Law and Human Behavior

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Law and Human Behavior - Tập 16 Số 4 - Trang 473-473 - 1992
Behavioral Cues to Deception vs. Topic Incriminating Potential in Criminal Confessions
Law and Human Behavior - Tập 29 - Trang 683-704 - 2005
Martha Davis, Keith A. Markus, Stan B. Walters, Neal Vorus, Brenda Connors
Coding statements of criminal suspects facilitated tests of four hypotheses about differences between behavioral cues to deception and the incriminating potential (IP) of the topic. Information from criminal investigations corroborated the veracity of 337 brief utterances from 28 videotaped confessions. A four-point rating of topic IP measured the degree of potential threat per utterance. Cues discriminating true vs. false comprised word/phrase repeats, speech disfluency spikes, nonverbal overdone, and protracted headshaking. Non-lexical sounds discriminated true vs. false inthe reverse direction. Cues that distinguished IP only comprised speech speed, gesticulation amount, nonverbal animation level, soft weak vocal and “I (or we) just” qualifier. Adding “I don't know” to an answer discriminated both IP and true vs. false. The results supported hypothesis about differentiating deception cues from incriminating potential cues in high-stakes interviews, and suggested that extensive research on distinctions between stress-related cues and cues to deception would improve deception detection.
Court Discretion
Law and Human Behavior - Tập 5 - Trang 275-289 - 1981
Virginia Aldigé Hiday
All mention of specific types and dimensions of dangerous behavior, given by witnesses in testimony in 414 civil commitment hearings of allegedly dangerous mentally ill adults in one state, was recorded to see how such evidence affects court decision. A positive association between involuntary commitment and evidence of dangerous behavior as defined by appellate courts was found. Commitments increased with movement up a continuum of action and physical harm and with recency and recurrency. Much of the variance in involuntary commitment is explained by court concern with substantive justice.
Boats against the current: A rebuttal
Law and Human Behavior - Tập 15 - Trang 563-565 - 1991
Paul Gendreau, James Bonta
Evaluating a new computer-based system for face recall
Law and Human Behavior - Tập 5 - Trang 209-218 - 1981
Donald Christie, Graham Davies, John Shepherd, Hadyn Ellis
The Computer-Aided Design Centre has developed a new face recall system which enables a witness to construct the image of a suspect on a television screen. The system currently uses the Photofit library and method of construction. Likenesses of target faces produced by subjects (n=36) using the new system were compared to conventional Photofits produced by a second group of subjects (n=36) of the same targets. There was no difference on any of the three measures employed in the assessed quality of the likenesses produced by Photofit and the CADC System. Both systems tended to produce more recognizable composites when construction was carried out in the presence of the target compared to its absence. Composites made from memory on the initial trial were marginally better with the CADC System than with Photofit. While both systems showed low absolute accuracy, they enjoyed a measure of success in transmitting a likeness of a facial “type”. It is concluded that while the CADC system shows promise, psychological constraints upon witnesses' powers of recall may place limits on the absolute accuracy achievable with any system of face reconstruction.
Economic and legal analysis of medical ethics
Law and Human Behavior - Tập 7 - Trang 183-192 - 1983
Keith Leffler
In the last decade, the antityrust authorities have stricken one after another of the ethical rules of professional societies. Underlying this pokicy is the widelyaccepted notion that ethics are simply devices designed by the professions to limit competition and thereby to benefit their pecuniary interests. The antitrust assault does not consider the longstanding, nearly universal consumer support for controls on the activities of certain professions. In this paper, the narrow view ofcompetition adopted by the courts is assailed. Focusing on the case ofrestrictions on interactions between physicians and other nonmedical health care providers, some procompetitive effects of medical ethics are analyzed. Generally, professional ethics can only change the form of competition but not eliminate it. A proper legal policy requires recognition of the consumer concern with the form of competition and therefore requires a careful balancing of the beneficial competitive effects against any attendant limits on intraprofessional competition.
How effective is medical self-regulation?
Law and Human Behavior - Tập 7 - Trang 193-202 - 1983
Robert C. Derbyshire
Licensing and disciplining of physicians, police powers of the individual states, are carried out by boards and committees, the majority of whose members are physicians. How effective is medical self-regulation? I attempt to answer this question by examining several aspects of the disciplinary process such as the medical practice acts, inconsistencies in disciplinary actions, and the number and proportion of doctors disciplined during various periods. Also included in this study is an examination of obstacles to discipline, many of which are caused by hospitals and organized medicine. I conclude that medical self-regulation is of limited effectiveness.
The Screening Scale for Pedophilic Interests (SSPI): Construct, predictive, and incremental validity.
Law and Human Behavior - Tập 39 Số 1 - Trang 35-43
L. Maaike Helmus, Caoilte Ó Ciardha, Michael C. Seto
Effects of positive impression management on the Psychopathic Personality Inventory.
Law and Human Behavior - Tập 25 Số 3 - Trang 235-256
John F. Edens, Jacqueline K. Buffington, Tara L. Tomicic, Brandon D. Riley
Psychopathy and nonverbal indicators of deception in offenders.
Law and Human Behavior - Tập 31 Số 4 - Trang 337-351
Jessica Klaver, Zina Lee, Stephen D. Hart
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