Journal of High Energy Physics




Cơ quản chủ quản:  SPRINGER , Springer Verlag

Lĩnh vực:
Nuclear and High Energy Physics

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he aim of the Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP) is to ensure fast and efficient online publication tools to the scientific community, while keeping that community in charge of every aspect of the peer-review and publication process in order to ensure the highest quality standards in the journal. Consequently, the Advisory and Editorial Boards, composed of distinguished, active scientists in the field, jointly establish with the Scientific Director the journal's scientific policy and ensure the scientific quality of accepted articles. JHEP presently encompasses the following areas of theoretical and experimental physics: Collider Physics Underground and Large Array Physics Quantum Field Theory Gauge Field Theories Symmetries String and Brane Theory General Relativity and Gravitation Supersymmetry Mathematical Methods of Physics Mostly Solvable Models Astroparticles Statistical Field Theories Mostly Weak Interactions Mostly Strong Interactions Quantum Field Theory (phenomenology) Strings and Branes Phenomenological Aspects of Supersymmetry Mostly Strong Interactions (phenomenology).

Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Horizon instability of massless scalar perturbations of an extreme Reissner-Nordström-AdS black hole
Tập 2013 - Trang 1-18 - 2013
Shao-Jun Zhang, Qiyuan Pan, Bin Wang, Elcio Abdalla
We study the stability of extreme Reissner-Nordström-AdS black hole under massless scalar perturbations. We show that the perturbation on the horizon of the extreme Reissner-Nordström-AdS black hole experiences a power-law decay, instead of an exponential decay as observed in the nonextreme AdS black hole. On the horizon of the extreme Reissner-Nordström-AdS black hole, the blow up happens at lower order derivative of the scalar field compared with that of the extreme Reissner-Nordström black hole, which shows that extreme AdS black holes tend to instability in comparison to black holes in asymptotic flat space-times.
On operator growth and emergent Poincaré symmetries
Tập 2020 Số 5 - 2020
Javier M. Magán, Joan Simón
Explicit examples of DIM constraints for network matrix models
Tập 2016 - Trang 1-67 - 2016
Hidetoshi Awata, Hiroaki Kanno, Takuya Matsumoto, Andrei Mironov, Alexei Morozov, Andrey Morozov, Yusuke Ohkubo, Yegor Zenkevich
Dotsenko-Fateev and Chern-Simons matrix models, which describe Nekrasov functions for SYM theories in different dimensions, are all incorporated into network matrix models with the hidden Ding-Iohara-Miki (DIM) symmetry. This lifting is especially simple for what we call balanced networks. Then, the Ward identities (known under the names of Virasoro/ $$ \mathcal{W} $$ -constraints or loop equations or regularity condition for qq-characters) are also promoted to the DIM level, where they all become corollaries of a single identity.
Many avatars of the Wilson fermion: a perturbative analysis
- 2013
Abhishek Chowdhury, A. Harindranath, Jyotirmoy Maiti, Santanu Mondal
We explore different branches of the fermion doublers with Wilson fermion in perturbation theory, in the context of additive mass renormalization and chiral anomaly, and show that by appropriately averaging over suitably chosen branches one can reduce cut-off artifacts. Comparing the central branch with all other branches, we find that the central branch, among all the avatars of the Wilson fermion, is the most suitable candidate for exploring near conformal lattice field theories.
Decays of a NMSSM CP-odd Higgs in the low-mass region
Tập 2017 - Trang 1-29 - 2017
Florian Domingo
A popular regime in the NMSSM parameter space involves a light CP-odd Higgs A 1. This scenario has consequences for e.g. light singlino Dark Matter annihilating in the A 1-funnel. In order to confront the pseudoscalar to experimental limits such as flavour observables, Upsilon decays or Beam-Dump experiments, it is necessary to control the interactions of this particle with hadronic matter and derive the corresponding decays. The partonic description cannot be relied upon for masses close to $$ {m_A}_{{}_1} $$ ∼ 1GeV and we employ a chiral lagrangian, then extended to a spectator model for somewhat larger masses, to describe the interplay of the CP-odd Higgs with hadrons. Interestingly, a mixing can develop between A 1 and neutral pseudoscalar mesons, leading to substantial hadronic decays and a coupling of A 1 to the chiral anomaly. Additionally, quartic A 1-meson couplings induce tri-meson decays of the Higgs pseudoscalar. We investigate these effects and propose an estimate of the Higgs widths for masses below $$ {m_A}_{{}_1} $$ ≲ 3 GeV. While we focus on the case of the NMSSM, our results are applicable to a large class of models.
Exploring the lambda model of the hybrid superstring
Tập 2016 Số 10 - 2016
David M. Schmidtt
Black holes, moduli, and long-range forces
- 2020
Ben Heidenreich
Abstract It is well known that an identical pair of extremal Reissner-Nordström black holes placed a large distance apart will exert no force on each other. In this paper, I establish that the same result holds in a very large class of two-derivative effective theories containing an arbitrary number of gauge fields and moduli, where the appropriate analog of an extremal Reissner-Nordström black hole is a charged, spherically symmetric black hole with vanishing surface gravity or vanishing horizon area. Analogous results hold for black branes.
Dark matter freeze-in with a heavy mediator: beyond the EFT approach
Evan Frangipane, Stefania Gori, Bibhushan Shakya
Abstract We study dark matter freeze-in scenarios where the mass of the mediator particle that couples dark matter to the Standard Model is larger than the reheat temperature, TRH, in the early Universe. In such setups, the standard approach is to work with an effective field theory (EFT) where the mediator is integrated out. We examine the validity of this approach in various generic s- and t-channel mediator frameworks. We find that the EFT approach breaks down when the mediator mass is between one to two orders of magnitude larger than TRH due to various effects such as s-channel resonance, a small thermally-suppressed abundance of the mediator, or decays of Standard Model particles through loops induced by the mediator. This highlights the necessity of including these contributions in such dark matter freeze-in studies. We also discuss the collider phenomenology of the heavy mediators, which is qualitatively different from standard freeze-in scenarios. We highlight that, due to the low TRH, the Standard Model-dark matter coupling in these scenarios can be relatively larger than in standard freeze-in scenarios, improving the testability prospects of these setups.
Gapped Goldstones at the cut-off scale: a non-relativistic EFT
Gabriel Cuomo, Angelo Esposito, Emanuele Gendy, Andrei Khmelnitsky, Alexander Monin, Riccardo Rattazzi
Abstract At finite density, the spontaneous breakdown of an internal non-Abelian symmetry dictates, along with gapless modes, modes whose gap is fixed by the algebra and proportional to the chemical potential: the gapped Goldstones. Generically the gap of these states is comparable to that of other non-universal excitations or to the energy scale where the dynamics is strongly coupled. This makes it non-straightforward to derive a universal effective field theory (EFT) description realizing all the symmetries. Focusing on the illustrative example of a fully broken SU(2) group, we demonstrate that such an EFT can be constructed by carving out around the Goldstones, gapless and gapped, at small 3-momentum. The rules governing the EFT, where the gapless Goldstones are soft while the gapped ones are slow, are those of standard nonrelativistic EFTs, like for instance nonrelativistic QED. In particular, the EFT Lagrangian formally preserves gapped Goldstone number, and processes where such number is not conserved are described inclusively by allowing for imaginary parts in the Wilson coefficients. Thus, while the symmetry is manifestly realized in the EFT, unitarity is not. We comment on the application of our construction to the study of the large charge sector of conformal field theories with non-Abelian symmetries.