Journal of Physical Chemistry B

SCIE-ISI SCOPUS (1997-2023)




Cơ quản chủ quản:  AMER CHEMICAL SOC , American Chemical Society

Lĩnh vực:
Surfaces, Coatings and FilmsMaterials ChemistryMedicine (miscellaneous)Physical and Theoretical Chemistry

Các bài báo tiêu biểu

All-Atom Empirical Potential for Molecular Modeling and Dynamics Studies of Proteins
Tập 102 Số 18 - Trang 3586-3616 - 1998
Alexander D. MacKerell, Donald Bashford, M. Bellott, Roland L. Dunbrack, Jeffrey D. Evanseck, Martin J. Field, Stefan Fischer, Jun Gao, Hong Guo, Sookhee Ha, Diane Joseph‐McCarthy, L. Kuchnir, Krzysztof Kuczera, Frankie Tat Kwong Lau, Carla Mattos, Stephen W. Michnick, Thuy T. M. Ngo, Dzung T. Nguyen, B Prod'hom, W. E. Reiher, Benoı̂t Roux, Michael Schlenkrich, Jeremy C. Smith, Roland H. Stote, John E. Straub, Masakatsu Watanabe, Joanna Wiórkiewicz-Kuczera, Tyler Yin, Martin Karplus
Universal Solvation Model Based on Solute Electron Density and on a Continuum Model of the Solvent Defined by the Bulk Dielectric Constant and Atomic Surface Tensions
Tập 113 Số 18 - Trang 6378-6396 - 2009
Aleksandr V. Marenich, Christopher J. Cramer, Donald G. Truhlar
The Optical Properties of Metal Nanoparticles: The Influence of Size, Shape, and Dielectric Environment
Tập 107 Số 3 - Trang 668-677 - 2003
K. Lance Kelly, Eduardo A. Coronado, Lin Lin Zhao, George C. Schatz
Origin of the Overpotential for Oxygen Reduction at a Fuel-Cell Cathode
Tập 108 Số 46 - Trang 17886-17892 - 2004
Jens K. Nørskov, Jan Rossmeisl, Á. Logadóttir, L. Lindqvist, John R. Kitchin, Thomas Bligaard, Hannes Jónsson
The MARTINI Force Field: Coarse Grained Model for Biomolecular Simulations
Tập 111 Số 27 - Trang 7812-7824 - 2007
‪Siewert J. Marrink, Herre Jelger Risselada, S. Yefimov, D. Peter Tieleman, Alex H. de Vries
Update of the CHARMM All-Atom Additive Force Field for Lipids: Validation on Six Lipid Types
Tập 114 Số 23 - Trang 7830-7843 - 2010
Jeffery B. Klauda, Richard M. Venable, J. Alfredo Freites, Joseph W. O’Connor, Douglas J. Tobias, Carlos Mondragon-Ramirez, Igor Vorobyov, Alexander D. MacKerell, Richard W. Pastor
Evaluation and Reparametrization of the OPLS-AA Force Field for Proteins via Comparison with Accurate Quantum Chemical Calculations on Peptides
Tập 105 Số 28 - Trang 6474-6487 - 2001
George A. Kaminski, Richard A. Friesner, Julian Tirado‐Rives, William L. Jorgensen
Spectral Properties and Relaxation Dynamics of Surface Plasmon Electronic Oscillations in Gold and Silver Nanodots and Nanorods
Tập 103 Số 40 - Trang 8410-8426 - 1999
Stephan Link, Mostafa A. El‐Sayed
Why Are There so Few Magnetic Ferroelectrics?
Tập 104 Số 29 - Trang 6694-6709 - 2000
Nicola A. Spaldin