
Journal of Logic, Language and Information




Cơ quản chủ quản:  SPRINGER , Springer Netherlands

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PhilosophyLinguistics and LanguageComputer Science (miscellaneous)

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Các bài báo tiêu biểu

A History Based Logic for Dynamic Preference Updates
Tập 29 - Trang 275-305 - 2019
Can Başkent, Guy McCusker
History based models suggest a process-based approach to epistemic and temporal reasoning. In this work, we introduce preferences to history based models. Motivated by game theoretical observations, we discuss how preferences can dynamically be updated in history based models. Following, we consider arrow update logic and event calculus, and give history based models for these logics. This allows us to relate dynamic logics of history based models to a broader framework.
On Involutive Nonassociative Lambek Calculus
Tập 28 - Trang 157-181 - 2019
Wojciech Buszkowski
Involutive Nonassociative Lambek Calculus (InNL) is a nonassociative version of Noncommutative Multiplicative Linear Logic (MLL) (Abrusci in J Symb Log 56:1403–1451, 1991), but the multiplicative constants are not admitted. InNL adds two linear negations to Nonassociative Lambek Calculus (NL); it is a strongly conservative extension of NL (Buszkowski in Amblard, de Groote, Pogodalla, Retoré (eds) Logical aspects of computational linguistics. LNCS, vol 10054. Springer, Berlin, pp 68–84, 2016). Here we also add unary modalities satisfying the residuation law and De Morgan laws. For the resulting logic InNLm, we define and study phase spaces (some frame models, typical for linear logics). We use them to prove the cut elimination theorem for a one-sided sequent system for InNLm, introduced here. Phase spaces are also employed in studying auxiliary systems InNLm(k), assuming the k-cyclic law for negation. The latter behave similarly as Classical Nonassociative Lambek Calculus, studied in de Groote and Lamarche (Stud Log 71(3):355–388, 2002) and Buszkowski (2016). We reduce the provability in InNLm to that in InNLm(k). This yields the equivalence of type grammars based on InNLm with ( $$\epsilon $$ -free) context-free grammars and the PTIME complexity of InNLm.
Analyzing the Core of Categorial Grammar
- 2004
Carlos Areces, Raffaella Bernardi
On the Representation of Context
Tập 7 - Trang 3-19 - 1998
Robert Stalnaker
This paper revisits some foundational questions concerning the abstract representation of a discourse context. The context of a conversation is represented by a body of information that is presumed to be shared by the participants in the conversation – the information that the speaker presupposes a point at which a speech act is interpreted. This notion is designed to represent both the information on which context-dependent speech acts depend, and the situation that speech acts are designed to affect, and so to be a representation of context that is appropriate for explaining the interaction of context and the contents expressed in them. After reviewing the motivating ideas and the outlines of the apparatus, the paper responds to a criticism of the framework, and considers the way it can help to clarify some phenomena concerning pronouns with indefinite antecedents.
Speedith: A Reasoner for Spider Diagrams
Tập 24 - Trang 487-540 - 2015
Matej Urbas, Mateja Jamnik, Gem Stapleton
In this paper, we introduce Speedith which is an interactive diagrammatic theorem prover for the well-known language of spider diagrams. Speedith provides a way to input spider diagrams, transform them via the diagrammatic inference rules, and prove diagrammatic theorems. Speedith’s inference rules are sound and complete, extending previous research by including all the classical logic connectives. In addition to being a stand-alone proof system, Speedith is also designed as a program that plugs into existing general purpose theorem provers. This allows for other systems to access diagrammatic reasoning via Speedith, as well as a formal verification of diagrammatic proof steps within standard sentential proof assistants. We describe the general structure of Speedith, the diagrammatic language, the automatic mechanism that draws the diagrams when inference rules are applied on them, and how formal diagrammatic proofs are constructed.
Correction to: The Multiplicative-Additive Lambek Calculus with Subexponential and Bracket Modalities
Tập 30 - Trang 89-89 - 2020
Max Kanovich, Stepan Kuznetsov, Andre Scedrov
In the original publication, the affiliation of the author Max Kanovich was processed incorrectly. It has been updated in this correction.
Kolmogorov Complexity for Possibly Infinite Computations
Tập 14 - Trang 133-148 - 2005
Verónica Becher, Santiago Figueira
In this paper we study the Kolmogorov complexity for non-effective computations, that is, either halting or non-halting computations on Turing machines. This complexity function is defined as the length of the shortest input that produce a desired output via a possibly non-halting computation. Clearly this function gives a lower bound of the classical Kolmogorov complexity. In particular, if the machine is allowed to overwrite its output, this complexity coincides with the classical Kolmogorov complexity for halting computations relative to the first jump of the halting problem. However, on machines that cannot erase their output –called monotone machines–, we prove that our complexity for non effective computations and the classical Kolmogorov complexity separate as much as we want. We also consider the prefix-free complexity for possibly infinite computations. We study several properties of the graph of these complexity functions and specially their oscillations with respect to the complexities for effective computations.
The Epistemology of Nondeterminism
Tập 31 - Trang 619-644 - 2022
Adam Bjorndahl
This paper proposes new semantics for propositional dynamic logic (PDL), replacing the standard relational semantics. Under these new semantics, program execution is represented as fundamentally deterministic (i.e., functional), while nondeterminism emerges as an epistemic relationship between the agent and the system: intuitively, the nondeterministic outcomes of a given process are precisely those that cannot be ruled out in advance. We formalize these notions using topology and the framework of dynamic topological logic (DTL) (Kremer and Mints in Ann Pure Appl Logic 131:133–158, 2005). We show that DTL can be used to interpret the language of PDL in a manner that captures the intuition above, and moreover that continuous functions in this setting correspond exactly to deterministic processes. We also prove that certain axiomatizations of PDL remain sound and complete with respect to the corresponding classes of dynamic topological models. Finally, we extend the framework to incorporate knowledge using the machinery of subset space logic (Dabrowski et al. in Ann Pure Appl Logic 78:73–110, 1996), and show that the topological interpretation of public announcements as given in Bjorndahl (in: van Ditmarsch and Sandu (eds) Jaakko Hintikka on knowledge and game theoretical semantics, outstanding contributions to Logic, vol 12, Springer, 2018) coincides exactly with a natural interpretation of test programs.
The Complexity of Modellability in Finite and Computable Signatures of a Constraint Logic for Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar
Tập 8 - Trang 83-110 - 1999
Paul John King, Kiril Ivanov Simov, Bjørn Aldag
The SRL (speciate re-entrant logic) of King (1989) is a sound, complete and decidable logic designed specifically to support formalisms for the HPSG (head-driven phrase structure grammar) of Pollard and Sag (1994). The SRL notion of modellability in a signature is particularly important for HPSG, and the present paper modifies an elegant method due to Blackburn and Spaan (1993) in order to prove that Since each finite signature is a computable signature, we conclude that Π01-completeness is the least upper bound on the complexity of modellability both in finite signatures and in computable signatures, though not a lower bound in either.
On the Asymmetrical Difficulty of Acquiring Person Reference in French: Production Versus Comprehension
Tập 21 Số 1 - Trang 7-30 - 2012
Géraldine Légendre, Paul Smolensky