Understanding and Enhancing the Value of Hospital Discharge Data

Medical Care Research and Review - Tập 64 Số 4 - Trang 449-468 - 2007
Julie A. Schoenman1, Janet P Sutton1, Anne Elixhauser2, Denise Love3
1NORC at the University of Chicago,
2The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
3The National Association of Health Data Organizations

Tóm tắt

This work summarizes how hospital discharge data are used, identifies strengths and shortcomings, and presents suggestions for enhancing usefulness of the data. Results demonstrate that discharge data are used in a wide range of applications by diverse users. Uses include public health and population-based applications, as well as quality assessment, informed purchasing, strategic planning, and policymaking. Strategies to enhance the utility of discharge data include: improving the quality of existing data elements and adding new data elements that will support more advanced analyses, improving linkages with data from nonhospital settings and databases outside health care, and developing a technical assistance network to support statewide data organizations in their efforts to collect and analyze discharge data. As our nation moves toward universal electronic medical records, it will be important to keep in mind the many uses of discharge data in order to maintain the data capacity to fill these needs.

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