Journal of General Physiology




Cơ quản chủ quản:  ROCKEFELLER UNIV PRESS , Rockefeller University Press

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General physiology is the study of biological mechanisms through analytical investigations, which decipher the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying biological function at all levels of organization. The mission of Journal of General Physiology (JGP) is to publish mechanistic and quantitative molecular and cellular physiology of the highest quality, to provide a best-in-class author experience, and to nurture future generations of independent researchers. The major emphasis is on physiological problems at the cellular and molecular level.

Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Properties of Hemoglobin Solutions in Red Cells
Tập 52 Số 5 - Trang 825-853 - 1968
C.M. Gary-Bobo, A. K. Solomon
The present studies are concerned with a detailed examination of the apparent anomalous osmotic behavior of human red cells. Red cell water has been shown to behave simultaneously as solvent water for nonelectrolytes and nonsolvent water, in part, for electrolytes. The nonsolvent properties are based upon assumptions inherent in the conventional van't Hoff equation. However, calculations according to the van't Hoff equation give osmotic volumes considerably in excess of total cell water when the pH is lowered beyond the isoelectric point for hemoglobin; hence the van't Hoff equation is inapplicable for the measurement of the solvent properties of the red cell. Furthermore, in vitro measurements of osmotic and other properties of 3.7 millimolal solutions of hemoglobin have failed to reveal the presence of any salt exclusion. A new hypothesis has been developed from thermodynamic principles alone, which predicts that, at constant pH, the net charge on the hemoglobin molecule decreases with increased hemoglobin concentration. The existence of such cooperative interaction may be inferred from the effect of pH on the changes in hemoglobin net charge as the spacing between the molecules decreases. The resultant movement of counterions across the cell membrane causes the apparent anomalous osmotic behavior. Quantitative agreement has been found between the anion shift predicted by the equation and that observed in response to osmotic gradients. The proposed mechanism appears to be operative in a variety of tissues and could provide an electrical transducer for osmotic signals.
Trinitrophenyl-ATP blocks colonic Cl- channels in planar phospholipid bilayers. Evidence for two nucleotide binding sites.
Tập 101 Số 4 - Trang 545-569 - 1993
Charles J. Venglarik, Ankita Singh, R Wang, Robert J. Bridges
Outwardly rectifying 30-50-pS Cl- channels mediate cell volume regulation and transepithelial transport. Several recent reports indicate that rectifying Cl- channels are blocked after addition of ATP to the extracellular bath (Alton, E. W. F. W., S. D. Manning, P. J. Schlatter, D. M. Geddes, and A. J. Williams. 1991. Journal of Physiology. 443:137-159; Paulmichl, M., Y. Li, K. Wickman, M. Ackerman, E. Peralta, and D. Clapham. 1992. Nature. 356:238-241). Therefore, we decided to conduct a more detailed study of the ATP binding site using a higher affinity probe. We tested the ATP derivative, 2',3',O-(2,4,6-trinitrocyclohexadienylidene) adenosine 5'-triphosphate (TNP-ATP), which has a high affinity for certain nucleotide binding sites. Here we report that TNP-ATP blocked colonic Cl- channels when added to either bath and that blockade was consistent with the closed-open-blocked kinetic model. The TNP-ATP concentration required for a 50% decrease in open probability was 0.27 microM from the extracellular (cis) side and 20 microM from the cytoplasmic (trans) side. Comparison of the off rate constants revealed that TNP-ATP remained bound 28 times longer when added to the extracellular side compared with the cytoplasmic side. We performed competition studies to determine if TNP-ATP binds to the same sites as ATP. Addition of ATP to the same bath containing TNP-ATP reduced channel amplitude and increased the time the channel spent in the open and fast-blocked states (i.e., burst duration). This is the result expected if TNP-ATP and ATP compete for block, presumably by binding to common sites. In contrast, addition of ATP to the bath opposite to the side containing TNP-ATP reduced amplitude but did not alter burst duration. This is the result expected if opposite-sided TNP-ATP and ATP bind to different sites. In summary, we have identified an ATP derivative that has a nearly 10-fold higher affinity for reconstituted rectifying colonic Cl- channels than any previously reported blocker (Singh, A. K., G. B. Afink, C. J. Venglarik, R. Wang, and R. J. Bridges. 1991. American Journal of Physiology. 260 [Cell Physiology. 30]:C51-C63). Thus, TNP-ATP should be useful in future studies of ion channel nucleotide binding sites and possibly in preliminary steps of ion channel protein purification. In addition, we have obtained good evidence that there are at least two nucleotide binding sites located on opposite sides of the colonic Cl- channel and that occupancy of either site produces a blocked state.
The Frequency of Calcium Oscillations Induced by 5-HT, ACH, and KCl Determine the Contraction of Smooth Muscle Cells of Intrapulmonary Bronchioles
Tập 125 Số 6 - Trang 535-553 - 2005
Jose F. Perez‐Zoghbi, Michael J. Sanderson
Increased resistance of airways or blood vessels within the lung is associated with asthma or pulmonary hypertension and results from contraction of smooth muscle cells (SMCs). To study the mechanisms regulating these contractions, we developed a mouse lung slice preparation containing bronchioles and arterioles and used phase-contrast and confocal microscopy to correlate the contractile responses with changes in [Ca2+]i of the SMCs. The airways are the focus of this study. The agonists, 5-hydroxytrypamine (5-HT) and acetylcholine (ACH) induced a concentration-dependent contraction of the airways. High concentrations of KCl induced twitching of the airway SMCs but had little effect on airway size. 5-HT and ACH induced asynchronous oscillations in [Ca2+]i that propagated as Ca2+ waves within the airway SMCs. The frequency of the Ca2+ oscillations was dependent on the agonist concentration and correlated with the extent of sustained airway contraction. In the absence of extracellular Ca2+ or in the presence of Ni2+, the frequency of the Ca2+ oscillations declined and the airway relaxed. By contrast, KCl induced low frequency Ca2+ oscillations that were associated with SMC twitching. Each KCl-induced Ca2+ oscillation consisted of a large Ca2+ wave that was preceded by multiple localized Ca2+ transients. KCl-induced responses were resistant to neurotransmitter blockers but were abolished by Ni2+ or nifedipine and the absence of extracellular Ca2+. Caffeine abolished the contractile effects of 5-HT, ACH, and KCl. These results indicate that (a) 5-HT and ACH induce airway SMC contraction by initiating Ca2+ oscillations, (b) KCl induces Ca2+ transients and twitching by overloading and releasing Ca2+ from intracellular stores, (c) a sustained, Ni2+-sensitive, influx of Ca2+ mediates the refilling of stores to maintain Ca2+ oscillations and, in turn, SMC contraction, and (d) the magnitude of sustained airway SMC contraction is regulated by the frequency of Ca2+ oscillations.
The Microrheology of Red Blood Cell Suspensions
Tập 52 Số 1 - Trang 5-28 - 1968
Harry L. Goldsmith
The general problem of microrheology is to predict the macroscopic flow properties of a material from a detailed description of the behavior of its constituent elements. This approach has been used to study suspensions of human red cells in plasma or Ringer's solution flowing steadily in rigid tubes 8–25 times the red cell diameter by observing individual cell motions under the microscope. The results have been compared with those previously obtained with model particles under similar conditions. In very dilute suspensions single red cells rotated in orbits similar to those of rigid discs at low flow rates, but, in common with model deformable particles, were observed to migrate away from the tube wall. Linear rouleaux of red cells rotated as rodlike particles and were flexible, bending during their rotational orbits in a manner similar to that of filaments of nylon or Dacron. Transparent concentrated suspensions were produced by preparing ghost cells reconstituted in biconcave form in plasma. In these, the motions of some unhemolyzed red cells were followed. The erythrocyte velocity profiles were blunted at concentrations above 20%; the cell paths were erratic because of frequent radial displacements, especially at the tube periphery, with the particles being markedly deformed and oriented parallel to the flow. Finally, the difference in flow pattern in large and small vessels is discussed and some relevant model experiments are described.
The Anomalous Spikes of <i>Ascaris</i> Esophageal Cells
Tập 50 Số 7 - Trang 1955-1959 - 1967
Harry Grundfest
The Electrical and Mechanical Activity of the Esophageal Cell of <i>Ascaris lumbricoides </i>
Tập 50 Số 3 - Trang 603-629 - 1967
J. del Castillo, T. Morales
The esophagus of Ascaris is a syncytial muscle organ of tubular shape in which the myofibrils are arranged radially between the lumen and the external surface. A resting potential of almost 40 mv (cytoplasm negative) is maintained by the extracellular organic anions (volatile fatty acids) found in the perienteric fluid. Replacement of these anions by Cl- ions results in a large depolarization. The resting potential is also decreased when the external pH is lowered. The leading phase of the action potential with a positive overshoot of about 18 mv elicits contraction of the myofibrils, development of negative pressure within the lumen, and suction of liquid and food particles. The mechanical energy stored in the elastic components of the cell is released when the myofibrils relax, thus injecting the contents of the lumen into the intestine. A fast and synchronous relaxation is elicited by a regenerative membrane polarization, a negative spike with a peak value of up to 108 mv produced by an increase in the permeability of the membrane to K+ ions. Cells completely depolarized in "chloride" saline are still able to generate such large potassium spikes.
Biphasic Ca2+ dependence of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-induced Ca release in smooth muscle cells of the guinea pig taenia caeci.
Tập 95 Số 6 - Trang 1103-1122 - 1990
Masamitsu Iino
Ca2+ dependence of the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3)-induced Ca release was studied in saponin-skinned smooth muscle fiber bundles of the guinea pig taenia caeci at 20-22 degrees C. Ca release from the skinned fiber bundles was monitored by microfluorometry of fura-2. Fiber bundles were first treated with 30 microM ryanodine for 120 s in the presence of 45 mM caffeine to lock open the Ca-induced Ca release channels which are present in approximately 40% of the Ca store of the smooth muscle cells of the taenia. The Ca store with the Ca-induced Ca release mechanism was functionally removed by this treatment, but the rest of the store, which was devoid of the ryanodine-sensitive Ca release mechanism, remained intact. The Ca2+ dependence of the IP3-induced Ca release mechanism was, therefore, studied independently of the Ca-induced Ca release. The rate of IP3-induced Ca release was enhanced by Ca2+ between 0 and 300 nM, but further increase in the Ca2+ concentration also exerted an inhibitory effect. Thus, the rate of IP3-induced Ca release was about the same in the absence of Ca2+ and at 3 microM Ca2+, and was about six times faster at 300 nM Ca2+. Hydrolysis of IP3 within the skinned fiber bundles was not responsible for these effects, because essentially the same effects were observed with or without Mg2+, an absolute requirement of the IP3 phosphatase activity. Ca2+, therefore, is likely to affect the gating mechanism and/or affinity for the ligand of the IP3-induced Ca release mechanism. The biphasic effect of Ca2+ on the IP3-induced Ca release is expected to form a positive feedback loop in the IP3-induced Ca mobilization below 300 nM Ca2+, and a negative feedback loop above 300 nM Ca2+.
RYR2 Proteins Contribute to the Formation of Ca2+ Sparks in Smooth Muscle
Tập 123 Số 4 - Trang 377-386 - 2004
Guangju Ji, Michael R. Feldman, Kai Su Greene, Vincenzo Sorrentino, Hong‐Bo Xin, Michael I. Kotlikoff
Calcium release through ryanodine receptors (RYR) activates calcium-dependent membrane conductances and plays an important role in excitation-contraction coupling in smooth muscle. The specific RYR isoforms associated with this release in smooth muscle, and the role of RYR-associated proteins such as FK506 binding proteins (FKBPs), has not been clearly established, however. FKBP12.6 proteins interact with RYR2 Ca2+ release channels and the absence of these proteins predictably alters the amplitude and kinetics of RYR2 unitary Ca2+ release events (Ca2+ sparks). To evaluate the role of specific RYR2 and FBKP12.6 proteins in Ca2+ release processes in smooth muscle, we compared spontaneous transient outward currents (STOCs), Ca2+ sparks, Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release, and Ca2+ waves in smooth muscle cells freshly isolated from wild-type, FKBP12.6−/−, and RYR3−/− mouse bladders. Consistent with a role of FKBP12.6 and RYR2 proteins in spontaneous Ca2+ sparks, we show that the frequency, amplitude, and kinetics of spontaneous, transient outward currents (STOCs) and spontaneous Ca2+ sparks are altered in FKBP12.6 deficient myocytes relative to wild-type and RYR3 null cells, which were not significantly different from each other. Ca2+ -induced Ca2+ release was similarly augmented in FKBP12.6−/−, but not in RYR3 null cells relative to wild-type. Finally, Ca2+ wave speed evoked by CICR was not different in RYR3 cells relative to control, indicating that these proteins are not necessary for normal Ca2+ wave propagation. The effect of FKBP12.6 deletion on the frequency, amplitude, and kinetics of spontaneous and evoked Ca2+ sparks in smooth muscle, and the finding of normal Ca2+ sparks and CICR in RYR3 null mice, indicate that Ca2+ release through RYR2 molecules contributes to the formation of spontaneous and evoked Ca2+ sparks, and associated STOCs, in smooth muscle.
Type-3 Ryanodine Receptors Mediate Hypoxia-, but Not Neurotransmitter-induced Calcium Release and Contraction in Pulmonary Artery Smooth Muscle Cells
Tập 125 Số 4 - Trang 427-440 - 2005
Yun‐Min Zheng, Qingsong Wang, Rakesh Rathore, Wanhui Zhang, Joseph E. Mazurkiewicz, Vincenzo Sorrentino, Harold A. Singer, Michael I. Kotlikoff, Yong‐Xiao Wang
In this study we examined the expression of RyR subtypes and the role of RyRs in neurotransmitter- and hypoxia-induced Ca2+ release and contraction in pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells (PASMCs). Under perforated patch clamp conditions, maximal activation of RyRs with caffeine or inositol triphosphate receptors (IP3Rs) with noradrenaline induced equivalent increases in [Ca2+]i and Ca2+-activated Cl− currents in freshly isolated rat PASMCs. Following maximal IP3-induced Ca2+ release, neither caffeine nor chloro-m-cresol induced a response, whereas prior application of caffeine or chloro-m-cresol blocked IP3-induced Ca2+ release. In cultured human PASMCs, which lack functional expression of RyRs, caffeine failed to affect ATP-induced increases in [Ca2+]i in the presence and absence of extracellular Ca2+. The RyR antagonists ruthenium red, ryanodine, tetracaine, and dantrolene greatly inhibited submaximal noradrenaline– and hypoxia-induced Ca2+ release and contraction in freshly isolated rat PASMCs, but did not affect ATP-induced Ca2+ release in cultured human PASMCs. Real-time quantitative RT-PCR and immunofluorescence staining indicated similar expression of all three RyR subtypes (RyR1, RyR2, and RyR3) in freshly isolated rat PASMCs. In freshly isolated PASMCs from RyR3 knockout (RyR3−/−) mice, hypoxia-induced, but not submaximal noradrenaline–induced, Ca2+ release and contraction were significantly reduced. Ruthenium red and tetracaine can further inhibit hypoxic increase in [Ca2+]i in RyR3−/− mouse PASMCs. Collectively, our data suggest that (a) RyRs play an important role in submaximal noradrenaline– and hypoxia-induced Ca2+ release and contraction; (b) all three subtype RyRs are expressed; and (c) RyR3 gene knockout significantly inhibits hypoxia-, but not submaximal noradrenaline–induced Ca2+ and contractile responses in PASMCs.
Tập 41 Số 5 - Trang 1035-1047 - 1958
Richard P. Durbin, Erich Heinz
The total active transport of chloride ions across the gastric mucosa can be considered as the sum of two fractions; an acidic one which is equivalent to the acid secreted, and an electromotive one which accounts for the electric energy generated by the gastric mucosa. In the present studies, the relationship between this electromotive chloride transport and acid secretion has been investigated, using specific inhibitors. The rate of electromotive chloride transport was found to be essentially unaffected by changes in the rate of acid secretion, and also by inhibition of acid secretion by thiocyanate. On the other hand, diamox, in combination with histamine, was shown to depress or abolish the gastric electromotive force and to inhibit partially the total chloride transport, while acid was secreted at an almost normal rate. This kind of inhibition is undefined as to its mechanism but seems to be more specific for the gastric chloride transport than any other inhibitor known. It is concluded that acid secretion and electromotive chloride transport involve two different mechanisms, and are not absolutely essential for each other. The present results do not support the view that carbonic anhydrase is essential for acid secretion. They rather suggest an important function of this enzyme in the mechanism of active chloride transport.