Journal of the Geological Society

SCIE-ISI SCOPUS (1845-1931,1933-2023)



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Cơ quản chủ quản:  Geological Society of London , GEOLOGICAL SOC PUBL HOUSE

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Tectonic models for accretion of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt
Tập 164 Số 1 - Trang 31-47 - 2007
Brian F. Windley, Д. В. Алексеев, Xiaoping Xia, Alfred Kröner, Gombosuren Badarch

The Central Asian Orogenic Belt ( c . 1000–250 Ma) formed by accretion of island arcs, ophiolites, oceanic islands, seamounts, accretionary wedges, oceanic plateaux and microcontinents in a manner comparable with that of circum-Pacific Mesozoic–Cenozoic accretionary orogens. Palaeomagnetic and palaeofloral data indicate that early accretion (Vendian–Ordovician) took place when Baltica and Siberia were separated by a wide ocean. Island arcs and Precambrian microcontinents accreted to the active margins of the two continents or amalgamated in an oceanic setting (as in Kazakhstan) by roll-back and collision, forming a huge accretionary collage. The Palaeo-Asian Ocean closed in the Permian with formation of the Solonker suture. We evaluate contrasting tectonic models for the evolution of the orogenic belt. Current information provides little support for the main tenets of the one- or three-arc Kipchak model; current data suggest that an archipelago-type (Indonesian) model is more viable. Some diagnostic features of ridge–trench interaction are present in the Central Asian orogen (e.g. granites, adakites, boninites, near-trench magmatism, Alaskan-type mafic–ultramafic complexes, high-temperature metamorphic belts that prograde rapidly from low-grade belts, rhyolitic ash-fall tuffs). They offer a promising perspective for future investigations.

Fault rocks and fault mechanisms
Tập 133 Số 3 - Trang 191-213 - 1977
Richard H. Sibson

Physical factors likely to affect the genesis of the various fault rocks—frictional properties, temperature, effective stress normal to the fault and differential stress—are examined in relation to the energy budget of fault zones, the main velocity modes of faulting and the type of faulting, whether thrust, wrench, or normal. In a conceptual model of a major fault zone cutting crystalline quartzo-feldspathic crust, a zone of elastico-frictional (EF) behaviour generating random-fabric fault rocks (gouge—breccia—cataclasite series—pseudotachylyte) overlies a region where quasi-plastic (QP) processes of rock deformation operate in ductile shear zones with the production of mylonite series rocks possessing strong tectonite fabrics. In some cases, fault rocks developed by transient seismic faulting can be distinguished from those generated by slow aseismic shear. Random-fabric fault rocks may form as a result of seismic faulting within the ductile shear zones from time to time, but tend to be obliterated by continued shearing. Resistance to shear within the fault zone reaches a peak value (greatest for thrusts and least for normal faults) around the EF/QP transition level, which for normal geothermal gradients and an adequate supply of water, occurs at depths of 10–15 km.

Zircon U-Pb ages for the Early Cambrian time-scale
Tập 149 Số 2 - Trang 171-184 - 1992
W. Compston, Ian S. Williams, Joseph L. Kirschvink, Zichao Zhang, Ma Guogan

Single zircons from two Early Cambrian volcanic horizons have been analysed using the SHRIMP ion microprobe. Full details of the analytical procedures and data reduction are given. Zircons from tuff within the Lie de Vin Formation, near Tiout, Morocco, show little spread in U-Pb age and have a mean value of 521 ± 7 Ma (2σ). Those from a bentonite within unit 5 of the Meishucun section near Kunming, southern China, show relatively dispersed U-Pb ages, revealing the presence of both detrital or xenocrystic grains as well as areas within grains that have lost radiogenic Pb. The main population has a mean age of 525 ± 7 Ma, but a mean 207 Pb/ 206 Pb age of 539 ± 34 Ma which is a maximum estimate for the bentonite age. These results conflict with previous Rb-Sr whole rock ages of c. 580 Ma for overlying Cambrian shales at Meishucun, and c. 570 Ma for Atdabanian shales from the E. Yangtse Gorges area.

Tectonic environment of the Devonian Gramscatho basin, south Cornwall: framework mode and geochemical evidence from turbiditic sandstones
Tập 144 Số 4 - Trang 531-542 - 1987
P.A. Floyd, Brian E. Leveridge

The Portscatho Formation, within the allochthonous unit of the Middle and Upper Devonian Gramscatho Group, is a thick sequence of deep-water sandstones and interbedded slates deposited by southerly-derived turbidity currents into the Gramscatho basin of south Cornwall. Throughout an approximately 3.5 km thick sequence, the Portscatho Formation is petrographically and chemically coherent, except that the upper section shows a higher proportion of metamorphic clasts, high, but variable Cr, and low, uniform Zr abundances. Complementary framework mode and bulk geochemistry indicate that the sandstones were derived from a dissected continental magmatic arc of predominantly acidic composition, similar to average upper continental crust, but with an admixture of minor intermediate/basic material. Flysch deposition took place in a fore-arc setting. The presence of an arc to the south of Cornwall during the Devonian implies that there was subduction at the margin of the Gramscatho basin, whose ultimate closure was accommodated by the northward stacking of flysch–ophiolite nappes.

Seismic pumping—a hydrothermal fluid transport mechanism
Tập 131 Số 6 - Trang 653-659 - 1975
Richard H. Sibson, J. Mc. M. MOORE, Andrew H. Rankin

A consequence of the dilatancy/fluid-diffusion mechanism for shallow earthquakes is that considerable volumes of fluid are rapidly redistributed in the crust following seismic faulting. This is borne out by the outpourings of warm groundwater which have been observed along fault traces following some moderate (M5–M7) earthquakes. The quantities of fluid involved are such that significant hydrothermal mineralisation may result from each seismically induced fluid pulse, and the mechanism provides an explanation for the textures of hydrothermal vein deposits associated with ancient faults, which almost invariably indicate that mineralisation was episodic.

The petrological evolution of island arc systems
Tập 130 Số 3 - Trang 183-204 - 1974
A. E. Ringwood

The most important petrological problem relating to the development of island arc systems is the origin of the basalt-andesite-dacite-rhyolite volcanic suite. Characteristics of the suite are reviewed. They include distribution of active volcanoes relative to Benioff zones, chemical composition and fractionation trends of magmas, the evolutionary development of island arcs in time, often comprising an earlier tholeiitic stage followed by a later calcalkaline stage, and the trend of magmas to become richer in potassium and other incompatible elements, the greater the height of the volcano above the Benioff zone.

Recent researches in experimental petrology suggest three fractionation controls which might be responsible for various characteristics of the suite; amphibole-controlled fractionation, eclogite-controlled fractionation and direct partial melting of mantle pyrolite under conditions of high water vapour pressure. The operation of these processes is reviewed. Amphibole-controlled fractionation is limited to depths smaller than 100 km and causes a calcalkaline trend among residual liquids but with little change in K/Na and rare earth element abundances. Eclogite-controlled fractionation likewise causes a calcalkaline trend but is accompanied by increase of K/Na ratios and fractionation of the rare earth elements. This process probably occurs in the 100–150 km depth interval. Partial melting of the mantle under high P H 2 O is shown to cause the formation of basaltic magmas in the depth interval, 70–100 km. Upon rising, these magmas fractionate towards basaltic andesite and andesite compositions via the crystallization mainly of olivine. Resulting liquids display a tholeiitic differentiation trend.

A model for the operation of these processes in the island arc environment is proposed. Amphibolite in the subducted oceanic crust becomes dehydrated at depths of 70–100 km under subsolidus conditions. The water produced causes partial melting to occur in the pyrolite wedge above the Benioff zone. Magmas thus produced differentiate under high P H 2 O to produce the early tholeiite stage of arc development. As the oceanic crust is sub-ducted to depths of 100–150 km, a high P H 2 O is maintained by the dehydration of serpentinite and derivative high pressure hydrated magnesium silicates. Partial melting of the quartz eclogite oceanic crust produces rhyodacite magmas. These react with overlying mantle pyrolite to form pyroxenite. Diapirs of pyroxenite rise upwards from the Benioff zone, partially melting to form magmas which fractionate by eclogite crystallization (80–150 km) and amphibole crystallization (30–100 km) thereby producing the calcalkaline phase of arc development.

The residual, refractory eclogite and peridotite in the lithosphere plates which sink below about 150 km have become irreversibly differentiated and never again are able to participate in the formation of basaltic magmas at mid-oceanic ridges. The complementary differentiate is, ultimately, the continental crust, which grows through time by the accretion of island arcs and by the addition of the andesitic volcanic suite, derived as discussed above. It is estimated that about 30–60% of the volume of the mantle has passed through this process of irreversible differentiation.

Volcanism, CO 2 and palaeoclimate: a Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous carbon and oxygen isotope record
Tập 161 Số 4 - Trang 695-702 - 2004
Helmut Weissert, Elisabetta Erba

A composite Tethyan Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous carbon and oxygen isotope curve is presented. C-isotope data provide information on the evolution and perturbation of the global carbon cycle. O-isotope data are used as a palaeotemperature proxy in combination with palaeontological information. The resulting trends in climate and in palaeoceanography are compared with biocalcification trends and oceanographic conditions favouring or inhibiting biocalcification. Positive C-isotope anomalies in the Valanginian and Aptian correlate with episodes of increased volcanic activity regarded as a source of excess atmospheric carbon dioxide. A major warming pulse accompanies the Aptian but not the Valanginian C-isotope event. The observed change in Early Aptian temperatures could have triggered the destabilization of sedimentary gas hydrates and the sudden release of methane to the biosphere as recorded as a distinct negative carbon isotope pulse preceding the positive excursion. Both C-isotope anomalies are accompanied by biocalcification crises that may have been triggered by p CO 2 -induced changes in climate and in surface water chemistry. Elevated nutrient levels in river-influenced coastal waters and in upwelling regions further weakened marine calcification. These conditions contrast with ‘normal’ trophic conditions prevailing in the latest Jurassic and favouring biocalcification. The C- and O-isotope curves record a stable mode of carbon cycling and stable temperatures. We conclude that biocalcification is mostly triggered (and inhibited) by CO 2 conditions in the atmosphere–ocean system.

The role of the Indian summer monsoon and the mid-latitude westerlies in Himalayan glaciation: review and speculative discussion
Tập 155 Số 2 - Trang 353-363 - 1998
Douglas I. Benn, Lewis A. Owen

New dates for late Quaternary glaciations in the Himalayas show that, during the last glacial cycle, glaciations were not synchronous throughout the region. Rather, in some areas glaciers reached their maxima at the global glacial maximum of c. 18–20 ka bp , whereas in others glaciers were most extensive at c. 60–30 ka bp . Comparison of these data with palaeoclimatic records from adjacent regions suggest that, on millennial timescales, Himalayan glacier fluctuations are controlled by variations in both the South Asian monsoon and the mid-latitude westerlies.

Carbon-isotope stratigraphy recorded by the Cenomanian–Turonian Oceanic Anoxic Event: correlation and implications based on three key localities
Tập 161 Số 4 - Trang 711-719 - 2004
Harilaos Tsikos, Hugh C. Jenkyns, Ben Walsworth‐Bell, Maria Rose Petrizzo, A. Förster, Sadat Kolonic, Elisabetta Erba, I. Premoli Silva, Marianne Baas, Thomas Wagner, Jaap S. Sinninghe Damsté

We present new, detailed carbon-isotope records for bulk carbonate, total organic carbon (TOC) and phytane from three key sections spanning the Cenomanian–Turonian boundary interval (Eastbourne, England; Gubbio, Italy; Tarfaya, Morocco), with the purpose of establishing a common chemostratigraphic framework for Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE) 2. Isotope curves from all localities are characterized by a positive carbon-isotope excursion of c . 4‰ for TOC and phytane and c . 2.5‰ for carbonate, although diagenetic overprinting appears to have obliterated the primary carbonate carbon-isotope signal in at least part of the Tarfaya section. Stratigraphically, peak δ 13 C values for all components are followed by intervals of high, near-constant δ 13 C in the form of an isotopic plateau. Recognition of an unambiguous return to background δ 13 C values above the plateau is, however, contentious in all sections, hence no firm chemostratigraphic marker for the end-point of the positive isotopic excursion can be established. The stratigraphically consistent first appearance of the calcareous nannofossil Quadrum gartneri at or near the Cenomanian–Turonian boundary as established by ammonite stratigraphy, in conjunction with the end of the δ 13 C maximum characteristic of the isotopic plateau, provides a potentially powerful tool for delimiting the stratigraphic extent and duration of OAE 2. This Oceanic Anoxic Event is demonstrated to be largely, if not wholly, confined to the latest part of the Cenomanian stage.

The geochemistry of young volcanism throughout western Panama and southeastern Costa Rica: an overview
Tập 149 Số 4 - Trang 569-579 - 1992
Marc J. Defant, Thomas E. Jackson, Mark S. Drummond, Jelle Zeilinga de Boer, Hervé Bellón, Mark D. Feigenson, René C. Maury, Robert H. Stewart

Oblique aseismic subduction below western Panama and southeastern Costa Rica has produced Recent arc-related volcanism. The aseismicity is probably related to the subduction of relatively hot oceanic lithosphere. The volcanism throughout this region over the past 2 Ma has been quite distinct, consisting of felsic magmas (andesites to rhyolites but mainly dacites) with geochemical signatures suggesting a metamorphosed basaltic source. It is believed that the subduction of young oceanic crust sets up conditions under which the slab melts rather than the overlying mantle wedge. Rocks with slab-melt geochemistries and associated with young subducted crust have been termed adakites elsewhere. The young adakite melts are sometimes associated with a few rare young high-Nb basalts, but there is no obvious genetic link between them through differentiation. High-Nb basalts may also be derived from the partial melting of the subducted oceanic crust. High-Nb basalt migmatites have been found with pegmatites of adakite compositions in the exposed subduction terrain of the Catalina Schist, California. Alternatively, the high-Nb basalts may be partial melts of phlogopite-rich mantle that has previously reacted with adakite magmas.

Eruption of adakites and high-Nb basalts was preceded by a 2-3 Ma period of relative quiescence. Prior to this, there was a 7 Ma period of calc-alkaline volcanism typical of the present-day magmatism (associated with a distinct Benioff zone) found throughout the Central American arc. The abrupt transition in volcanism with time from an early calc-alkaline sequence to a later adakite-high-Nb basalt sequence may record a change in the tectonic setting of western Panama and southeastern Costa Rica over the past 12 Ma.