Journal of Health and Social Behavior




Cơ quản chủ quản:  American Sociological Association , SAGE Publications Inc.

Lĩnh vực:
Public Health, Environmental and Occupational HealthSocial Psychology

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Thông tin về tạp chí


Journal of Health and Social Behavior is a medical sociology journal that publishes empirical and theoretical articles that apply sociological concepts and methods to the understanding of health and illness and the organization of medicine and health care. Its editorial policy favors manuscripts that are grounded in important theoretical issues in medical sociology or the sociology of mental health and that advance theoretical understanding of the processes by which social factors and human health are inter-related.

Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Distress and Perceived Health: Mechanisms of Health Decline
Tập 38 Số 3 - Trang 298 - 1997
Melissa M. Farmer, Kenneth F. Ferraro
Educational Differences in Age-Related Patterns of Disease: Reconsidering the Cumulative Disadvantage and Age-As-Leveler Hypotheses
Tập 48 Số 1 - Trang 1-15 - 2007
Matthew E. Dupre
Some studies suggest that the relationship between education and health strengthens with age (cumulative disadvantage hypothesis), while other studies find that it weakens (age-as-leveler hypothesis). This research addresses this inconsistency by differentiating individual-level changes in health from those occurring at the aggregate level due to selective mortality. Using retrospective and prospective data from a nationally representative sample of U.S. adults, I examine educational differences in age-specific rates of disease prevalence, incidence, and survival. At the aggregate level, I find that educational differences in disease prevalence are largest at mid-life and then decline. At the individual level, however, disease incidence and mortality increase with age at a greater rate for less-educated persons compared to the well educated. These findings suggest that the cumulative disadvantage hypothesis explains how education affects the health of individuals with increasing age, whereas the leveling hypothesis describes the aggregated by-product of these educational disparities in health decline.
Exemplification of a Method for Scaling Life Events: The PERI Life Events Scale
Tập 19 Số 2 - Trang 205 - 1978
Bruce P. Dohrenwend, Alexander R. Askenasy, Larry Krasnoff
Toward a Better Estimation of the Effect of Job Loss on Health
Tập 48 Số 4 - Trang 369-384 - 2007
Sarah A. Burgard, Jennie E. Brand, James S. House
Previous research has shown that involuntary job loss may have negative health consequences, but existing analyses have not adequately adjusted for health selection or other confounding factors that could reveal the association to be spurious. Using two large, population-based longitudinal samples of U.S. workers from the Americans' Changing Lives Study and the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study, this analysis goes further by using respondents' self-reports of the reasons for job loss and information about the timing of job losses and acute negative health shocks to distinguish health-related job losses from other involuntary job losses. Results suggest that even after adjustment for numerous social background characteristics and baseline health, involuntary job loss is associated with significantly poorer overall self-rated health and more depressive symptoms. More nuanced analyses reveal that among involuntary job losers, those who lose their jobs for health-related reasons have, not surprisingly, the most precipitous declines in health. Job losses for other reasons have substantive and statistically significant effects on depressive symptoms, while effects on self-rated poor health are relatively small.
The Neighborhood Context of Adolescent Mental Health
Tập 37 Số 4 - Trang 293 - 1996
Carol S. Aneshensel, Clea A. Sucoff
Structure of Health-enhancing Behavior in Adolescence: A Latent-Variable Approach
Tập 34 Số 4 - Trang 346 - 1993
John E. Donovan, Richard Jessor, Fernanda Costa
A Multidimensional Assessment of Stressful Life Events among Adolescents: Derivation and Correlates
Tập 22 Số 4 - Trang 400 - 1981
Michael D. Newcomb, G. J. Huba, Peter M. Bentler
Antecedents of Psychological Distress in Young Adults: Self-Rejection, Deprivation of Social Support, and Life Events
Tập 24 Số 3 - Trang 230 - 1983
Howard B. Kaplan, Cynthia Robbins, Steven S. Martin
An Evaluation of the Etiologic Role of Stressful Life-Change Events in Psychological Disorders
Tập 18 Số 3 - Trang 228 - 1977
Joanne C. Gersten, Thomas S. Langner, Jeanne G. Eisenberg, Ora Simcha-Fagan