Journal of Protein Chemistry




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Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Protease digestion in the presence of sodium dodecylsulfate
Tập 11 - Trang 371-372 - 1992
Hiroshi Kawasaki, Koichi Suzuki
A Model for the Unusual Kinetics of Thermal Denaturation of Rubredoxin
Tập 16 - Trang 721-732 - 1997
John E. Wampler, Elizabeth B. Neuhaus
The thermal denaturation of the simple, redox-active iron protein rubredoxin is characterized by a slow, irreversible decay of the characteristic red color of the iron center at elevated temperatures in the presence of oxygen at pH 7.8. The denaturation rate is essentially constant and the time period for complete bleaching is nearly independent of protein concentration. These two characteristics of the kinetics can be fit by a simple self-catalyzed kinetics model consisting of the combination of a first-order decay and catalysis by some product of that decay, i.e., dP/dt=k 1[A]+(k 2[P][A])/(K m+[A]), where A is native rubredoxin, P, is unspecified product, k 1 is a first-order rate constant, and k 2 and K m are the catalytic constants. In order for the second term to be of this simple form over the full course of a decay, the model must include the condition that the reaction is effectively irreversible. This model has properties which suggest other biological roles in regulation (changes in k 1 or k 2 can dramatically modulate the kinetics), in timing (titer-independent fixed reaction time), and in self-activation reactions. At one extreme (k1 ≫ k2) the kinetics becomes exponential, but at the other extreme (k2 ≫ k1) they show a dramatic and rapid terminal increase after a lag period. Some obvious possible roles in the kinetics of programmed cell death, prion disease, and protease autoactivation are discussed.
The Effect of Ser 128 Substitution on the Structure and Stability of cAMP Receptor Protein from Escherichia coli
Tập 17 Số 3 - Trang 219-228 - 1998
Jędrzej Małecki, Zygmunt Wasylewski
Fluorescence study ofEscherichia coli cyclic AMP receptor protein
Tập 14 Số 5 - Trang 299-308 - 1995
Marcin Wasylewski, Jędrzej Małecki, Zygmunt Wasylewski
H2-Uptake Activity, Spectra, Reduction Potentials, and Kinetics of Iron Release on the Surface of Iron Core from Azotobacter vinelandii Bacterial Ferritin
Tập 17 Số 1 - Trang 45-52 - 1998
Heqing Huang, Lei Xu, F Z Zhang, X H Qui, Qingmei Lin, Jing-Wei Huang, H Zao, Naizhong Huang, Runying Zeng, Ding Zeng
Protein databases constructed by quantitative 2D gel analysis and protein identification from 2D gels
Tập 11 - Trang 394-395 - 1992
James I. Garrels, B. Robert Franza, Scott D. Patterson, Keith Latham, Davor Solter, Cecile Chang, Gerald Latter
Isolation and Characterization of Isolectins from Talisia esculenta Seeds
Tập 20 - Trang 495-500 - 2001
Maria das Graças M. Freire, Olga L. T. Machado, Marcos B. Smolka, Sérgio Marangoni, José C. Novello, Maria Ligia R. Macedo
Four isolectins (TEL-I, TEL-II, TEL-III and TEL-IV) were isolated from seeds of Talisia esculenta by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. RP-HPLC was performed on a u-Bondapack C18 column (0.78 cm × 30 cm) (Waters 991-PDA system) at room temperature. Rechromatography of the four fractions on a C18 column under the same conditions yielded lectins with two dissimilar subunits (Mr 20 kDa and 40 kDa) bound noncovalently. The isolectins showed very similar characteristics, such as molecular masses, N-terminal sequences, and hemagglutinating activity, but differed in their isoelectric points and in inhibition by carbohydrates.
Detection and Characterization of a Protein Isoaspartyl Methyltransferase Which Becomes Trapped in the Extracellular Space During Blood Vessel Injury
Tập 16 - Trang 257-267 - 1997
Darin J. Weber, Philip N. McFadden
Injury to rat blood vessels in vivo was found to release intracellular pools of protein D-aspartyl/L-isoaspartyl carboxyl methyltransferase (PIMT) into the extracellular milieu, where it becomes trapped. This trapped cohort of PIMT is able to utilize radiolabeled S-adenosyl-L-methionine (AdoMet) introduced into the circulation to methylate blood vessel proteins containing altered aspartyl residues. As further shown in this study, methylated substrates are detected only at the specific site of injury. In vitro studies more fully characterized this endogenous PIMT activity in thoracic aorta and inferior vena cava. Methylation kinetics, immunoblotting, and the lability of methylated substrates at mild alkaline pH were used to demonstrate that both types of blood vessel contain an endogeneous protein D-aspartyl/L-isoaspartyl carboxyl methyltransferase (PIMT). At least 50% of the PIMT activity is resistant to nonionic detergent extraction, suggesting that the enzyme activity becomes trapped within or behind the extracellular matrix (ECM). Quantities of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), another soluble enzyme of presumed intracellular origin, were found to be similarly trapped in the extracellular space of blood vessels.
The cDNA-Derived Amino Acid Sequence of Hemoglobin II from Lucina pectinata
Tập 22 - Trang 683-690 - 2003
Elineth Torres-Mercado, Jessicca Y. Renta, Yolanda Rodríguez, Juan López-Garriga, Carmen L. Cadilla
Hemoglobin II from the clam Lucina pectinata is an oxygen-reactive protein with a unique structural organization in the heme pocket involving residues Gln65 (E7), Tyr30 (B10), Phe44 (CD1), and Phe69 (E11). We employed the reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and methods to synthesize various cDNAHbII. An initial 300-bp cDNA clone was amplified from total RNA by RT-PCR using degenerate oligonucleotides. Gene-specific primers derived from the HbII-partial cDNA sequence were used to obtain the 5′ and 3′ ends of the cDNA by RACE. The length of the HbII cDNA, estimated from overlapping clones, was approximately 2114 bases. Northern blot analysis revealed that the mRNA size of HbII agrees with the estimated size using cDNA data. The coding region of the full-length HbII cDNA codes for 151 amino acids. The calculated molecular weight of HbII, including the heme group and acetylated N-terminal residue, is 17,654.07 Da.
Prediction of the three-dimensional structure of the rap-1A protein from its homology to theras-gene-encoded p21 protein
Tập 15 - Trang 11-16 - 1996
James M. Chen, Rosalyn Grad, Regina Monaco, Matthew R. Pincus
rap-1A, an anti-oncogene-encoded protein, is aras-p21-like protein whose sequence is over 80% homologous to p21 and which interacts with the same intracellular target proteins and is activated by the same mechanisms as p21, e.g., by binding GTP in place of GDP. Both interact with effector proteins in the same region, involving residues 32–47. However, activated rap-1A blocks the mitogenic signal transducing effects of p21. Optimal sequence alignment of p21 and rap-1A shows two insertions of rap-1A atras positions 120 and 138. We have constructed the three-dimensional structure of rap-1A bound to GTP by using the energy-minimized three-dimensional structure ofras-p21 as the basis for the modeling using a stepwise procedure in which identical and homologous amino acid residues in rap-1A are assumed to adopt the same conformation as the corresponding residues in p21. Side-chain conformations for homologous and nonhomologous residues are generated in conformations that are as close as possible to those of the corresponding side chains in p21. The entire structure has been subjected to a nested series of energy minimizations. The final predicted structure has an overall backbone deviation of 0.7 å from that ofras-p21. The effector binding domains from residues 32–47 are identical in both proteins (except for different side chains of different residues at position 45). A major difference occurs in the insertion region at residue 120. This region is in the middle of another effector loop of the p21 protein involving residues 115–126. Differences in sequence and structure in this region may contribute to the differences in cellular functions of these two proteins.