Journal of Information Science
Anh Quốc
Cơ quản chủ quản: SAGE Publications Ltd
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Recent concerns about the issue of knowledge management (KM) within an organization have accentuated the need for more efficient and effective knowledge sharing - that is, knowledge sharing plays an increasingly significant role in determining the outcomes of KM. Most scholars explore this issue from the economic perspective, while only a few research studies have focussed on organizational capabilities. Drawing from the theories of resource-based view and KM, this study aims to investigate the relationship between organizational knowledge capabilities (OKC) and knowledge sharing (KS). Using regression analysis with data from questionnaires collected in different industries with a valid response rate of 62.4%, the results show that OKC have a positive association with KS. Technical, structural, and human knowledge capabilities are significant for organizational knowledge sharing. Moreover, the effects of implementing KM on OKC and KS are also significant.
This article introduces a new general-purpose sentiment lexicon called WKWSCI Sentiment Lexicon and compares it with five existing lexicons: Hu & Liu Opinion Lexicon, Multi-perspective Question Answering (MPQA) Subjectivity Lexicon, General Inquirer, National Research Council Canada (NRC) Word-Sentiment Association Lexicon and Semantic Orientation Calculator (SO-CAL) lexicon. The effectiveness of the sentiment lexicons for sentiment categorisation at the document level and sentence level was evaluated using an Amazon product review data set and a news headlines data set. WKWSCI, MPQA, Hu & Liu and SO-CAL lexicons are equally good for product review sentiment categorisation, obtaining accuracy rates of 75%–77% when appropriate weights are used for different categories of sentiment words. However, when a training corpus is not available, Hu & Liu obtained the best accuracy with a simple-minded approach of counting positive and negative words for both document-level and sentence-level sentiment categorisation. The WKWSCI lexicon obtained the best accuracy of 69% on the news headlines sentiment categorisation task, and the sentiment strength values obtained a Pearson correlation of 0.57 with human-assigned sentiment values. It is recommended that the Hu & Liu lexicon be used for product review texts and the WKWSCI lexicon for non-review texts.
In our study, we examine the impact of citation network structures on the ability to discern valuable research topics in Computer Science literature. We use the bibliographic information available in the DBLP database to extract candidate phrases from scientific paper abstracts. Following that, we construct citation networks based on direct citation, co-citation and bibliographic coupling relationships between the papers. The candidate research topics, in the form of keyphrases and n-grammes, are subsequently ranked and filtered by a graph-text ranking algorithm. This selection of the highest ranked potential topics is further evaluated by domain experts and through the Wikipedia knowledge base. The results obtained from these citation networks are complementary, returning valid but non-overlapping output phrases between some pairs of networks. In particular, bibliographic coupling appears to capture more unique information than either direct citation or co-citation. These findings point towards the possible added value in combining bibliographic coupling analysis with other structures. At the same time, combining direct citation and co-citation is put into question. We expect our findings to be utilised in method design for research topic identification.
Bibliometric analysis of 3105 publications retrieved from the Scopus database was conducted to evaluate bibliographic content of scientific output on social sciences in Vietnam, for the 2000–2019 period. Our main findings show that the number of publications on social sciences from Vietnam has increased significantly over the last two decades, and there was a spike in the scientific output for the recent three years when the number of publications accounted for 53.76% of the collection. The most productive authors came from a few public research institutes with strong resources as the top 10 institutions participated in 44.22% of the collection. Vietnamese scholars tend not to submit their works to high-ranking journals since five Q1 journals in the top 10 publishing journals published only 6.17% of the collection. For international collaboration, Australia and the United States ranked first and second based on the number of publications and citations. Other countries in top 10 mostly located in Europe and Asia. Research topics were diverse focusing on gender, poverty, HIV, higher education and sustainable development. We suggest that supporting policies and funding need to be provided to help Vietnamese scholars improve their works, and to boost their scientific production in the future.
Most research in Arabic roots extraction focuses on removing affixes from Arabic words. This process adds processing overhead and may remove non-affix letters, which leads to the extraction of incorrect roots. This paper advises a new approach to dealing with this issue by introducing a new algorithm for extracting Arabic words’ roots. The proposed algorithm, which is called the Word Substring Stemming Algorithm, does not remove affixes during the extraction process. Rather, it is based on producing the set of all substrings of an Arabic word, and uses the Arabic roots file, the Arabic patterns file and a concrete set of rules to extract correct roots from substrings. The experiments have shown that the proposed approach is competitive and its accuracy is 83.9%, Furthermore, its accuracy can be enhanced more in the sense that, for about 9.9% of the tested words, the WSS algorithm retrieves two candidates (in most cases) for the correct root.
The US Clinton-Gore administration has given information policy a high profile as a means for 'reinventing government'. Vice President Al Gore has described high-speed computer networks as 'information superhighways', and as analagous to the development of the interstate highway system for American competitiveness and economic strength. Federal agencies have been encouraged to provide more public access to data. However, the administration has also set its own example in networking and information provision, with Internet e-mail addresses for the President and Vice President and, more recently, in making nearly 5,000 files and more than 60 megabytes of White House information available to the public via an electronic mail server. A summary analysis of this filespace at the end of February 1994 is presented. The main groups of files are for the 1993-95 Budgets, the North American Free Trade Agreement, the National Performance Review, the Health Security Act, the Health Care review, speeches, Internet-related files and White House papers.