Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery
SCIE-ISI SCOPUS (1999-2023)
Anh Quốc
Cơ quản chủ quản: SAGE Publications Ltd , SAGE Publications Inc.
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Faecal samples from 111 cats with diarrhoea that were living in the UK were submitted for the assessment of Tritrichomonas foetus infection by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Sixteen (14.4%) samples were found to be positive. In agreement with studies from the USA, infected cats were predominantly of a year of age or less and of a pedigree breed, with Siamese and Bengal cats specifically over-represented in this population.
Endoparasitic infections are common in stray cats. Many of these parasites are responsible for zoonoses, and stray cats can be a source of environmental contamination. The prevalence of parasites in 139 stray colony cats in the city of Milan, northern Italy, was investigated by faecal examination. The overall prevalence of endoparasites was 50.4%, with 11 different parasites found. Parasites with zoonotic potential were detected in 49.6% of cats. Concurrent infections with two or more zoonotic parasites were recorded in 14.3% of cats. Among the parasites found, the most common was Toxocara cati (33.1%; P <0.0001). The other species found by coproscopic examination were: Ancylostoma tubaeformae (7.2%), Isospora species (4.3%), Trichuris vulpis (2.9%), Dipylidium caninum (2.9%), Aelurostrongylus abstrusus (2.9%), Eucoleus aerophilus (syn Capillaria aerophila) (1.4%), Spirometra species (1.4%), Taenia pisiformis (0.7%) and Hymenolepis nana (0.7%). Coproantigen specific for Giardia duodenalis was detected in 2.9% of the samples. Pseudoparasites (eggs of mites) were found in 4.3% of the samples. No sample contained Toxoplasma gondii oocysts, despite the fact that 70 cats tested positive for T gondii-specific IgG antibodies, and none of the diarrhoetic samples tested positive for Cryptosporidium species oocysts. Variables linked to infection were body condition score (BCS), the presence of diarrhoea and infection with G duodenalis. Cats infected with G duodenalis were more likely to have a low BCS (odds ratio (OR) = 11.5, P = 0.02) and diarrhoea (OR = 30.7, P = 0.0007). The results of the present study confirm that endoparasitic infections, most of which have zoonotic potential, are distributed in stray colony cats of Milan.
Autosomal-dominant polycystic kidney disease (AD-PKD) is common in Persians and Persians-related breeds. The aims of this study were to evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of early ultrasound examination and to compare ultrasound and genetic testing for early diagnosis. Sixty-three Persians and seven Exotic Shorthairs were considered. All underwent ultrasonographic and genetic testing (polymerase chain reaction/restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR/RFLP) assay) between 2.5 and 3.5 months of age (10–14 weeks). With ultrasound, 41.4% showed renal cysts, while 37.1% were PKD positive by genetic testing and DNA sequencing. Six cats with at least one renal cyst were negative by genetic testing, while only one cat negative at ultrasound resulted positive at genetic test. DNA sequencing of three polycystic cats, negative by genetic test, revealed they were heterozygous for the mutation. Agreement was described by Cohen's kappa that resulted 0.85, considering genetic test and DNA sequencing. Sensitivity and specificity of ultrasound were 96.2% and 91%, respectively. Sensitivity was higher and specificity lower than reported previously. The higher sensitivity could be due to improved technical capabilities of ultrasound machines and transducers. Other causes of PKD could explain the lower specificity. In conclusion, ultrasound resulted in a reliable diagnostic method for feline AD-PKD1 at early age and it should always be used with genetic testing, in order to reach a complete screening programme and eventually to identify other genetic mutations.
The aim of the study was to evaluate the analgesic efficacy of gabapentin–buprenorphine in comparison with meloxicam–buprenorphine or buprenorphine alone, and the correlation between two pain-scoring systems in cats.
Fifty-two adult cats were included in a randomized, controlled, blinded study. Anesthetic protocol included acepromazine–buprenorphine–propofol–isoflurane. The gabapentin–buprenorphine group (GBG, n = 19) received gabapentin capsules (50 mg PO) and buprenorphine (0.02 mg/kg IM). The meloxicam–buprenorphine group (MBG, n = 15) received meloxicam (0.2 mg/kg SC), buprenorphine and placebo capsules (PO). The buprenorphine group (BG, n = 18) received buprenorphine and placebo capsules (PO). Gabapentin (GBG) and placebo (MBG and BG) capsules were administered 12 h and 1 h before surgery. Postoperative pain was evaluated up to 8 h after ovariohysterectomy using a multidimensional composite pain scale (MCPS) and the Glasgow pain scale (rCMPS-F). A dynamic interactive visual analog scale (DIVAS) was used to evaluate sedation. Rescue analgesia included buprenorphine and/or meloxicam if the MCPS ⩾6. A repeated measures linear model was used for statistical analysis ( P <0.05). Spearman’s rank correlation between the MCPS and rCMPS-F was evaluated.
The prevalence of rescue analgesia with a MCPS was not different ( P = 0.08; GBG, n = 5 [26%]; MBG, n = 2 [13%]; BG, n = 9 [50%]), but it would have been significantly higher in the BG (n = 14 [78%]) than GBG ( P = 0.003; n = 5 [26%]) and MBG ( P = 0.005; n = 4 [27%]) if intervention was based on the rCMPS-F. DIVAS and MCPS/rCMPS-F scores were not different among treatments. A strong correlation was observed between scoring systems ( P <0.0001).
Analgesia was not significantly different among treatments using an MCPS. Despite a strong correlation between scoring systems, GBG/MBG would have been superior to the BG with the rCMPS-F demonstrating a potential type II error with an MCPS due to small sample size.
The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of Tritrichomonas foetus infection and associated clinical signs in purebred cats in Germany, to investigate the role of co-infection, and identify determinants of infection. Faecal specimens accompanied by epidemiological questionnaires were scored and collected from 230 purebred cats. Faeces were examined for trichomonads and other enteroparasites. The prevalence of T foetus was 15.7% among cats and 18.5% among catteries. An abnormal faecal score and history of diarrhoea were observed in 64% and 61% of T foetus-positive cats, respectively, and correlated significantly with infection. Co-infection, observed in 36% of T foetus-infected cats, was not associated with diarrhoea. Norwegian Forest cats were infected significantly more often than other breeds. No association was found with any environmental factors. This study demonstrated a high prevalence of symptomatic T foetus infections in purebred cats in Germany. Co-infection with other enteroparasites did not worsen clinical signs of trichomonosis.
A total of 38 cases of naturally occurring intestinal tritrichomoniasis in Australian cats are described. Detailed information was available for 13 cases diagnosed in two veterinary hospitals, one in Victoria and one in New South Wales (NSW). In all instances, presumptive microscopic diagnoses were confirmed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing. Affected cats were generally young (median age 8 months) and of a pedigree breed (12/13 cats; 92%). Diarrhoea was observed in 10 cats (77%); the remaining three cats were asymptomatic and detected by screening undertaken because these cats cohabited with symptomatic cases. Concurrent infections with Giardia species (7/13 cats; 54%), and Toxocara species and Eucoleus species (2/13 cats; 15%) were identified. Treatment of tritrichomoniasis with ronidazole at a dose of 30 mg/kg once or twice a day, in concert with appropriate therapy of concurrent gastrointestinal infections, resolved diarrhoea in all cats treated. Limited case details of a further 25 infected cats were obtained from a commercial laboratory offering a real-time PCR assay for Tritrichomonas foetus, and compared with findings from the 13 cats presenting to the contributing veterinary hospitals. All samples submitted to this laboratory returning a positive PCR result were from pedigree cats maintained in multi-cat facilities. Most of the samples were derived from Victoria (4/8 catteries tested; 50%), although positive samples were also identified from cats in NSW (1/4 catteries tested; 25%), Queensland (1/4 catteries; 25%), Tasmania (1/4 catteries; 25%) and South Australia (1/4 catteries; 25%). Our impression is that intestinal tritrichomoniasis is an emerging infectious disease of Australian cats. Tests to detect T foetus should be a routine component of the work-up of chronic diarrhoea in cats, especially young purebred cats.
Peripheral vestibular disease referable to otitis media/interna was the main reason for presentation in three cats with cryptococcosis. In two cats, Cryptococcus neoformans var neoformans was isolated from the tympanic bulla. In the remaining cat, otitis media/interna was considered to be secondary to occlusion of the auditory tube by a nasopharyngeal granuloma associated with a C neoformans var gattii infection. This report emphasises the importance of maintaining an index of suspicion for a fungal aetiology in cats with signs of otitis media/interna, particularly in countries with a high prevalence of cryptococcosis. The presence of C neoformans may be overlooked with potentially fatal consequences where only standard methods for bacterial isolation are used to examine samples obtained from the middle ear.
The feline gut can harbour a number of protozoan parasites. Recent genetic studies have highlighted new epidemiological findings about species of Cryptosporidium, assemblages of Giardia duodenalis and Toxoplasma gondii. Furthermore, epidemiological studies suggest the occurrence of Tritrichomonas foetus in cats is on the increase worldwide. The prevalence of selected intestinal protozoa was determined by PCR using DNA previously extracted from the faeces of 146 privately owned healthy cats from Italy. Molecular genotyping on T gondii, G duodenalis and Cryptosporidium DNA was achieved. PCR assays were positive in 32 (22.9%) samples. Three animals (2.0%) were positive for T foetus and Cryptosporidium DNA, 15 specimens (10.3%) were positive for T gondii and 11 (7.5%) for G duodenalis. Co-infections were never observed. Results of the typing analysis allowed the identification of Cryptosporidium felis in all cases. The specimens positive for T gondii hinted at clonal genotype I (n = 7), genotype II (n = 1) and genotype III (n = 7). The G duodenalis isolates were referable to assemblages F (n = 9) and C (n = 2). In conclusion, the results obtained in this study add to the literature regarding the epidemiology of these parasites by confirming their presence in the faeces of healthy pet cats.
The clinical presentation and response to treatment of cats infected with Tritrichomonas foetus have not been sufficiently described in a large number of pet cats. The aim of this study was to collect and analyze clinical data from pet cats diagnosed with intestinal T foetus infection. Clinical information was collected for 104 cats that tested polymerase chain reaction-positive for T foetus. The most common clinical sign was diarrhea (98%) with a median duration of 135 days (range 1–2880 days). Forty-nine of 83 (59%) cats had diarrhea since adoption. Other clinical signs included anorexia (22%), depression (24%), weight loss or failure to gain weight (20%), vomiting (19%), abdominal pain (9%) and increased appetite (3%). A total of 45 cats had completed treatment with ronidazole, 29 of which (64%) showed a good clinical response to treatment. Sixteen (36%) cats had either partial or no improvement, or a relapse shortly after discontinuation of treatment.