed fraction after oral administration to humans (FA) and the dynamic polar molecular surface area (PSAd) (r2 = 0.94). The relationship was stronger than those obtained for more established predictors of drug absorption. Drugs that are completely absorbed (FA > 90%) had a PSAd ≤ 60 Å2 while drugs that are < 10% absorbed had a PSAd > 140 Å2. Conclusions. The results indicate that PS Ad can be used to differentiate poorly absorbed drugs at an early stage of the drug discovery process.
Development of a Remote Electrode System for Monitoring the Water Content of Materials Inside a Glass Vial
Pharmaceutical Research - Tập 19 Số 3 - Trang 337-344 - 2002
Suherman, Phe Man, Taylor, Peter M., Smith, Geoff
Purpose: This article explores the use of a remote electrode dielectric measurement system to monitor the water content of hydrated ovalbumin inside a glass vial. Methods: The intrinsic dielectric properties of hydrated ovalbumin were characterized first using conventional parallel plate electrodes. The second stage was to simulate a remote electrode measurement by placing nonconductive, nondispersive polyethylene films between the sample and electrodes. Finally, a study on the dielectric measurement of ovalbumin contained in a 10 ml glass vial was undertaken with the electrodes external to the glass vial. Results: The dielectric behavior of hydrated ovalbumin was characterized by charge transfer (i.e., protons) in the hydrogen bonded network of water molecules in the bulk sample. The mechanism was identified as an anomalous low-frequency dispersion and a dielectric loss peak (ε3). The dielectric relaxation time, τ3, of the ε3 dispersion was especially sensitive to water content. Moreover, a good correlation (R2 = 93%) was observed between relaxation times τ3 obtained from measurements using conventional parallel plate electrodes and the remote electrode system. Conclusions: Dielectric measurements using remote electrodes attached to a glass vial are therefore applicable for the in situ measurement of water content in materials. The application of this technology to the determination of the lyophilization end point is suggested.
The Effect of Excipients on the Molecular Mobility of Lyophilized Formulations, as Measured by Glass Transition Temperature and NMR Relaxation-Based Critical Mobility Temperature
Pharmaceutical Research - Tập 16 Số 1 - Trang 135-140 - 1999
Yoshioka, Sumie, Aso, Yukio, Kojima, Shigeo
Purpose. The dependence of the molecular mobility of lyophilized formulations on pharmaceutical polymer excipients was studied. Molecular mobility as determined by NMR relaxation-based critical temperature of molecular mobility (Tmc) and glass transition temperature (Tg) is discussed in relation to the plasticizing effect of water in formulations. Methods. The Tmc and Tg of lyophilized γ-globulin formulations containing 6 different polymer excipients such as dextran, polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) and methylcellulose (MC) was determined by NMR and DSC. The molecular mobility of water in the formulations was determined by proton NMR and dielectric relaxation spectrometry (DRS). Results. Tmc varied with polymer excipients. Tmc increased as the ratio of bound water to mobile water increased and as the molecular mobility of mobile water decreased. The formulation containing MC exhibited a lower Tmc than the formulation containing dextran because of the smaller ratio of bound water and the higher molecular mobility of mobile water. The Tmc of the formulation containing PVP was higher than that expected from the higher T2 values of water because of the lower molecular mobility of mobile water regardless of the higher ratio of mobile water. The Tmc of these lyophilized formulations was higher than their Tg by 23°C to 34°C, indicating that the formulations became a NMR-detected microscopically liquidized state below their Tg. Conclusions. The quantity and the molecular mobility of mobile water in lyophilized formulations can be considered to affect the Tmc of lyophilized formulations, which in turn governs their stability.
A Novel Non-Viral Vector for DNA Delivery Based on Low Molecular Weight, Branched Polyethylenimine: Effect of Molecular Weight on Transfection Efficiency and Cytotoxicity
Pharmaceutical Research - Tập 16 Số 8 - Trang 1273-1279 - 1999
Fischer, Dagmar, Bieber, Thorsten, Li, Youxin, Elsässer, Hans-Peter, Kissel, Thomas
Purpose. Low molecular weight branched polyethylenimine (LMW-PEI) was synthesized and studied as a DNA carrier for gene delivery with regard to physico-chemical properties, cytotoxicity, and transfection efficiency. Methods. The architecture of LMW-PEI, synthesized by acid catalyzed ring-opening polymerization of aziridine was characterized by size exclusion chromatography in combination with laser light scattering and 13C-NMR-spectroscopy. In vitro cytotoxic effects were quantified by LDH and MTT assay and visualized by transmission electron microscopy. The potential for transgene expression was monitored in ECV304 cells using luciferase driven by a SV40 promoter as reporter gene system. Results. LMW-PEI (Mw 11′900 D) with a low degree of branching was synthesized as a DNA carrier for gene delivery. In contrast to high molecular weight polyethylenimines (HMW-PEI; Mw l′616′OOO D), the polymer described here showed a different degree of branching and was less cytotoxic in a broad range of concentrations. As demonstrated by transmission electron microscopy the LMW-PEI formed only small aggregates which were efficiently taken up by different cells in the presence of serum, most likely by an endocytic pathway. LMW-PEI yielded transfection efficiencies measured via expression of the reporter gene luciferase which were up to two orders of magnitude higher than those obtained with HMW-PEI. The reporter gene expression was concentration dependent, but in contrast to lipofection independent of serum addition. Conclusions. The LMW-PEI described here is a new, highly efficient, and non-cytotoxic vector with a favorable efficiency/toxicity profile for gene therapeutic applications.
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