
Journal of bioenergetics




Cơ quản chủ quản:  SPRINGER/PLENUM PUBLISHERS , Springer New York

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Cell BiologyPhysiology

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Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Studies on the resolution of cytochrome oxidase
Tập 13 - Trang 61-87 - 1981
Mitchell Fry, David E. Green
Cytochrome oxidase has been resolved in acetic acid and high salt/detergent media. In 0.5% acetic acid, the smaller subunits of the enzyme are selectively extracted with retention of an insoluble protein fraction containing subunits I–IV, VII. This fraction retains all the heme and copper of the original enzyme in a spectrally unaltered state, and possesses enzymic activity comparable to the unresolved enzyme. The further removal of subunit IV from this fraction results in migration of heme and copper and modification of their spectral characteristics. Resolution of the enzyme in a high salt/detergent medium extracts smaller subunits (V–VII) together with subunit IV and some heme and copper. The heme associated with this enzymically active extract has spectral characteristics that are partially suggestive of hemea 3. It is suggested that the fraction of subunits I–IV, VII, resolved in dilute acetic acid, may represent the limit of resolution of the cytochrome oxidase complex that remains actively and spectrally indistinguishable from the original enzyme.
The role of gap junction membrane channels in development
Tập 28 - Trang 379-385 - 1996
Cecilia W. Lo
In most developmental systems, gap junction-mediated cell-cell communication (GJC) can be detected from very early stages of embryogenesis. This usually results in the entire embryo becoming linked as a syncytium. However, as development progresses, GJC becomes restricted at discrete boundaries, leading to the subdivision of the embryo into communication compartment domains. Analysis of gap junction gene expression suggests that this functional subdivision of GJC may be mediated by the differential expression of the connexin gene family. The temporal-spatial pattern of connexin gene expression during mouse embryogenesis is highly suggestive of a role for gap junctions in inductive interactions, being regionally restricted in distinct developmentally significant domains. Using reverse genetic approaches to manipulate connexin gene function, direct evidence has been obtained for the connexin 43 (Cx43) gap junction gene playing a role in mammalian development. The challenges in the future are the identification of the target cell populations and the cell signaling processes in which Cx43-mediated cell-cell interactions are critically required in mammalian development. Our preliminary observations suggest that neural crest cells may be one such cell population.
Cyclosporin a Increases Mitochondrial Calcium Uptake Capacity in Cortical Astrocytes but not Cerebellar Granule Neurons
Tập 38 - Trang 43-47 - 2006
Linda L. Bambrick, Krish Chandrasekaran, Zara Mehrabian, Christopher Wright, Bruce K. Krueger, Gary Fiskum
Isolated brain mitochondria are a heterogeneous mixture from different cell types and these subsets may have differing sensitivities to Ca2+-induced membrane permeability transition (MPT) and to inhibition of the MPT by cyclosporin A (CsA). This study tested the hypothesis that mitochondria within primary cultures of astrocytes and neurons exhibit different energy-dependent Ca2+ uptake capacities and different degrees to which CsA increases their uptake capacity. Astrocytes and neurons were suspended in a cytosol-like medium containing respiratory substrates, ATP, and Mg2+ in the presence of digitonin to selectively permeabilize the plasma membrane. Uptake of added Ca2+ by mitochondria within the cells was measured by Calcium Green 5N fluorescent monitoring of the medium [Ca2+]. Permeabilized astrocytes had a fourfold higher Ca2+ uptake capacity, relative to neurons and a twofold higher content based on relative contents of mitochondria assessed by measurements of mitochondrial DNA and cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 protein. In astrocytes the Ca2+ uptake capacity was increased twofold by preincubation with 2–5 μM CsA, while in neurons CsA had no effect. Similar results were obtained using measurements of the effects of added Ca2+ on mitochondrial membrane potential. FK506, a drug similar to CsA but without MPT inhibitory activity, had no effect on either cell type. These results are consistent with the presence of a calcium-induced MPT in astrocytes, even in the presence of ATP, and indicate that the MPT in cerebellar granule neurons is resistant to CsA inhibition. Some of the protective effects of CsA in vivo may therefore be mediated by preservation of mitochondrial functional integrity within astrocytes.
Estimation of Membrane Potential Δψ in Reconstituted Plasma Membrane Vesicles Using a Numerical Model of Oxonol VI Distribution
Tập 29 - Trang 603-609 - 1997
Alexandra Portele, Jürgen Lenz, Milan Höofer
A model of membrane potential-dependent distribution of oxonol VI to estimate the electrical potential difference Δψ across Schizosaccharomyces pombe plasma membrane vesicles (PMV) has been developed. Δψ was generated by the H+-ATPase reconstituted in the PMV. The model treatment was necessary since the usual calibration of the dye fluorescence changes by diffusion potentials (K+ + valinomycin) failed. The model allows for fitting of fluorescence changes at different vesicle and dye concentrations, yielding Δψ in ATP-energized PMV of 80 mV. The described model treatment to estimate Δψ may be applicable for other reconstituted membrane systems.
Na,K-ATPase and the role of α isoforms in behavior
- 2007
Jerry B. Lingrel, Michael T. Williams, Amy E. Moseley
Glutamate contributes to alcohol hepatotoxicity by enhancing oxidative stress in mitochondria
Tập 49 Số 3 - Trang 253-264 - 2017
В. В. Теплова, Alexey G. Kruglov, L. I. Kovalyov, Anna B. Nikiforova, Н. И. Федотчева, John J. Lemasters
LncRNA-AK149641 associated with airway inflammation in an OVA-induced asthma mouse model
Tập 52 - Trang 355-365 - 2020
Jie Zhang, Yao Zhou, Haiyan Gu, Jiamin Zhang, Heng Tang, Qiangquan Rong, Lina Gu, Jing Pan, Deyu Zhao, Feng Liu
Asthma is defined as a heterogeneous disease, usually characterized by chronic airway inflammation. Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) play important roles in various biological processes. To know more about the relationships between lncRNAs and asthma, gene microarray analysis was performed to screen differentially expressed lncRNAs between the lung tissue of ovalbumin (OVA) mice and control mice. Further studies showed that downregulating differentially expressed lncRNA-AK149641 by adeno-associated virus 6 (AAV6) in OVA mice inhibited airway inflammation, with improved airway compliance and resistance, diminished infiltration of inflammatory cells, as well as less secretions of mucus, tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) and interleukin-6 (IL-6). Moreover, the activity of nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB) in the lung tissue was reduced after downregulating lncRNA-AK149641. In conclusion, we proposed that downregulation of lncRNA-AK149641 attenuated the airway inflammatory response in an OVA-induced asthma mouse model, probably in association with modulation of the NF-κB signaling pathway.
The Renal Type II Na+/Phosphate Cotransporter
Tập 30 - Trang 187-194 - 1998
J. Biber, H. Murer, I. Forster
A sodium-dependent phosphate transporter (type II Na/Pi-cotransporter) was isolated which is expressed in apical membranes of proximal tubules and exhibits transport characteristics similar as described for renal reabsorption of phosphate. Type II associated Na/Pi-cotransport is electrogenic and results obtained by electrophysiological measurements support a transport model having a stoichiometry of 3 Na+/HPO4 =. Changes of transport such as by parathyroid hormone and altered dietary intake of phosphate correlate with changes of the number of type II cotransporters in the apical membrane. These data suggest that the type II Na/Pi-cotransporter represents the main target for physiological and pathophysiological regulation.
Substituting Fe for two of the four Mn ions in photosystem II—effects on water-oxidation
Tập 48 - Trang 227-240 - 2016
Boris K. Semin, Michael Seibert
We have investigated the interaction of Fe(II) cations with Ca-depleted PSII membranes (PSII[-Ca,4Mn]) in the dark and found that Fe(II) incubation removes 2 of 4 Mn ions from the tetranuclear Mn cluster of the photosynthetic O2-evolving complex (OEC). The reduction of Mn ions in PSII(-Ca,4Mn) by Fe(II) and the concomitant release of two Mn(II) cations is accompanied by the binding of newly generated Fe(III) in at least one vacated Mn site. Flash-induced chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence yield measurements of this new 2Mn/nFe cluster (PSII[-Ca,2Mn,nFe]) show that charge recombination in the presence of 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU) occurs between Qa - and the remaining Mn/Fe cluster (but not YZ ●) in the OEC, and extraction of 2 Mn occurs uniformly in all PSII complexes. No O2 evolution is observed, but the heteronuclear metal cluster in PSII(-Ca,2Mn,nFe) samples is still able to supply electrons for reduction of the exogenous electron acceptor, 2,6-dichlorophrenolindophenol, by photooxidizing water and producing H2O2 in the absence of an exogenous donor as seen previously with PSII(-Ca,4Mn). Selective extraction of Mn or Fe cations from the 2Mn/nFe heteronuclear cluster demonstrates that the high-affinity Mn-binding site is occupied by one of the iron cations. It is notable that partial water-oxidation function still occurs when only two Mn cations are present in the PSII OEC.
Reduction of exogenous flavins and mobilization of iron from ferritin by isolated mitochondria
Tập 15 - Trang 151-160 - 1983
Rune J. Ulvik
The release mechanism for ferritin iron and the nature of the compound(s) which donate iron to the mitochondria are two important problems of intracellular iron metabolism which still await their solution. We have previously shown that isolated mitochondria reduce exogenously added flavins in a ubiquinol-flavin oxidoreductase reaction at the C-side of the inner membrane and that the resulting dihydroflavins function as reductants in mitochondrial mobilization of iron from ferritin (Ulvik, R. J., and Romslo, I. (1981).Biochim. Biophys. Acta 635, 457–469). In the present study it is shown that the rate at which iron is removed from ferritin depends on the capability of the flavins to penetrate (1) the mitochondrial outer membrane and (2) the intersubunit channels of the ferritin protein shell. Intact mitochondria reduce flavins at rates which decrease in the following order: riboflavin » FAD > FMN. The ferritin iron mobilization rates decrease in the order of riboflavin > FMN > FAD. The results are further support for the operation of a flavin-dependent mitochondrial ferrireductase, and strengthen the suggested role for ferritin as a donor of iron to the mitochondria.