Medical Care Research and Review

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Giảm Sự Khác Biệt Trong Kết Quả Đối Phó Với Rối Loạn Trầm Cảm Giữa Người Da Trắng Không Phải Gốc Tây Ban Nha và Các Dân Tộc Thiểu Số
Medical Care Research and Review - Tập 64 Số 5_suppl - Trang 157S-194S - 2007
Benjamin W. Van Voorhees, Amy E. Walters, Micah Prochaska, Michael T. Quinn

Có sự khác biệt đáng kể trong quy trình điều trị và kết quả triệu chứng và chức năng trong các rối loạn trầm cảm đối với các bệnh nhân là dân tộc thiểu số và chủng tộc. Bằng cách sử dụng quan điểm về tiến hành qua các giai đoạn cuộc đời, các tác giả đã thực hiện một đánh giá có hệ thống về tài liệu để xác định các cơ chế có thể điều chỉnh và các can thiệp hiệu quả để phòng ngừa và điều trị tại các điểm cụ thể—hệ thống, cộng đồng, nhà cung cấp dịch vụ, và bệnh nhân cá nhân—trong bối cảnh chăm sóc sức khỏe. Những can thiệp quản lý bệnh mãn tính đa thành phần đã mang lại sự cải thiện trong kết quả của trầm cảm đối với các nhóm dân tộc thiểu số. Quản lý trường hợp dường như là một thành phần quan trọng của các can thiệp hiệu quả. Các can thiệp phòng ngừa và điều trị được điều chỉnh phù hợp về xã hội và văn hóa có thể hiệu quả hơn so với các chương trình điều trị tiêu chuẩn. Nghiên cứu trong tương lai nên tập trung vào việc xác định các thành phần chủ chốt của quản lý trường hợp và điều chỉnh phù hợp về xã hội và văn hóa cần thiết cho các can thiệp hiệu quả và phát triển các cơ chế phổ biến mới, chi phí thấp cho chương trình điều trị và phòng ngừa có thể được điều chỉnh cho các dân tộc thiểu số.

#rối loạn trầm cảm #khác biệt về sức khỏe #quản lý bệnh mãn tính #can thiệp điều trị #dân tộc thiểu số #điều chỉnh văn hóa xã hội #nghiên cứu hệ thống
Review: Electronic Health Records and the Reliability and Validity of Quality Measures: A Review of the Literature
Medical Care Research and Review - Tập 67 Số 5 - Trang 503-527 - 2010
Kitty S. Chan, Jinnet B. Fowles, Jonathan P. Weiner

Previous reviews of research on electronic health record (EHR) data quality have not focused on the needs of quality measurement. The authors reviewed empirical studies of EHR data quality, published from January 2004, with an emphasis on data attributes relevant to quality measurement. Many of the 35 studies reviewed examined multiple aspects of data quality. Sixty-six percent evaluated data accuracy, 57% data completeness, and 23% data comparability. The diversity in data element, study setting, population, health condition, and EHR system studied within this body of literature made drawing specific conclusions regarding EHR data quality challenging. Future research should focus on the quality of data from specific EHR components and important data attributes for quality measurement such as granularity, timeliness, and comparability. Finally, factors associated with poor or variability in data quality need to be better understood and effective interventions developed.

An Empirical Assessment of High-Performing Medical Groups: Results from a National Study
Medical Care Research and Review - Tập 62 Số 4 - Trang 407-434 - 2005
Stephen M. Shortell, Julie A. Schmittdiel, Margaret C. Wang, Rui Li, Robin R. Gillies, Lawrence P. Casalino, Thomas Bodenheimer, Thomas G. Rundall

The performance of medical groups is receiving increased attention. Relatively little conceptual or empirical work exists that examines the various dimensions of medical group performance. Using a national database of 693 medical groups, this article develops a scorecard approach to assessing group performance and presents a theory-driven framework for differentiating between high-performing versus low-performingmedical groups. The clinical quality of care, financial performance, and organizational learning capability of medical groups are assessed in relation to environmental forces, resource acquisition and resource deployment factors, and a quality-centered culture. Findings support the utility of the performance scorecard approach and identification of a number of key factors differentiating high-performing from low-performing groups including, in particular, the importance of a quality-centered culture and the requirement of outside reporting from third party organizations. The findings hold a number of important implications for policy and practice, and the framework presented provides a foundation for future research.

Physician-Hospital Integration and the Economic Theory of the Firm
Medical Care Research and Review - Tập 54 Số 1 - Trang 3-24 - 1997
James C. Robinson

Physicians and hospitals are pioneering new and more coordinated organizational forms under pressure from market competition. Arms-length "doctor's workshop" relationships are yielding to integrated delivery systems and contractual delivery networks. This article analyzes organizational change in health care through the conceptual lens of institutional economics, defined broadly as including agency theory, transactions cost economics, and the dynamic capabilities view of the firm. These theoretical frameworks highlight three distinct functions of organization under managed care: coordination, governance, and innovation.

Perceptions of Health System Orientation
Medical Care Research and Review - Tập 71 Số 6 - Trang 559-579 - 2014
Brooke A. Cunningham, Jill A. Marsteller, Max J. Romano, Kathryn A. Carson, Gary Noronha, Maura McGuire, Airong Yu, Lisa A. Cooper

As part of a pragmatic trial to reduce hypertension disparities, we conducted a baseline organizational assessment to identify aspects of organizational functioning that could affect the success of our interventions. Through qualitative interviewing and the administration of two surveys, we gathered data about health care personnel’s perceptions of their organization’s orientations toward quality, patient centeredness, and cultural competency. We found that personnel perceived strong orientations toward quality and patient centeredness. The prevalence of these attitudes was significantly higher for these areas than for cultural competency and varied by occupational role and race. Larger percentages of survey respondents perceived barriers to addressing disparities than barriers to improving safety and quality. Health care managers and policy makers should consider how we have built strong quality orientations and apply those lessons to cultural competency.

Understanding and Enhancing the Value of Hospital Discharge Data
Medical Care Research and Review - Tập 64 Số 4 - Trang 449-468 - 2007
Julie A. Schoenman, Janet P Sutton, Anne Elixhauser, Denise Love

This work summarizes how hospital discharge data are used, identifies strengths and shortcomings, and presents suggestions for enhancing usefulness of the data. Results demonstrate that discharge data are used in a wide range of applications by diverse users. Uses include public health and population-based applications, as well as quality assessment, informed purchasing, strategic planning, and policymaking. Strategies to enhance the utility of discharge data include: improving the quality of existing data elements and adding new data elements that will support more advanced analyses, improving linkages with data from nonhospital settings and databases outside health care, and developing a technical assistance network to support statewide data organizations in their efforts to collect and analyze discharge data. As our nation moves toward universal electronic medical records, it will be important to keep in mind the many uses of discharge data in order to maintain the data capacity to fill these needs.

The Impact of Medical Interpreter Services on the Quality of Health Care: A Systematic Review
Medical Care Research and Review - Tập 62 Số 3 - Trang 255-299 - 2005
Glenn Flores

Twenty-one million Americans are limited in English proficiency (LEP), but little is known about the effect of medical interpreter services on health care quality. Asystematic literature review was conducted on the impact of interpreter services on quality of care. Five database searches yielded 2,640 citations and a final database of 36 articles, after applying exclusion criteria. Multiple studies document that quality of care is compromised when LEP patients need but do not get interpreters. LEP patients' quality of care is inferior, and more interpreter errors occur with untrained ad hoc interpreters. Inadequate interpreter services can have serious consequences for patients with mental disorders. Trained professional interpreters and bilingual health care providers positively affect LEP patients' satisfaction, quality of care, and outcomes. Evidence suggests that optimal communication, patient satisfaction, and outcomes and the fewest interpreter errors occur when LEP patients have access to trained professional interpreters or bilingual providers.

The Impact of Interpreters on Parents' Experiences with Ambulatory Care for Their Children
Medical Care Research and Review - Tập 63 Số 1 - Trang 110-128 - 2006
Leo S. Morales, Marc Elliott, Robert Weech‐Maldonado, Ron D. Hays

Health plan members who did not need an interpreter in the past 6 months were compared with those who needed one and always, usually, sometimes, or never got one. In multivariate analyses, Hispanic and Asian/Pacific Islanders (API) members who needed interpreters and usually, sometimes, or never used one reported significantly worse (p < .05) provider and office staff communication, access to care, and health plan customer service compared with members who did not need interpreters. Hispanic and API members who needed and always used an interpreter reported similar or significantly better (p < .05) provider and office staff communication, access to care, and health plan customer service than members that did not need interpreters. Use of interpreters reduced White-Hispanic disparities in reports of care by up to 28 percent and White-API disparities by as much as 21 percent. Increasing use of interpreters could reduce racial/ethnic disparities and improve health plan performance.

Limited English Proficiency and Latinos’ Use of Physician Services
Medical Care Research and Review - Tập 57 Số 1 - Trang 76-91 - 2000
Kathryn Pitkin Derose, David W. Baker

Many Latinos have limited English proficiency and this may negatively affect their use of health care services. To examine this, the authors interviewed 465 Spanish-speaking Latinos and 259 English speakers of various ethnicities who presented to a public hospital emergency department with nonurgent medical problems to assess previous physician visits, sociodemographic characteristics, and level of English proficiency. The proportion of patients who reported no physician visit during the 3 months before study enrollment was not related to English proficiency. However, among the 414 patients who saw a physician at least once, Latinos with fair and poor English proficiency reported approximately 22 percent fewer physician visits (p = 0.020 and p = 0.015, respectively) than non-Latinos whose native language was English, even after adjusting for other determinants of physician visits. The magnitude of the association between limited English proficiency and number of physician visits was similar to that for having poor health, no health insurance, or no regular source of care.

Cost of Liver Transplantation
Medical Care Research and Review - Tập 66 Số 1 - Trang 3-22 - 2009
Christian S. van der Hilst, Alexander J. C. IJtsma, Maarten J. H. Slooff, Elisabeth M. TenVergert

Large cost variations of liver transplantation are reported. The aim of this study was to assess cost differences of liver transplantation and clinical follow-up between the United States and other Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries. Eight electronic databases were searched, and 2,000 citations published after 1990 with more than 10 transplantations, and with original cost data, were identified. A total of 30 articles included 5,975 liver transplantations. Meta-analysis was used to derive a combined mean using a random-effects model to test for heterogeneity between studies. Estimated mean cost of a U.S. liver transplantation was US$163,438 (US$145,277-181,598) compared to US$103,548 (US$85,514-121,582) for other OECD countries. Patient characteristics, disease characteristics, quality of the health care provider, and methodology could not explain this cost difference. Health system characteristics differed between the U.S. and other OECD countries. Cost differences in liver transplantation between these two groups may be largely explained by health system characteristics.

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