Journal of Geographical Systems

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Progress in the R ecosystem for representing and handling spatial data
Journal of Geographical Systems - Tập 23 - Trang 515-546 - 2020
Roger S. Bivand
Twenty years have passed since Bivand and Gebhardt (J Geogr Syst 2(3):307–317, 2000. ) indicated that there was a good match between the then nascent open-source R programming language and environment and the needs of researchers analysing spatial data. Recalling the development of classes for spatial data presented in book form in Bivand et al. (Applied spatial data analysis with R. Springer, New York, 2008, Applied spatial data analysis with R, 2nd edn. Springer, New York, 2013), it is important to present the progress now occurring in representation of spatial data, and possible consequences for spatial data handling and the statistical analysis of spatial data. Beyond this, it is imperative to discuss the relationships between R-spatial software and the larger open-source geospatial software community on whose work R packages crucially depend.
Web-based analytical tools for the exploration of spatial data
Journal of Geographical Systems - Tập 6 - Trang 197-218 - 2004
Luc Anselin, Yong Wook Kim, Ibnu Syabri
This paper deals with the extension of internet-based geographic information systems with functionality for exploratory spatial data analysis (esda). The specific focus is on methods to identify and visualize outliers in maps for rates or proportions. Three sets of methods are included: extreme value maps, smoothed rate maps and the Moran scatterplot. The implementation is carried out by means of a collection of Java classes to extend the Geotools open source mapping software toolkit. The web based spatial analysis tools are illustrated with applications to the study of homicide rates and cancer rates in U.S. counties.
Developing local measures of spatial association for categorical data
Journal of Geographical Systems - Tập 5 - Trang 139-160 - 2003
Barry Boots
This paper describes a procedure for extending local statistics to categorical spatial data. The approach is based on the notion that there are two fundamental characteristics of categorical spatial data; composition and configuration. Further, it is argued that, when considered locally, the latter should be measured conditionally with respect to the former. These ideas are developed for binary, gridded data. Local composition is measured by counting the numbers of cells of a particular type, while local configuration is measured by join counts. The approach is illustrated using a small, empirical data set and an ad hoc procedure is developed to deal with the impact of global spatial autocorrelation on the local statistics.
The propagation effect of commuting to work in the spatial transmission of COVID-19
Journal of Geographical Systems - Tập 24 - Trang 5-31 - 2021
Timo Mitze, Reinhold Kosfeld
This work is concerned with the spatiotemporal dynamics of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Germany. Our goal is twofold: first, we propose a novel spatial econometric model of the epidemic spread across NUTS-3 regions to identify the role played by commuting-to-work patterns for spatial disease transmission. Second, we explore if the imposed containment (lockdown) measures during the first pandemic wave in spring 2020 have affected the strength of this transmission channel. Our results from a spatial panel error correction model indicate that, without containment measures in place, commuting-to-work patterns were the first factor to significantly determine the spatial dynamics of daily COVID-19 cases in Germany. This indicates that job commuting, particularly during the initial phase of a pandemic wave, should be regarded and accordingly monitored as a relevant spatial transmission channel of COVID-19 in a system of economically interconnected regions. Our estimation results also provide evidence for the triggering role of local hot spots in disease transmission and point to the effectiveness of containment measures in mitigating the spread of the virus across German regions through reduced job commuting and other forms of mobility.
Urbanization and child growth failure in Sub-Saharan Africa: a geographical analysis
Journal of Geographical Systems - Tập 24 - Trang 441-473 - 2022
Yating Ru, Beliyou Haile, John I. Carruthers
This paper raises a fundamental question about Sub-Saharan Africa: has urbanization there been accompanied by improvements in personal wellbeing? It then proceeds to open an investigation focused on child health—in the form of child growth failure, including (i) stunting; (ii) wasting; and (iii) underweight—that addresses the question. The main contribution of the work is to reconcile an array of data, collected across different spatial scales and over different timeframes, in a manner that enables some preliminary insight into the relationships explored. Evidence derived from the analysis suggests that the wave of urbanization breaking across Sub-Saharan Africa is associated with improvements in wellbeing, a finding that is qualified by need for further research.
The stability of geodemographic cluster assignments over an intercensal period
Journal of Geographical Systems - Tập 18 - Trang 97-123 - 2016
Alexander Singleton, Michail Pavlis, Paul A. Longley
A geodemographic classification provides a set of categorical summaries of the built and socio-economic characteristics of small geographic areas. Many classifications, including that developed in this paper, are created entirely from data extracted from a single decennial census of population. Such classifications are often criticised as becoming less useful over time because of the changing composition of small geographic areas. This paper presents a methodology for exploring the veracity of this assertion, by examining changes in UK census-based geodemographic indicators over time, as well as a substantive interpretation of the overall results. We present an innovative methodology that classifies both 2001 and 2011 census data inputs utilising a unified geography and set of attributes to create a classification that spans both census periods. Through this classification, we examine the temporal stability of the clusters and whether other secondary data sources and internal measures might usefully indicate local uncertainties in such a classification during an intercensal period.
Joint impacts of immigration on wages and employment: review and meta-analysis
Journal of Geographical Systems - - 2010
Simonetta Longhi, Peter Nijkamp, Jacques Poot
Welcome to a New Editor-in-Chief
Journal of Geographical Systems - Tập 21 - Trang 451-452 - 2019
Manfred M. Fischer, Antonio Paez, Petra Staufer-Steinnocher
Pattern based map comparisons
Journal of Geographical Systems - - 2006
Roger White
Hidden negative spatial autocorrelation
Journal of Geographical Systems - Tập 8 - Trang 335-355 - 2006
Daniel A. Griffith
Mostly lip service treatments of negative spatial autocorrelation (NSA) appear in the literature, although spatial scientists confront it in practice. NSA was detected serendipitously in recalcitrant empirical analyses containing a sizeable amount of global positive spatial autocorrelation (PSA) unaccounted for by standard spatial statistical models, and labeled hidden because conventional spatial statistical tools detected only PSA while giving absolutely not hint of NSA existing. The meaning of this phenomenon is explored empirically, with findings including: a better understanding of NSA, spatial filter model construction guidelines, effective illustrations of NSA, and how hidden NSA furnishes a diagnostic for model misspecification.
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