Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine

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Shimming—the forgotten child of in-vivo MR?
Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine - Tập 34 - Trang 179-181 - 2021
Christopher J. Wiggins, Changho Choi, Yan Li, Alexander P. Lin, Sunitha B. Thakur, Eva M. Ratai
Correction to: Phase-contrast magnetic resonance imaging to assess renal perfusion: a systematic review and statement paper
Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine - Tập 33 Số 5 - Trang 747-747 - 2020
Giulia Villa, Steffen Ringgaard, Ingo Hermann, Rebecca Noble, Paolo Brambilla, Dinah Sherzad Khatir, Frank G. Zöllner, Susan T. Francis, Nicholas M. Selby, Andrea Remuzzi, Anna Caroli
The article Phase‑contrast magnetic resonance imaging to assess renal perfusion: a systematic review and statement paper, written by Giulia Villa, Steffen Ringgaard, Ingo Hermann, Rebecca Noble, Paolo Brambilla, Dinah S. Khatir, Frank G. Zöllner, Susan T. Francis, Nicholas M. Selby, Andrea Remuzzi and Anna Caroli, was originally published electronically on the publisher’s internet portal on 17 August 2019 without open access
High-resolution imaging at 3T and 7T with multiring local volume coils
Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine - - 2004
Fakhereh Mirrashed, Jonathan C. Sharp, Iva Cheung, Boguslaw Tomanek
Magnetic resonance (MR) microimaging of the human is becoming increasingly common for studies of tissue microstructure and microfunction. In this study, we consider the constraints that such experiments place on the design of radio-frequency (rf) coils, and describe the advantages of multiring coils, which offer a locally uniform B1 field. We show that these coils are particularly suitable for high-field imaging of a restricted region of larger experimental animals or humans, offering the same simplicity and efficient use of rf power as a simple surface coil but without requiring sequence modifications such as adiabatic pulses. Imaging results are shown from human brain and from the abdominal aorta of an experimental animal.
3D true-phase polarity recovery with independent phase estimation using three-tier stacks based region growing (3D-TRIPS)
Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine - Tập 31 - Trang 87-99 - 2017
Haining Liu, Gregory J. Wilson, Niranjan Balu, Jeffrey H. Maki, Daniel S. Hippe, Wei Wu, Hiroko Watase, Jinnan Wang, Martin L. Gunn, Chun Yuan
A postprocessing technique termed 3D true-phase polarity recovery with independent phase estimation using three-tier stacks based region growing (3D-TRIPS) was developed, which directly reconstructs phase-sensitive inversion-recovery images without acquisition of phase-reference images. The utility of this technique is demonstrated in myocardial late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) imaging. A data structure with three tiers of stacks was used for 3D-TRIPS to directly achieve reliable region growing for successful background-phase estimation. Fifteen patients undergoing postgadolinium 3D phase-sensitive inversion recovery (PSIR) cardiac LGE magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were recruited, and 3D-TRIPS LGE reconstructions were compared with standard PSIR. Objective voxel-by-voxel comparison was performed. Additionally, blinded review by two radiologists compared scar visibility, clinical acceptability, voxel polarity error, or groups and blurring. 3D-TRIPS efficiently reconstructed postcontrast phase-sensitive myocardial LGE images. Objective analysis showed an average 95% voxel-by-voxel agreement between 3D-TRIPS and PSIR images. Blinded radiologist review demonstrated similar image quality between 3D-TRIPS and PSIR reconstruction. 3D-TRIPS provided similar image quality to PSIR for phase-sensitive myocardial LGE MRI reconstruction. 3D-TRIPS does not require acquisition of a reference image and can therefore be used to accelerate phase-sensitive LGE imaging.
T2-weighted breathold imaging of the liver: a quantitative and qualitative comparison of fast spin echo and half Fourier single shot fast spin echo imaging
Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine - Tập 9 - Trang 42-51 - 1999
Thomas K. Helmberger, Julia Schröder, Nicolaus Holzknecht, Michaela Gregor, Andreas Heuck, Rainer Petsch, Maximilian F. Reiser
The imaging characteristics of two EPI-hybrid breath-hold sequences, T2-weighted fast spin-echo [FSE, effective echo time (TEeff) 138ms] and half Fourier single shot turbo spin-echo (HASTE, TEeff 60 ms), were compared in hepatic imaging. A total of 111 patients with suspected hepatic disease were studied at 1.5 Tesla using a body phase-array coil. The signal-to-noise (S/N) and contrast-to-noise (C/N) ratios for organs and lesions were calculated and quantitatively compared. Organ delineation, visualization of anatomical structures and pathological lesions, artifacts, and total image quality were qualitatively assessed and statistically compared. The final diagnoses were metastases from colorectal, breast, and pancreatic cancer in 23/111, hepatocellular carcinoma in 15/111, cysts in 19/111, hemangiomas in 9/111, several other lesions in 7/111, and no lesions in 38/111 of the cases. A total of 139 lesion in 73% of the patients were seen while 85% of the lesions were at least 1.5 cm in size. Regarding S/Ns HASTE was significantly (P<0.03) superior to FSE with only minor (P>0.05) differences in C/Ns between the two sequences for anatomical and pathological structures. HASTE demonstrated in almost all (97.3%) of the cases no artifacts, while on fast SE imaging moderate to minor artifacts were present in 23.5–51.7% of the cases. The overall image quality and diagnostic confidence was rated significantly higher (good 43.2%, excellent 53.2%) for HASTE than for fast SE imaging (good 44.8%, excellent 17.6%). Providing comparable C/Ns for anatomical and pathological structures, breatheld HASTE imaging proved to be superior to fast SE in T2-weighted imaging of the upper abdomen regarding general image quality, and, with adequate technical prerequisites, may be a suitable substitute of fast T2-imaging techniques.
1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy studies of cerebral metabolism in children
Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine - Tập 2 - Trang 219-223 - 1994
David G. Gadian, Alan Connelly
This article summarizes some applications of1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy in the investigation of children with brain disease. Studies are described of children with inborn errors of metabolism, including lactic acidoses and mitochondrial disorders, ornithine carbamoyl transferase deficiency (a disorder of the urea cycle), and Canavan's disease (a disorder of N-acetylaspartate metabolism). Applications in epilepsy are also discussed.
MR T2-weighted image of subacute cerebral infarct can be isointense to the surrounding brain: MR fogging in cerebral infarct
Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine - Tập 2 Số 4 - Trang 539-544 - 1994
Asato, R., Okumura, R., Miki, Y., Konishi, J.
Cerebral infarcts initially showing as markedly hyperintense on magnetic resonance (MR)T 2-weighted images decreased in intensity and became nearly isointense to normal brain tissue in subsequent MR studies. This MR fogging was observed in 7 (23%) out of 31 cases of cortical infarct and 4 (20%) out of 20 cases of perforator infarct in the second to sixth weeks of the disease. In all fogging cases, significant contrast enhancement (CE) was seen in the fogging area after intravenous administration of MR contrast agent. The CE study is recommended in MR of cerebral infarct during the subacute and early chronic stage.
Measurement reproducibility of magnetic resonance imaging-based finite element analysis of proximal femur microarchitecture for in vivo assessment of bone strength
Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine - Tập 28 - Trang 407-412 - 2014
Gregory Chang, Alexandra Hotca-Cho, Henry Rusinek, Stephen Honig, Artem Mikheev, Kenneth Egol, Ravinder R. Regatte, Chamith S. Rajapakse
Osteoporosis is a disease of weak bone. Our goal was to determine the measurement reproducibility of magnetic resonance assessment of proximal femur strength. This study had institutional review board approval, and written informed consent was obtained from all subjects. We obtained images of proximal femur microarchitecture by scanning 12 subjects three times within 1 week at 3T using a high-resolution 3-D FLASH sequence. We applied finite element analysis to compute proximal femur stiffness and femoral neck elastic modulus. Within-day and between-day root-mean-square coefficients of variation and intraclass correlation coefficients ranged from 3.5 to 6.6 % and 0.96 to 0.98, respectively. The measurement reproducibility of magnetic resonance assessment of proximal femur strength is suitable for clinical studies of disease progression or treatment response related to osteoporosis bone-strengthening interventions.
Theory of MRI contrast in the annulus fibrosus of the intervertebral disc
Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine - Tập 29 - Trang 711-722 - 2016
Alexander C. Wright, Jonathon H. Yoder, Edward J. Vresilovic, Dawn M. Elliott
Here we develop a three-dimensional analytic model for MR image contrast of collagen lamellae in the annulus fibrosus of the intervertebral disc of the spine, based on the dependence of the MRI signal on collagen fiber orientation. High-resolution MRI scans were performed at 1.5 and 7 T on intact whole disc specimens from ovine, bovine, and human spines. An analytic model that approximates the three-dimensional curvature of the disc lamellae was developed to explain inter-lamellar contrast and intensity variations in the annulus. The model is based on the known anisotropic dipolar relaxation of water in tissues with ordered collagen. Simulated MRI data were generated that reproduced many features of the actual MRI data. The calculated inter-lamellar image contrast demonstrated a strong dependence on the collagen fiber angle and on the circumferential location within the annulus. This analytic model may be useful for interpreting MR images of the disc and for predicting experimental conditions that will optimize MR image contrast in the annulus fibrosus.
A degeneracy study in the circulant and bordered-circulant approach to birdcage and planar coils
Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine - Tập 16 - Trang 103-111 - 2003
Y.-C. N. Cheng, T. P. Eagan, T. Chmielewski, J. Flock, M.-C. Kang, T. K. Kidane, Sh. M. Shvartsman, R. W. Brown
A method for finding closed-form solutions for the normal mode frequencies of systems with circulant $$ \left( {{{2\pi } \over n}} \right) $$ symmetry was investigated. This method is particularly useful for questions of degeneracy that arise when one considers parallel imaging techniques like SENSE and SMASH in MRI. It is applicable to systems that include birdcage coils as well as planar coils with the appropriate rotational symmetry. A proof is given that complete degeneracy of all normal mode frequencies is impossible when all mutual inductive couplings are included. We tested the method against measurements made on a planar coil array and on an 8-element birdcage coil. The inclusion of the co-rotating end-ring mode changes the fundamental symmetry of the system from circulant to 'bordered circulant.' Closed-form solutions for the normal mode frequencies of a bordered circulant system are also given.
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