Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology
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* Dữ liệu chỉ mang tính chất tham khảo
In this study, we integrate relational theory and the upper echelon perspective to explore how and why caring and generative relationships in top management teams (
Strategic adaptability is crucial for a firm's viability, but top management teams ( Caring defines those relationships in which TMT members show genuine interest in and concern for each other's needs, and can be a conducive force for building strategic capabilities, such as the capacity to adapt to environmental jolts. Work relationships among members are powerful; thus, organizations should devote efforts to finding ways to go beyond instrumental‐driven connections to cultivate more humanistic‐driven connections where the inner needs of each member are considered, and to shaping a generative psychological space that helps to enhance adaptability and nurture growth. A focus on micro‐relational mechanisms in a
Tổng cộng có 3786 người tham gia trong 14 mẫu độc lập, với quy mô từ 45 đến 549 trong các công ty và cơ quan ở Mỹ và nước ngoài, đã hoàn thành phiên bản mới nhất của Bảng câu hỏi Lãnh đạo Đa nhân tố (MLQ Form 5X), mỗi người mô tả người lãnh đạo tương ứng của mình. Dựa trên tài liệu trước đó, chín mô hình đại diện cho các cấu trúc yếu tố khác nhau đã được so sánh để xác định mô hình phù hợp nhất cho khảo sát MLQ. Các mô hình đã được kiểm tra trong một bộ mẫu ban đầu gồm chín mẫu, sau đó là một bộ tái lập thứ hai gồm năm mẫu. Kết quả chỉ ra rằng cấu trúc yếu tố cho khảo sát MLQ được đại diện tốt nhất bởi sáu yếu tố thứ cấp và ba yếu tố bậc cao có liên quan.
Sự thỏa mãn các nhu cầu tâm lý cơ bản về tính tự định, năng lực và mối quan hệ, như được định nghĩa trong Thuyết Định hướng Tự chủ (Self‐Determination Theory), đã được xác định là một yếu tố dự báo quan trọng cho sự hoạt động tối ưu của cá nhân trong các lĩnh vực cuộc sống khác nhau. Tuy nhiên, việc nghiên cứu sự thỏa mãn nhu cầu liên quan đến công việc dường như gặp trở ngại bởi thiếu một thước đo được chuẩn hóa. Nhằm hỗ trợ các nghiên cứu tương lai, nghiên cứu này đã đặt ra mục tiêu phát triển và xác thực Thang đo Sự hài lòng Nhu cầu Cơ bản liên quan đến Công việc (W‐BNS). Qua bốn mẫu nói tiếng Hà Lan, bằng chứng đã được tìm thấy cho cấu trúc ba yếu tố của thang đo, giá trị phân biệt và độ tin cậy của ba thang đo phụ thuộc sự thỏa mãn nhu cầu cũng như độ giá trị phù hợp và giá trị dự đoán của chúng. W‐BNS do đó có thể được coi là một công cụ hứa hẹn cho các nghiên cứu và thực hành trong tương lai.
Although networking is typically recommended as a job search strategy in the popular press, research on networking as a job search behaviour is scarce. On the basis of social network theory, the present study investigated whether the structure and composition of job seekers' social network determined their networking behaviour and moderated its relationship with job search and employment outcomes. The data were collected in a large, representative sample of 1,177 unemployed Flemish job seekers, using a two‐wave longitudinal design. Job seekers with a larger social network and with stronger ties in their network spent more time networking, beyond individual differences in extraversion and conscientiousness. Networking explained incremental variance in job offers beyond job seekers' use of print advertising, the internet, and public employment services, but not in employment outcomes. Some evidence was found indicating that networking might be more effective for job seekers whose social network contains weaker and higher‐status ties.
This study builds on the work of Wanous, Reichers, and Hudy (1997) by investigating the use of a single‐item approach measuring facet satisfaction. Participants consisted of 207 employees from a variety of organizations who completed a job satisfaction survey containing the Job Descriptive Index (JDI) as well as a single‐item which also measured each of five JDI facets. Results indicated that the single‐item facet measure was significantly correlated with each of the JDI facets (correlations ranged from .60 to .72). Results also indicated that the single‐item approach compared favourably to the JDI and in some cases accounted for incremental variance in self‐reported job performance and intentions to turnover. Implications include the notions that single‐item measures may be easier and take less time to complete, may be less expensive, may contain more face validity, and may be more flexible than multiple‐item scales measuring facet satisfaction.
There is no doubt as to the importance of coping as an explanatory construct when exploring the nature of stress. Nevertheless, understanding the ways in which coping strategies are used, in general, and the role and significance of different patterns of coping, in particular, has been somewhat hampered by conventional measurement practices that involve the simple aggregation of coping strategies into mean scores. The aim of the present study was to explore coping patterns in relation to two emotions, anger and anxiety, using the score profiling technique of sequential tree analysis. The coping patterns to emerge reflected the ‘facilitating’, ‘inhibiting’ and ‘fallback’ role that coping strategies play. These results are discussed in terms of their implications for established measurement practices. If we are to better understand the nature of coping then researchers must now be prepared to take the next step forward and investigate coping using more person‐centred, daily process designs.
A questionnaire used often to measure transformational, transactional and laissez‐faire leadership is the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire developed by Bass (Bass & Avolio, 1989). This study aims to test the factor structure of the MLQ as developed by Bass & Avolio. The MLQ‐8Y was analysed using data collected in Dutch organizations. Seven hundred employees from eight organizations rated their leader's behaviour with the MLQ. First, an indication of the internal consistency of the scales developed by Bass is reported. The results of subsequent factor analyses show that the three types of leadership can be found in the data; however, the scales found here are slightly different from Bass' scales. Especially, the transactional and laissez‐faire scales have been altered on theoretical and empirical grounds. The adapted version of the MLQ covers the domain with fewer items.
In light of the organizational need to obtain talented personnel, an appropriate evaluation of applicant behaviour in the selection interview is crucial. Extending past research on applicant use of impression management (IM) tactics, this study examines the effects of a broad set of IM tactics in a field setting, and also investigates the moderating roles of two rarely tested interviewer characteristics: interviewer positive affectivity (PA) and negative affectivity (NA). Due to the nested nature of the data, consisting of 142 job applicants and 33 interviewers, we adopt hierarchical linear modelling (HLM) to examine the proposed hypotheses. The results indicate that three IM tactics (self‐focused IM, SFIM; other‐focused IM, OFIM; and non‐verbal IM, NVIM) are significantly positively related to interviewer evaluations. Furthermore, interviewer PA appears to strengthen the positive effects of SFIM tactics on interviewer evaluations, while the effects of NVIM tactics may be weaker when interviewers are high in NA. In addition, these findings suggest the importance of interviewer trait affectivity in explaining interviewer's decision‐making variability, which may lead to low inter‐rater reliability and in turn restrict the level of achievable validity.
This study conceptualizes politicians as political workers. It describes a multimethod study with two aims: (1) to determine whether politicians share a latent mental model of performance in political roles and (2) to test hypothesized relationships between politician self‐rated characteristics (i.e., extroversion, neuroticism, conscientiousness, Machiavellianism, and political skill) and received performance ratings from political colleagues and officers. Two hundred and thirty‐one local politicians provided self‐ratings on a political performance questionnaire developed following a role analysis, and standardized measures of personality. One hundred and eighty‐five also received performance ratings from colleagues (
As political roles require political work, we argue there is potential to use research and practice from I/O psychology to improve politician performance. The existence of shared latent constructs of performance provides a basis for differentiated criterion assessment in political roles. Evidence that individual differences contribute to political performance can be used to shape support activities for individuals in elected roles.
This study examined coping strategies and situational stressors as predictors of employee distress and turnover following an organizational consolidation. Six coping strategies were used: action planning, positive reinterpretation, acceptance, seeking emotional social support, intention to quit, and using alcohol or drugs. Two stressors, the extent to which a unit was affected by the consolidation and consolidation‐related stress, were used. Two indicators of distress, mental distress and somatic complaints, were measured at three time periods: three months prior to, shortly after, and six months after the consolidation. The coping strategies were assessed three months prior to and in response to the consolidation. Findings indicated that intention to quit and consolidation stress predicted mental distress while positive reinterpretation, use of alcohol or drugs and lower unit impact predicted somatic complaints shortly after the consolidation. Six months later, the main predictor of mental distress and somatic complaints was use of alcohol and drugs. Turnover was best predicted by a pre‐consolidation indicator of intent to quit and a post‐consolidation indicator of lack of acceptance of the consolidation.
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