Journal of integrative bioinformatics
SCOPUS (2008-2023)ESCI-ISI
Cơ quản chủ quản: Informationsmanagement in der Biotechnologie e.V. (IMBio e.V.) , Walter de Gruyter GmbH
Các bài báo tiêu biểu
MicroRNAs are short non-coding RNA transcripts that act as master cellular regulators with roles in orchestrating virtually all biological functions. The recent affordability and widespread use of high-throughput microRNA profiling technologies has grown along with the advancement of bioinformatics tools available for analysis of the mounting data flow. While there are many computational resources available for the management of data from genomesequenced animals, researchers are often faced with the challenge of identifying the biological implications of the daunting amount of data generated from these high-throughput technologies. In this article, we review the current state of highthroughput microRNA expression profiling platforms, data analysis processes, and computational tools in the context of comparative molecular physiology. We also present RBioMIR and RBioFS, our R package implementations for differential expression analysis and random forest-based gene selection. Detailed installation guides are available at kenstoreylab.com.
A significant part of cellular proteins undergo reversible thiol-dependent redox transitions which often control or switch protein functions. Thioredoxins and glutaredoxins constitute two key players in this redox regulatory protein network. Both interact with various categories of proteins containing reversibly oxidized cysteinyl residues. The identification of thioredoxin/glutaredoxin target proteins is a critical step in constructing the redox regulatory network of cells or subcellular compartments. Due to the scarcity of thioredoxin/glutaredoxin target protein records in the public database, a tool called Reversibly Oxidized Cysteine Detector (ROCD) is implemented here to identify potential thioredoxin/glutaredoxin target proteins computationally, so that the in silico construction of redox regulatory network may become feasible. ROCD was tested on 46 thioredoxin target proteins in plant mitochondrion, and the recall rate was 66.7% when 50% sequence identity was chosen for structural model selection. ROCD will be used to predict the thioredoxin/glutaredoxin target proteins in human liver mitochondrion for our redox regulatory network construction project. The ROCD will be developed further to provide prediction with more reliability and incorporated into biological network visualization tools as a node prediction component. This work will advance the capability of traditional database- or text mining-based method in the network construction.