Journal of Physiology
SCIE-ISI SCOPUS (1878-2023)
Anh Quốc
Cơ quản chủ quản: WILEY , Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd
Các bài báo tiêu biểu
1. The after‐effects of repetitive stimulation of the perforant path fibres to the dentate area of the hippocampal formation have been examined with extracellular micro‐electrodes in rabbits anaesthetized with urethane.
2. In fifteen out of eighteen rabbits the population response recorded from granule cells in the dentate area to single perforant path volleys was potentiated for periods ranging from 30 min to 10 hr after one or more conditioning trains at 10–20/sec for 10–15 sec, or 100/sec for 3–4 sec.
3. The population response was analysed in terms of three parameters: the amplitude of the population excitatory post‐synaptic potential (e.p.s.p.), signalling the depolarization of the granule cells, and the amplitude and latency of the population spike, signalling the discharge of the granule cells.
4. All three parameters were potentiated in 29% of the experiments; in other experiments in which long term changes occurred, potentiation was confined to one or two of the three parameters. A reduction in the latency of the population spike was the commonest sign of potentiation, occurring in 57% of all experiments. The amplitude of the population e.p.s.p. was increased in 43%, and of the population spike in 40%, of all experiments.
5. During conditioning at 10–20/sec there was massive potentiation of the population spike (‘frequency potentiation’). The spike was suppressed during stimulation at 100/sec. Both frequencies produced long‐term potentiation.
6. The results suggest that two independent mechanisms are responsible for long‐lasting potentiation: (
1. The striate cortex was studied in lightly anaesthetized macaque and spider monkeys by recording extracellularly from single units and stimulating the retinas with spots or patterns of light. Most cells can be categorized as simple, complex, or hypercomplex, with response properties very similar to those previously described in the cat. On the average, however, receptive fields are smaller, and there is a greater sensitivity to changes in stimulus orientation. A small proportion of the cells are colour coded.
2. Evidence is presented for at least two independent systems of columns extending vertically from surface to white matter. Columns of the first type contain cells with common receptive‐field orientations. They are similar to the orientation columns described in the cat, but are probably smaller in cross‐sectional area. In the second system cells are aggregated into columns according to eye preference. The ocular dominance columns are larger than the orientation columns, and the two sets of boundaries seem to be independent.
3. There is a tendency for cells to be grouped according to symmetry of responses to movement; in some regions the cells respond equally well to the two opposite directions of movement of a line, but other regions contain a mixture of cells favouring one direction and cells favouring the other.
4. A horizontal organization corresponding to the cortical layering can also be discerned. The upper layers (II and the upper two‐thirds of III) contain complex and hypercomplex cells, but simple cells are virtually absent. The cells are mostly binocularly driven. Simple cells are found deep in layer III, and in IV A and IV B. In layer IV B they form a large proportion of the population, whereas complex cells are rare. In layers IV A and IV B one finds units lacking orientation specificity; it is not clear whether these are cell bodies or axons of geniculate cells. In layer IV most cells are driven by one eye only; this layer consists of a mosaic with cells of some regions responding to one eye only, those of other regions responding to the other eye. Layers V and VI contain mostly complex and hypercomplex cells, binocularly driven.
5. The cortex is seen as a system organized vertically and horizontally in entirely different ways. In the vertical system (in which cells lying along a vertical line in the cortex have common features) stimulus dimensions such as retinal position, line orientation, ocular dominance, and perhaps directionality of movement, are mapped in sets of superimposed but independent mosaics. The horizontal system segregates cells in layers by hierarchical orders, the lowest orders (simple cells monocularly driven) located in and near layer IV, the higher orders in the upper and lower layers.
1. The variation of isometric tetanus tension with sarcomere length in single fibres from frog striated muscle has been re‐investigated with special precautions to ensure uniformity of sarcomere length within the part of the fibre being studied.
2. In most respects the results of Ramsey & Street (1940) were confirmed, but (
3. Many features of this length—tension relation are simply explained on the sliding‐filament theory.
4. It is concluded that, in the plateau and at greater lengths, the tension on each thin filament is made up of equal contributions from each bridge which it overlaps on adjacent thick filaments.
5. Internal resistance to shortening is negligible in this range but becomes progressively more important with shortening below the plateau.
1. The contrast thresholds of a variety of grating patterns have been measured over a wide range of spatial frequencies.
2. Contrast thresholds for the detection of gratings whose luminance profiles are sine, square, rectangular or saw‐tooth waves can be simply related using Fourier theory.
3. Over a wide range of spatial frequencies the contrast threshold of a grating is determined only by the amplitude of the fundamental Fourier component of its wave form.
4. Gratings of complex wave form cannot be distinguished from sine‐wave gratings until their contrast has been raised to a level at which the higher harmonic components reach their independent threshold.
5. These findings can be explained by the existence within the nervous system of linearly operating independent mechanisms selectively sensitive to limited ranges of spatial frequencies.