A spike in the scientific output on social sciences in Vietnam for recent three years: Evidence from bibliometric analysis in Scopus database (2000–2019)
Tóm tắt
Bibliometric analysis of 3105 publications retrieved from the Scopus database was conducted to evaluate bibliographic content of scientific output on social sciences in Vietnam, for the 2000–2019 period. Our main findings show that the number of publications on social sciences from Vietnam has increased significantly over the last two decades, and there was a spike in the scientific output for the recent three years when the number of publications accounted for 53.76% of the collection. The most productive authors came from a few public research institutes with strong resources as the top 10 institutions participated in 44.22% of the collection. Vietnamese scholars tend not to submit their works to high-ranking journals since five Q1 journals in the top 10 publishing journals published only 6.17% of the collection. For international collaboration, Australia and the United States ranked first and second based on the number of publications and citations. Other countries in top 10 mostly located in Europe and Asia. Research topics were diverse focusing on gender, poverty, HIV, higher education and sustainable development. We suggest that supporting policies and funding need to be provided to help Vietnamese scholars improve their works, and to boost their scientific production in the future.
Từ khóa
Tài liệu tham khảo
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